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Upgrade from IP. 3.4.x to IPS4.0 (updated)


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  • 3 weeks later...

I've got to the stage on how to convert but it just times out every time i try it...

Now i know i can use the command line but i've no idea on how to use it and how it works.

I'm really suck at what way to go as I've never upgraded to the new package...

Would be grateful for any help

Screenshot at May 30 17-45-53 copy.png

Screenshot at May 30 18-25-31.png


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Hello . At the time (february 2014) I did a migration from kunena to ipb3. Now I want to upgrade to IPS4 but my question is if the migration changes will be lost? Certain files for migration were added ( viewforum.php , viewtopic.php and config_conv.php ) and the .htaccess was modified. Any help or recomendation for these cases?

Many thanks.

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If I am reading this correctly you have already successfully performed the migration to IPB 3.4.x?

If so the changes have been made and you are running a fully functional IPB version of your board at this time?

IF your answer to both questions are yes then You can create a backup copy of both your forum site and database preferably to a test site.
Perform and test the upgrade on the test site first. This way if anything goes haywire your live site won't be affected.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 13/02/2016 at 7:10 AM, Jirinex said:


Maybe somebody can help me. We did the upgrade and everything went well, about an hour later (and with nothing changed from our side) all the css was gone and it's just loading in text mode. There are a lot of background processes still running, so I am not sure if I need to wait it out. Any ideas?


I'm encountering same problem after an upgrade from 3.4.7 to 4.1.12, it loads in text mode. I've opened a ticket asking help from support, if you have any idea where I can have a look to solve, do not hesitate to answer. 

Many thanks !

Concerned forum is http://forum.alsacepoker.fr

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I have not had this issue even with the many board upgrades on my local.

What are you able to see from the ACP view? http://yoursite.com/admin/

Are you able to see the ACP properly?
If so Go to System - bottom find Support. Look for "What do you need help with?" then then the radio button "Something isn't working correctly." then click continue.
Does this help?

2nd question - What version of IPS 4.1.x are you installing?

What version of php is installed on the server?

IPS 4.1.12.x needs the php version of 5.5 or greater to work properly

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On 17/06/2016 at 8:35 PM, Woodsman said:

I have not had this issue even with the many board upgrades on my local.

What are you able to see from the ACP view? http://yoursite.com/admin/

Are you able to see the ACP properly?
If so Go to System - bottom find Support. Look for "What do you need help with?" then then the radio button "Something isn't working correctly." then click continue.
Does this help?

2nd question - What version of IPS 4.1.x are you installing?

What version of php is installed on the server?

IPS 4.1.12.x needs the php version of 5.5 or greater to work properly


I used ips4.php to check my server and update all modules to be up to date (php5.5+, mysql5.6, etc.). By the way, I asked support for their help and they answered me really quickly and solved with their support tool.

Many thanks for your support and for their help !


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From error.log:

[Wed Jun 22 10:54:59 2016] [error] [client] PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR in /bhome/part3/03/vh46684/olgino.net/www/forum/system/Log/Log.php on line 95

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On 22/06/2016 at 9:44 AM, russur said:


Please help me guys.

Just starting ipgrade to IPS4 and... upgrade page not loading, HTTP error 500 :(

What I doing wrong? 

Here it is: http://www.olgino.info/forum/admin/upgrade/



Upload this file on your main folder and check your configuration (ips4.php). Then, if needed, do update your hosting server.


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On ‎6‎/‎22‎/‎2016 at 2:44 AM, russur said:


Please help me guys.

Just starting ipgrade to IPS4 and... upgrade page not loading, HTTP error 500 :(

What I doing wrong? 

Here it is: http://www.olgino.info/forum/admin/upgrade/



When I went to your link I saw no error. but what I do see is the login screen to the upgrader.

I'd throw you a screen shot but I am still reinstalling all applications after a system melt down.

So give it another try is all I can give at the moment

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Thank you very much, upgrade completed with some errors, but now "no way back". Community is working and alive.

Some issues:

1. some fields in member table not converted, I do it manually. Signature, pp_main_photo, and reputation.

2. If I press magical "block management" arrow, I see only few "system" block. No forum block, etc. Then, I try to uninstall and install again Calendar app, and here it is: calendar blocks is present. Question: can I uninstall and install again Forum app? Is it safe for my content? Or, there is another way to "restart" apps? Thanks a lot.


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And next question. Not about installing and upgrade, sorry please.

