Classic self-hosted technical help
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4,402 topics in this forum
- 9 replies
Just curious :-) I theory, it's a 613MB OpenVZ-like VPS. In practice, I'm not sure about the CPU throttling.
Last reply by altenerg, -
- 6 replies
Hi, I was wondering if anybody knows how to determine what your server load limit? I am referring to the setting within CPU Saving & Optimization, which states "Will display 'busy' message when limit hit. Can be left blank for no limit". We have recently had a major issue with our forums which was due to a large number of users being online at once etc. And hopefully this setting could prevent the same happening in future? Also, does anybody have any other tips for ensuring the forums stay stable when extremely busy? Thank you in advance and apologies for my lack of knowledge in this area!
Last reply by Grumpy, -
- 7 replies
I wanted to post this in a separate thread since my stack thread was so productive. What type of disk setup do you find best on your servers for running IPB? Assume you are running web and db on the same box. SSDs seem to be the future, but the cost is still a bit prohibitive for us. One option I'm looking at is using a soft raid 10 with sata 7.2ks. I'm able to get this with most hosts for an additional $45 with the hosts. Looking at the performance seems to be about half of a 6G SSD. We have a very large photo gallery so the problem is the cost of getting an SSD big enough to accommodate that is quite expensive. If you were to go a non SSD route what do your…
Last reply by maddog107_merged, -
- 4 replies
Hello how can I show the page generation time in milliseconds, afaik I mean the php microtime. I am new to IP.Board and need to know how fast it is on our setup. Server load is not an option for us though. Thanks for any hints
Last reply by Thomas P, -
- 3 replies
Hello, We recently converted our DB to UTF-8. We still see tons of bugs and support says it may be related to the following problem : We can't figure how to use this settings in the global conf : $INFO['sql_charset'] = 'utf8'; Sadly, when using this, the DB crash right away... :x (well, we get IPB error DB screen "Your settings could not be read by IP.Board. This is a fatal error and IP.Board cannot function while this issue persists.") And it does crash too on a new server with a brand new UTF8 install... It seems we forgot to setup something server side, any idea what should that be? What parameters are crucial for mysql when using UTF-8 ? Any idea is welc…
Last reply by Akabane, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
While installing mediawiki, i am getting this error: I checked and i am using server:~# cd /usr/lib/ but phpinfo() says i am using 2.6.32. How can i fix the issue? Anybody good with linux can show some light on how to resolve the issue? Thanks
Last reply by PeterUK, -
- 2 replies
Im a bit of a newbi when it comes to managing my server but I've managed quite well so far using Debian and dot deb. But I need to reinstall my server and the current versions of php seem to be full of bugs and not work properly. Can some one help me with the steps on how to install a earlier version of php from the dot deb archives and how to stop it updating when I do a apt-get upgrade. I've searched the Internet but can seem to find a how two on the subject. Thanks in advance.
Last reply by PeterUK, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
We are in the process of migrating to IPB, and I'm using this as an opportunity to start fresh. Our board is 1million+ posts with about 1 million pageviews a month. We are on a single core dedicated running LAMP at dreamhost, but MySQL is on a separate VPS. It is safe to say I am not a server ninja although I have familiarity with the options. I've done a ton of reading on this topic here and elsewhere about what the best stack is, as well as server setup. Obviously this is fairly subjective and depends a lot on what kind of apps you are running. In our case we will be running the IP Suite but using Wordpress for content. I'm still torn on having two VPS on somet…
Last reply by Dmacleo, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi, We are trying to work out why a couple of our standard members seem to be using so many http connections which pushes up server load until we block the ipaddress. They do not have access to our IP downloads movies as they are stored in a non web accessable folder on the server and the member needs to be in our active member group to have access to download them So we have a couple of questions. 1 - Could they be pulling down all the pictures from the IPgallery and eveything else in the uploads folder? We also have an IPcontent database for streaming movies and the movie files are stored in this folder but standard members don't have access to these movies, o…
Last reply by Unlucky, -
- 3 replies
I've been looking around for re-write code for Lighttpd, but couldn't find it. I remember seeing that somewhere. But that one didn't work. Does anybody get it to work with Lighttpd.? Let me know, thanks... Alex,
Last reply by AlexKim, -
- 0 replies
Hello, i need some help to be sure there is something wrong with my server, since a few times a day load will go > 10 for a few minutes, i know tic could be a scheduled task, however Im unable to trackiit. This has been driving me nuts for months now. My server is: a 8x i7 - 6Gb RAM - sata root/htdocs HDD - sata (2HD) soft-raid0 only for mysql DATA This server has ispconfig and is running >15 sites with almost no visits compared to mine The board is setup with nginx/php-fpm/MariaDB + Varnish for not logged in users I have an average of 500 users online in the last 5 minutes. Average load is <= 3, I had applied the patch posted in this forum for that slow …
Last reply by Luis Manson, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
We actually run our own dedicated server for IPB. Our traffic is most of time over 700 connections for last 60 mn, and during frequent peak periods, we have 1000+ connections. Our server is quite robust, 2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon loaded with 14Gb RAM on Mac OSX server 10.5 But, we experiencing some downtime periods because of CPU overcharged. How can we solve that problem ?
