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A little annoying (since it doesn't seem to fit the overall theme of IPS, colorwise), but other than that, I think it's a really nice touch. Now it's easy to tell who has helped to build/expand the products and also in the use of the products.

Good move IPS. :thumbsup:

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When viewing it in topics/posts, it sticks out a little bit, which is why I said it doesn't seem to go with the theme. But the overall point I wanted to make was that it was a nice touch/addition. Gives recognition to those who deserve it (I hope there is a minimum requirement but oh well). Also, seeing that it links to their contributions, helps to find their files easier.

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Wow, gotta say I really do like these. The colour seems fine for me at least! It accents well with the blues!

The image now is much better than what it was. I should have included an original copy in my first post, not just a link to the image. It used to be a green background instead of a clear one.
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