3. Can I exclude some forums from "unread" activity flow? Or, can I make flow with some forums only?


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2. If I press magical "block management" arrow, I see only few "system" block. No forum block, etc. Then, I try to uninstall and install again Calendar app, and here it is: calendar blocks is present. Question: can I uninstall and install again Forum app? Is it safe for my content? Or, there is another way to "restart" apps? Thanks a lot.

Check  Member Group Permissions
  Members - Groups - Group Member (Administrator)


Members - Staff - Moderators
(Right Side) Edit needed groups - edit (pencil)
*Give all permissions (button)

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Troubles again. Now my community is down because Error 502 and 504.

Hosting support says it is because very hard queries to MySQL like it:


SELECT main.* FROM `ibf_core_search_index` AS `main` FORCE INDEX(`index_date_updated`) WHERE ( ( index_class IN('IPS\\core\\Statuses\\Status','IPS\\core\\Statuses\\Reply') ) OR index_class='IPS\\forums\\Topic\\Post' OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\calendar\\Event','IPS\\calendar\\Event\\Comment','IPS\\calendar\\Event\\Review') ) ) AND ( ( ( index_class IN('IPS\\core\\Statuses\\Status','IPS\\core\\Statuses\\Reply') ) AND index_is_last_comment=1 ) OR ( index_class='IPS\\forums\\Topic\\Post' AND index_is_last_comment=1 ) OR ( ( index_class IN('IPS\\calendar\\Event','IPS\\calendar\\Event\\Comment') ) AND index_is_last_comment=1 ) ) AND ( index_permissions = '*' OR ( ( FIND_IN_SET(9,index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('m14842',index_permissions) ) ) ) AND index_hidden=0 AND CONCAT(index_item_id,index_class) IN(SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(index_item_id,index_class) FROM `ibf_core_search_index` AS `sub` WHERE index_author=14842) ORDER BY index_date_updated DESC LIMIT 0,25
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | PRIMARY | main | index | NULL | index_date_updated | 5 | NULL | 25 | Using where |
| 2 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | sub | ref | author_lookup | author_lookup | 4 | const | 12521 | Using where; Using temporary |
2 rows in set (2 min 54.08 sec)


It lasts about 1 min, and other queries not run in this time.

Support says I must "optimize queries" and change tablet type to InnoDB.

What can I do now?

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1 hour ago, russur said:



Troubles again. Now my community is down because Error 502 and 504.

Hosting support says it is because very hard queries to MySQL like it:


SELECT main.* FROM `ibf_core_search_index` AS `main` FORCE INDEX(`index_date_updated`) WHERE ( ( index_class IN('IPS\\core\\Statuses\\Status','IPS\\core\\Statuses\\Reply') ) OR index_class='IPS\\forums\\Topic\\Post' OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\calendar\\Event','IPS\\calendar\\Event\\Comment','IPS\\calendar\\Event\\Review') ) ) AND ( ( ( index_class IN('IPS\\core\\Statuses\\Status','IPS\\core\\Statuses\\Reply') ) AND index_is_last_comment=1 ) OR ( index_class='IPS\\forums\\Topic\\Post' AND index_is_last_comment=1 ) OR ( ( index_class IN('IPS\\calendar\\Event','IPS\\calendar\\Event\\Comment') ) AND index_is_last_comment=1 ) ) AND ( index_permissions = '*' OR ( ( FIND_IN_SET(9,index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('m14842',index_permissions) ) ) ) AND index_hidden=0 AND CONCAT(index_item_id,index_class) IN(SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(index_item_id,index_class) FROM `ibf_core_search_index` AS `sub` WHERE index_author=14842) ORDER BY index_date_updated DESC LIMIT 0,25
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | PRIMARY | main | index | NULL | index_date_updated | 5 | NULL | 25 | Using where |
| 2 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | sub | ref | author_lookup | author_lookup | 4 | const | 12521 | Using where; Using temporary |
2 rows in set (2 min 54.08 sec)


It lasts about 1 min, and other queries not run in this time.

Support says I must "optimize queries" and change tablet type to InnoDB.

What can I do now?

It appears the converter did not compete all tasks. Did you run this tool before upgrade from 3.4.x? https://invisionpower.com/files/file/6823-ips-utf8-database-converter/

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6 minutes ago, Woodsman said:

Google search "convert myisam to innodb"

Thank you, I`ll do it when I get access to phpmyadmin. Now I can`t open phpmyadmin and my community site because of 502 and 504 error :(

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