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[Idea] IP.Content: Database Pages without Categories or Index


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Creating a database requires an index (by categories or record list). Screenshots below.

Show categories

Show record list


I'd like an option for no index. There are some cases when I want to create single dynamic pages (like Updates, working projects like docs, profiles, etc.). It would be nice to have an editor to go with that page. At the current state I can create static pages that requires editing via ACP or file. Having an editor on the page itself will make things so much easier and efficient.

Can this be a feature? :smile:


Having an editor on the page itself will make things so much easier and efficient.

If you put a WYSIWYG widget on a page, you have an editor on the front end. 

Another thing that could work for you is the announcement feature. This actually works like “pages without an index” and front-end editing is also possible. 


If you put a WYSIWYG widget on a page, you have an editor on the front end. 

I was tinkering with that idea but it didn't produce the results I want. It doesn't allow me to create fields for one, and it's a static page, not a database.

Another thing that could work for you is the announcement feature. This actually works like “pages without an index” and front-end editing is also possible. 

What is the announcement feature?


Go into the ModCP to write the announcement.

Then on any page, add the Announcement widget.

I see now! That's what Ralf H. meant. :lol: I was looking at Pages not thinking outside the box. Although I'll move ahead with the database Pages, I'll play with the Announcements. I may have other things I can do with it. Thanks!


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