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Quote removal on mobile issues, editor trash can icon?


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Would it be possible to add a trash can editor icon that clears the editor? Probably a CKeditor plugin available that I haven't seen but I feel it should be included in IPB as default with the auto save feature you have.

Despite the huge editor improvements which have gone down great, my members are still struggling to remove quotes on mobile when they change their mind not to post in 4.1.

I've been trying myself to figure out a fool proof method of removing quotes but select all can take several attempts to highlight the quote. 

Put the cursor before the date, click delete and it takes you to the previous page. Bug?

The closest I've got is, tap inside the quote, then try to press the little square box top left then delete. Even that can take a few attempts.

My forum is littered with posts where....

1) It's just the quote as they've hit submit just to clear the editor 

2) Apologising for quoting a member they didn't want to 

3) Quote boxes with the original post removed and their replies inside.

As the user can't simply reload the page to clear, a one click toolbar icon to clear would be perfect and allow users to enjoy having the auto save feature more, I'll be surprised if I'm the only one that would like to see this added in.

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  • 8 months later...
5 hours ago, marklcfc said:

Any solution to the inability to remove a quote now and then? Especially on phones. Driving some of my members mad

I dont think CKEditor have fixed the bug, last I noticed they had confirmed the bug though.

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  • 1 month later...
46 minutes ago, daveoh said:

Exactly the same that I have running on my site now, works perfectly, only problem is I'm still forever telling people about it, feel like a trash can icon would be more obvious as to what it does. 

You could always change the icon to suit your needs:


find the 'newpage' plugin folder, and access the icons folder there.

Replace the png files to your heart's content - size is usually 16*16 for ckeditor icons, so if you find a trash can then go ahead and whack it on the image and save/replace/


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I know, looked into it, just couldn't find an icon that looked right, everything I tried stood out like a sore thumb and sent my OCD nuts. I'm a master on Microsoft Paint but have a Macbook now so my artistic talents are limited to Google image search

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