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Topic Thumbnail for IPS4.x


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12 minutes ago, onlyME said:

1. The ideas are so complex. The main feature of this plugin is getting thumbnails from posts or uploading thumbnails. It's a plugin for Forums so I don't want it's related to other application.

It is very unfortunate, it is much more convenient for people to choose from existing images, simply by clicking on the mouse several times, than uploading a new image (in addition, this reduces the disk space).


7 minutes ago, onlyME said:

3. I don't understand.



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

If you want to show topic thumbnail widget on the main section like this: 



you have to replace the code in bim_tthumb_widget with this one: 

{{if !empty( $topics ) }}
	<h2 class='ipsType_sectionTitle ipsType_reset'>{$title}</h2>
		<div class='ipsPad_half ipsWidget_inner'>
			<ul class='ipsDataList ipsDataList_reducedSpacing'>
				{{foreach $topics as $topic}}
					<li class='ipsDataItem{{if $topic->unread()}} ipsDataItem_unread{{endif}}{{if $topic->hidden()}} ipsModerated{{endif}}'>
						<div class='ipsDataItem_icon ipsPos_top'>
							<div class="bim_tthumb_wrap" style="padding: 0px 5px 0px 0px !important;">
								{{if $topic->canChangeThumbnail()}}
									<a href='#' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-url="{$topic->url('changeTopicThumbnail')}" data-ipsDialog-size="tthumb" data-ipsDialog-title='{lang="bim_tthumb_changeThumb"}' data-ipsDialog-forceReload='true' {{if settings.bim_tthumb_onhover == 1}}data-ipstpopup data-ipstpopup-width='280' data-ipstpopup-target="{$topic->url('tthumbGetImage')}"{{endif}}>
									<a href="{$topic->url()->setQueryString( 'do', 'getNewComment' )}" {{if settings.bim_tthumb_onhover == 1}}data-ipstpopup data-ipstpopup-width='280' data-ipstpopup-target="{$topic->url('tthumbGetImage')}"{{endif}}>
									<img src='{$topic->tthumb_show()}' {{if $topic->upload_thumbnail}}data-full="{file="$topic->upload_thumbnail" extension="forums_topicThumbnail"}"{{endif}} id="tthumb_{$topic->tid}" class='tthumbimg' width='{setting="bim_tthumb_width"}px' height='{setting="bim_tthumb_height"}px'>
						<div class='ipsDataItem_main cWidgetComments' style='margin-{{if member.language()->isrtl}}right{{else}}left{{endif}}: {expression="settings.bim_tthumb_width + 5"}px !important;'>
							<div class="ipsCommentCount ipsPos_right {{if ( $topic->posts - 1 ) === 0}}ipsFaded{{endif}}" data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="replies_number" pluralize="$topic->posts - 1"}'>{expression="\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->formatNumber( $topic->posts - 1 )"}</div>
							<div class='ipsType_break ipsContained'>
								{{if $topic->mapped('featured') || $topic->hidden() === -1 || $topic->hidden() === 1}}
									{{if $topic->hidden() === -1}}
										<span><span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_icon ipsBadge_small ipsBadge_warning" data-ipsTooltip title='{$topic->hiddenBlurb()}'><i class='fa fa-eye-slash'></i></span></span>
									{{elseif $topic->hidden() === 1}}
										<span><span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_icon ipsBadge_small ipsBadge_warning" data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="pending_approval"}'><i class='fa fa-warning'></i></span></span>
									{{if $topic->mapped('featured')}}
										<span><span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_icon ipsBadge_small ipsBadge_positive" data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="featured"}'><i class='fa fa-star'></i></span></span>
								<a href="{$topic->url()->setQueryString( 'do', 'getNewComment' )}" title='{lang="view_this_topic" sprintf="$topic->title"}' class='ipsDataItem_title'>{$topic->title}</a>
							<p class='ipsType_reset ipsType_medium ipsType_blendLinks ipsContained'>
								<span>{lang="byline_nodate" htmlsprintf="$topic->author()->link()"}</span><br>
								<span class='ipsType_light'>{lang="topic_started_date" htmlsprintf="\IPS\DateTime::ts( $topic->mapped('date') )->html()"}</span>


Gallery view widget looks outdated   (I meant doesn't look that good in some themes) :sweat: and doesn't work well on dark themes. just sharing for those who need it. 

