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Download: Easy Tabs

Graeme Leighfield

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Tried email and pm again. Plugin creator refuses to give any support. I was going to buy 2 other plugins from this creator and decided against it since there is no support. Checking user profile shows plun creator has been at IPB since the 1st round of trying to contact him and second round.

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Dynamic Drive : ajaxtabs (sorry posting from cell so no link). See example at


We used it in sidebar but sure it could be adjusted or utilized on content too



Can't post link because you are on a cell phone? But you posted a link that site(probably yours). Me smell advertising.

Here is your link sir: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex17/ajaxtabscontent/
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Yes, the link is to my site, where I have the ajaxtabs implemented on a sidebar. I posted it because I know that link off the top of my head, it's my site !!!

Could not post the other link as its not my site and I don't know it by heart. I was using a cell phone at the time and not in a position to look it up or browse through another large site. Figured the name and example would be enough for someone to google it if they liked the example. However, thanks for now posting it.

Not trying to advertise, just trying to help. Seems its not worth bothering with that sort of behaviour on here sometimes as some posters on here are so f****** cynical !!!


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Yes, the link is to my site, where I have the ajaxtabs implemented on a sidebar. I posted it because I know that link off the top of my head, it's my site !!!

Could not post the other link as its not my site and I don't know it by heart. I was using a cell phone at the time and not in a position to look it up or browse through another large site. Figured the name and example would be enough for someone to google it if they liked the example. However, thanks for now posting it.

Not trying to advertise, just trying to help. Seems its not worth bothering with that sort of behaviour on here sometimes as some posters on here are so f****** cynical !!!


I appreciate Cyrem's efforts to find and add the link. Not sure how your link is at all advertising. It just looks like another ipb forum, albeit with a fancy skin. The very fact that you are responding to a post via a cell phone says loads to me about your dedication to the invision power community.

Thanks so much.
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Seems its not worth bothering with that sort of behaviour on here sometimes as some posters on here are so f****** cynical !!!

Generally when people do that on my site and other forums, they are just trying to get people to go to their sites. So my apologies for thinking you were doing the same.

@surferboy/claudia999, I am considering making a tab sidebar hook. However I'm probably only going to make it for 3.2 since I don't have a 3.1.4 dev board setup.
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I am considering making a tab sidebar hook. However I'm probably only going to make it for 3.2 since I don't have a 3.1.4 dev board setup.

that would be aweseome! no need to look back for 3.14. I plan to upgrade to 3.2.x fairly soon. Also, I don't think it makes much difference but we use a 3-column layout for ipcontent, and the tab sidebar hook would be used for a block in the middle, wider column. It would show latest 'My Unread Content (I follow) | Blogs (I follow) | News (I follow) so the width would be around 420 px since we use a fixed width layout. The right and left sidebars are around 270 px.
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Thanks for saying skin is "fancy" but in all honesty it is not.

We adjusted our sitewide skin using nothing more than the visual editor within IPB to change colors and then (using wrappers) applied the default ip.content templates.

The main frontpage - the one that has the ajaxtabs on the sidebar - was simply created by following hints and tips provided by users on here on how to setup a main page that was different to the default index.html. (again, I am on my iPhone so can't easily link those posts but looking for my earlier posts on here from the last 3 or 4 wks would get those tips)

Ajaxtabs is setup as a block and the contents of the tabs were setup as different 'pages' (without wrapper) within ip.content. Works well for our needs.

That's about my limit in terms of tweaking it but I would imagine it could be extended to tab the content portion... ?

The cool thing (for us) was that we previously brought this script across from Joomla to Wordpress when we changed our content system last year and we were able to do so again now that we ditched WP and decided to try and get everything into ip.content.

However, we too would likely be interested in a native app/hook as anything more complicated than the basic way we implemented it would likely involve too much adjusting of code for various HTML pages for our liking (or our editors who like everything to be WYSIWYG)


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