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On 11/8/2016 at 0:07 AM, -RAW- said:

For those who want version email me at raw@invisionizer.com using the email used to purchase the app here at IPS, won't upload here till I resolve one issue.

Will the updated version be released here as, then?

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On 11/10/2016 at 2:35 AM, Bendensin said:

Thanks. How do I fix it?

Put more simply, how do I get Awards from this place where it doesn't work, to the point where it works properly?

Add the row to the table:


If you're not comfortable modifying an existing table… I guess wait or have someone do it for you?


On 11/9/2016 at 4:00 PM, iacas said:

Will the updated version be released here as, then?

I haven't heard from @-RAW-. I emailed to request as he suggested earlier. I continue to have issues with recounting content when only iAwards is enabled (no other plugins or applications except the IPS suite).

Edited by iacas
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On 11/10/2016 at 2:35 AM, Bendensin said:

Thanks. How do I fix it?

Put more simply, how do I get Awards from this place where it doesn't work, to the point where it works properly?


Email me at raw@invisionizer.com

5 hours ago, iacas said:

Add the row to the table:


If you're not comfortable modifying an existing table… I guess wait or have someone do it for you?


I haven't heard from @-RAW-. I emailed to request as he suggested earlier. I continue to have issues with recounting content when only iAwards is enabled (no other plugins or applications except the IPS suite).


I have replied and sent the file on email.

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9 hours ago, -RAW- said:

I have replied and sent the file on email.

Yes, just now…

6 hours ago, GrooveOnBeat said:

I tested the recount content with iAwards enabled, and could not replicate the issue. I only recounted a single member though, not sure if that makes a difference.

As with many things with this application, it seems to create very one-off issues that are unique to the member. I suspect perhaps that if you've skipped an update here or there you can find yourself with a different set of tables or a different configuration or something, and that can cause problems to some but not others.

@-RAW-, I'm puzzled why you keep asking me to PM @Kevin Carwile. This error appears to have nothing to do with Rules. As I've said… when I enable only the IPS suite of apps and plugins and iAwards, the error occurs. Every time. When I enable every application and plugin I've got but not iAwards, I can recount content just fine. iAwards is the lone culprit: if it's enabled, I cannot recount content.

It seems to have nothing to do with Rules and everything to do with iAwards. I've clarified this a few times.

I sent you a detailed set of screenshots showing this. Here it is in a video:

This is with iAwards now.

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `awards_awarded` WHERE awarded_=261
IPS\Db\Exception: Unknown column 'awarded_' in 'where clause' (1054)
#0 /var/www/html/system/Db/Select.php(346): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('SELECT COUNT(*)...', Array)
#1 /var/www/html/system/Db/Select.php(408): IPS\Db\_Select->runQuery()
#2 /var/www/html/system/Db/Select.php(329): IPS\Db\_Select->rewind()
#3 /var/www/html/system/Content/Content.php(70): IPS\Db\_Select->first()
#4 /var/www/html/system/Member/Member.php(2902): IPS\_Content::memberPostCount(Object(IPS\Member))
#5 [internal function]: IPS\_Member->recountContent()
#6 /var/www/html/init.php(441) : eval()'d code(88): call_user_func_array('parent::recount...', Array)
#7 /var/www/html/applications/core/modules/admin/members/members.php(1874): IPS\rules_hook_ipsMember->recountContent()
#8 [internal function]: IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_members->recountContent()
#9 /var/www/html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): call_user_func(Array)
#10 /var/www/html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(129): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#11 /var/www/html/deity/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#12 {main}


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2 hours ago, micronx said:

yes, that was the problem, but i think that was the update that removed that permissions.

Yes. Ditto here. It worked before, and the permissions appear to have reset. I've changed them back. Thanks.

@-RAW- did the video make my point? The recounting issue appears to have nothing to do with Rules by Kevin. It appears exclusively to be an iAwards problem/bug/issue.

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3 hours ago, iacas said:

Yes. Ditto here. It worked before, and the permissions appear to have reset. I've changed them back. Thanks.

@-RAW- did the video make my point? The recounting issue appears to have nothing to do with Rules by Kevin. It appears exclusively to be an iAwards problem/bug/issue.


Yes I saw the video, but so far haven't been able to reproduce the error on my dev board, I have created some users and awarded then recounted but no errors yet.

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15 hours ago, -RAW- said:

Yes I saw the video, but so far haven't been able to reproduce the error on my dev board, I have created some users and awarded then recounted but no errors yet.


I get that.