Last reply by Lauren3, -
- 4 replies
Quick question for staff and/or IPS mods. I'm a Linux Systems Administrator and I've worked with 100's of websites over the last 10 years including forums to optimize their setup from the server-level upwards. My question, is it allowed to post a link to my Elance profile here in the support forums? I recently received a PM (have not responded) regarding tuning IP.Board. Wondered if it was against the rules to link to my paid services and portfolio via my profile? If you can clarify I would appreciate. Thanks
Last reply by altenerg, -
- 9 replies
Hello, I have a board with almost 100.000 users and more than 1 milion posts, and I'm having trouble with performance. The root of the problem seems to be one specific IPB query that is always taking more than 3 seconds to be executed and leaving all other queries waiting, making the board very slow or inacessible. After a discussion with my host provider, IPB support and with the people of this community, I'm still confused of what is the best solution to my problem. My host provider don't agree that I need more powerfull resources and blame the mysql query, IPB support told me to cut a lot of users features to decrease the size of the query or buy a more powerfull…
Last reply by Grumpy, -
- 9 replies
So, apparently, Gary is one of the top dogs when it comes to server management and fine tuning. I'm not trying to take anything away from anyone else, but I see a lot of "Gary" around these parts. With that, I'd like to call on Gary for one-on-one server tuning and analysis. Gary, whenever you get a moment, I'd like to get with you on this. I don't expect anything for free, as our time is valuable to each and every one of us.
Last reply by Jinkler, -
- 16 replies
Based one some threads I have read that I may have a setting out of whack and this may be causing my IP Content to be really slow. Can someone confirm if this is way out of wack and if I Need to change something? max_heap_table_size 268435456 max_tmp_tables 8192 I took this right from the "Show Variables" command in mysql This seems WAY out of wack to me. Could this be why I am having such delays on my IP Content? The forum runs fine though. If this is incorrect then is there a command to run to set these? hanks
Last reply by Dmacleo, -
- 3 replies
in a ccs database (IP_ccs_custom_database_4) I have a field for each entry ( record_comments_queued ) that I need to change to 0 throughout all 130 entries. I have never done something like this and wanted to try (I am using test database to do it) this way instead of d/l sql and doing find/replace. would it be something based on this?
Last reply by Dmacleo, -
- 1 follower
- 21 replies
Hello :) I'm trying for a few days to set up a different FTP for my downloads items. Got the FTP, and set it up in ACP with the help of the support (who do a great job as usual). So far so good... but there are some issues with the FTP. The community it's hosted on invision servers while the FTP it's on my own host. The host provided me with an IP as a hostname for that FTP, as i didn't had a domain name linked to that FTP. So it's normal. But because the hostname it's an IP, the IP.Downloads can't access that FTP. It can upload though but can't do any downloads. The invision support suggested me to buy a domain or a subdomain and link it with that FTP, so in the…
Last reply by Peter Istrate, -
- 4 replies
Got ImageMagick installed in place of GD, and from the terminal command line can see that it is running, but being a command line noob, don't really know the path I need to put in the gallery setup field. Any pointers as to how to find the actual path to place in there? And does it need the actual Image-Magic.X.X.X in the path also?
Last reply by Dmacleo, -
- 6 replies
Hello, I have a little trouble sending html message, once I will set this option to yes: http://screenshooter...5311258/hoypfhn It tells me that message cannot be sent, I base on Linux (php5), the sendmail in PHP is set to sendmail which is reference only to exim 4. So the main SMTP server is the exim (I didn't want to use sendmail itself so just used it as connector between exim and php as it didn't work directly to attach exim to php. I do like this for years anyway). However, I am wondering what I missed and where, as exim's logs tells me nothing special that could help me to solve the issue, any advice? P.S. tested on local copy of same forum running on wind…
Last reply by Dmacleo, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
While deciding for VPS - CPU 1.13 GHZ RAM 768 MB Disk Space 30 GB On conversation with webhost - his following reply made me to rethink For VPS 768 MB Ram is sufficient or just sufficient ??? We can have 50 to 100 0r even 120 users online as a guests Regards Saurabh
Last reply by Rhett, -
Is there anything with IPB 3.x that will not work with Percona? If I simply stop MySQL, and then go to Percona, can I expect a smooth transition, or are there more details to it than that when using IPB?
Last reply by Luis Manson, -
- 17 replies
hey guys, just set up my new IP board, everything works and looks ace at the moment. there's only 1 thing i can't seem to figure out. i have this forum hosted on a dedicated server with 10mbps bandwidth (dedicated), going from page to page is lightning fast, load times of under 0.01s. BUT, when i start/create a new topic, the next page that is supposed to show up (the new thread page) will take more 10-20s to load, even though the load time at the bottom shows as 0.01s, etc.. everything else is blazing fast.. anyone have any thoughts?
Last reply by Dmacleo, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
I'm experiencing pretty slow loading times for switching between portal/forums/chat as well as topics and forum sections. Sometimes it takes between 5-10 seconds to load a page when i'm used to 2-3 seconds. Even actions on the ACP take longer than usual. At first I thought this was because of my custom skin, but it's doing the same thing on the IP.Board default. It's not an internet problem because every other website works perfectly. Do you know what's causing it and how it can be fixed? Is it a server problem? Thanks.
Last reply by Grumpy, -
- 3 replies
I found a option - no of of IP addresses 2 or 4 What role they play ( from 2 to 4) ? on what parameters we will needed more ip address's ? Regards Saurabh
Last reply by Grumpy,