Edited by Monstris
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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, is iт possible to add a dark outline to the cogwheel icon ("change thumbnail" in the thread overview)? The problem is that if the thumbnail is light colored in the left upper corner, the cogwheel is not visible. Couldn't find the icon yet to edit it myself, but it would also be much better if it would be supported on default :)

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55 minutes ago, MiP1 said:

Hi, is iт possible to add a dark outline to the cogwheel icon ("change thumbnail" in the thread overview)? The problem is that if the thumbnail is light colored in the left upper corner, the cogwheel is not visible. Couldn't find the icon yet to edit it myself, but it would also be much better if it would be supported on default :)

Yes, I will update it in next version.

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Two more wishes, if you don't mind :)

  1. If a topic was moved from the gallery and the link to a new location was left, you can't see if the thumbnail is just a link or a real topic. In the non-gallery mode, there is an arrow showing it, which is missing in the gallery mode.
  2. It would be great to get options to display a link/a button in the user profile and in users posts (the popup appearing on mouseover over the nickname or maybe a link under the avatar?) this button should load an overview over all topics in the gallery sub-forums the user created, maybe with a filter option or grouping so it would be possible to see in which sub-forum the topic is created. Would be nice if this list could be optionally also in the gallery mode or in the regular mode.

Thanks in advance!


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37 minutes ago, MiP1 said:

Two more wishes, if you don't mind :)

  1. If a topic was moved from the gallery and the link to a new location was left, you can't see if the thumbnail is just a link or a real topic. In the non-gallery mode, there is an arrow showing it, which is missing in the gallery mode.
  2. It would be great to get options to display a link/a button in the user profile and in users posts (the popup appearing on mouseover over the nickname or maybe a link under the avatar?) this button should load an overview over all topics in the gallery sub-forums the user created, maybe with a filter option or grouping so it would be possible to see in which sub-forum the topic is created. Would be nice if this list could be optionally also in the gallery mode or in the regular mode.

Thanks in advance!


1. I will consider this idea.

2. No, it crosses the main feature of the plugin :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I click on Topic thumbnail on Topics list to update thumbnail, modal overlay is still here and transparent after closing the modal.

As result, I cannot click on any links without reloading page.

See printscreen


Sometimes it works well and .ipsDialog has "display: none;" attribute at the end. Strange!

Edited by Florent Cadet
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6 hours ago, Florent Cadet said:

When I click on Topic thumbnail on Topics list to update thumbnail, modal overlay is still here and transparent after closing the modal.

As result, I cannot click on any links without reloading page.

See printscreen


Sometimes it works well and .ipsDialog has "display: none;" attribute at the end. Strange!

Try to run 'get support' to clear ips cache.

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  • 3 weeks later...

HI. While I'm preparing to update to 4.2 I have a question concerning this mod.

Will I be able to use the topic thumbnail in the club topic tabs too ? 
I read you wanted to focus this widget on forums only, if so, do you plan to make a version specifically for clubs ? We wouldn't mind paying for it. 

Thanks for your good job. 

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27 minutes ago, gabs007 said:

HI. While I'm preparing to update to 4.2 I have a question concerning this mod.

Will I be able to use the topic thumbnail in the club topic tabs too ? 
I read you wanted to focus this widget on forums only, if so, do you plan to make a version specifically for clubs ? We wouldn't mind paying for it. 

Thanks for your good job. 

I have a plan for clubs. Maybe in some next versions.

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  • 5 weeks later...
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