But the problem really seems to exist only with iAwards. I didn't apply every update, so maybe some update from to put my databases or something in a state you're not anticipating, by failing to update a table or something somewhere.

When I recount, 100% of the time, some piece of iAwards is triggered, and "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `awards_awarded` WHERE awarded_=261" fails because there's no such table or column called "awarded_".

I have an action that recounts a member's posts any time one of their items is deleted, and of course the logs are full of failures because of iAwards for this.

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How can I make my awards page look like the one shown here ->



Mine looks like



It doesn't let me change the structure in the settings, it says an award must be in a category and group.

I don't understand how you have an achievement group as well, hmm I think I'm missing out on an side plugin or something :p

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55 minutes ago, G__ said:

How can I make my awards page look like the one shown here ->



Mine looks like



It doesn't let me change the structure in the settings, it says an award must be in a category and group.

I don't understand how you have an achievement group as well, hmm I think I'm missing out on an side plugin or something :p

Hello, you need to enable the widget.

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17 hours ago, -RAW- said:

Hello, you need to enable the widget.

Sorry but how do I do that?(not sure what you mean)


I mean like how do you have an award section with the awards lined up without going into the category and an achievements section as well. It doesn't let me format it like you have in the settings.

Edited by G__
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On 11/19/2016 at 10:37 PM, Joel R said:

Hello @-RAW-

Can you describe permissions:

  • Receive -- I'm assuming this needs to be "yes" if membergroup can receive
  • Self -- ??
  • Restrict Multiple -- only receive 1 award



  1. Receive: If yes the members in this group can receive the award.
  2. Self: If yes the members in this group  can award themselves with this award.
  3. Restrict Multiple: If yes members in this group can only be awarded once with this award.
23 hours ago, G__ said:

Sorry but how do I do that?(not sure what you mean)


I mean like how do you have an award section with the awards lined up without going into the category and an achievements section as well. It doesn't let me format it like you have in the settings.


Now we use categories and can't be displayed this way now, the reason category is used now is because some forums had many awards per category and it looked bad on the front end.

18 minutes ago, GreatJackal said:


Are you able to take a look at the permissions of your app? It seems to ignore permissions, when someone cannot award someone else a particular award, it still seems to allow them to do this.




Just checked and all seems fine here, some emailed me about permissions issues but were fixed when they redid their permissions.

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3 minutes ago, -RAW- said:


Just checked and all seems fine here, some emailed me about permissions issues but were fixed when they redid their permissions.


One more thing,

Raw, can you please give us the option to disable category view? I really liked the way earlier versions displayed all the awards at once.


The sorting order, I really enjoyed having awards sorted in a specific order, now it seems that this is ignored (even if sorted correctly in the ACP).

I know there are many others in this thread who also want these features back

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45 minutes ago, -RAW- said:
  1. Receive: If yes the members in this group can receive the award.
  2. Self: If yes the members in this group  can award themselves with this award.
  3. Restrict Multiple: If yes members in this group can only be awarded once with this award.

Now we use categories and can't be displayed this way now, the reason category is used now is because some forums had many awards per category and it looked bad on the front end.


Just checked and all seems fine here, some emailed me about permissions issues but were fixed when they redid their permissions.

I just re-did all my permissions

However user groups who do not have teh "Award" permission to give the award, are still able to hand it out.


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4 hours ago, -RAW- said:
  1. Receive: If yes the members in this group can receive the award.
  2. Self: If yes the members in this group  can award themselves with this award.
  3. Restrict Multiple: If yes members in this group can only be awarded once with this award.

Now we use categories and can't be displayed this way now, the reason category is used now is because some forums had many awards per category and it looked bad on the front end.


Just checked and all seems fine here, some emailed me about permissions issues but were fixed when they redid their permissions.

Alright makes sense, thanks for clarifying :)

Sorry to bother you with one more thing but may I suggest you give users an option to disable category view :?

Kind regards,


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7 hours ago, -RAW- said:
  • Receive: If yes the members in this group can receive the award.
  • Self: If yes the members in this group  can award themselves with this award.
  • Restrict Multiple: If yes members in this group can only be awarded once with this award.

Thanks for the explanation :) 

Looking forward to the continued maintenance and update to iAwards.  I know this is a big app, but it's probably one of the most important ones for all IPS communities so keep up the good work.  

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15 hours ago, -RAW- said:

Will see what I can do in a future version as i see a few like the way we had it before.

Hey @-RAW-

Another suggestion for next update:

Can you please have it shown in profile view who awarded the award? Perhaps on the tooltip too if you are up for it, but I think this is a very useful feature that many will be able to utilize.



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