Classic self-hosted technical help
Problems related to your server or other classic, self-hosted edition issues.
4,419 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hello, I have archiving disabled and yet am finding topics disappearing from forums because they're apparently "older than the current age cutoff". Where do I find the setting to change that cutoff? why is this happening with archiving disabled? -Theresa
Last reply by Mark H, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I think it must be a setting on my server ... my users on don't get the lost-password email ... any ideas on where I should start the trouble shooting?
Last reply by Dmacleo, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
hi my forum has some infected files that have taken it offline i need help with restoring this asap. ip board have told me that they are unable to help as this is outside of the support they offer. i'm time poor at the moment and i need to get my forum online ASAP this is an urgent manner i have a backup of the forum and need help getting this working. thank you
Last reply by Mark H, -
- 11 replies
Hello. I have this issue with Facebook: All other image functions works, but support people thinks it might be GD module. How do i test it ? I Have Ubuntu server with Virtualmin GPL
Last reply by Owdy, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hello. I have a Standard License, installed on a system with these caracteristics: -) 2 CPU -) 6 GB RAM -) OS Redhat Linux 6.3 Enterprise Ed. With this hw, what is the maximum number of user concurrently online? Best regards Angelo Di Palma
Last reply by Rhett, -
- 1 follower
- 20 replies
Which SSH client you use to conect to your server/vps? I've used Putty and now im using SecureCRT.
Last reply by rct2·com, -
- 3 replies
I need to move one of my sites from being at /public_html/ to public_html/forum, whilst also keeping any inbound links working. Could someone point me how to do this via htaccess?
Last reply by Jinkler, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
as i'am struggling with my site to gain % to speed up the render and those kind of things that make the site ok for speed test etc... i have notify this "Minify CSS and JS" working fine, but not taking into account some parts of module. for exemple in nexus for add contant i get this : (60 minutes) (60 minutes) this 2 one are not cached…s/r20140731/r20140417/expansion_embed.js and this one not minify, i can't track what part of nexus js call them but there is issue here and it impact the rendering speed of the si…
Last reply by stoo2000, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Hello, As we can permit members to post images in topic we can resize during the upload process to be at the correct size in our board. the simple question is : as for gallery is there is a way to put % of quality for this images in jpeg or png ?
Last reply by recifbox, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I am trying to pull a large number of record entries from a database feed into a block to allow sorting/filtering. I use the datatables script to display my table but I'm running into problems once I try to pull more than 700 or so records from the database. The page I am building is here: Support is saying it would use too many resources which is why I am getting the errors below. Just wondering if anyone has any other suggestions or ideas other than making separate pages for each of the teams/positions I am trying to filter with. Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to alloca…
Last reply by STuDS0N, -
- 2 replies
Did they change the way it works ? It used to be simple create app copy paste the app ID and App Secret and make sure its online. now the app is in developement mode so users can't use it, I really need to go through all that hassle in app details and upload pictures and give all that info ? "This app is in development mode" Am I missing something I need now to wait for a review to make it available to my users to login with it ?
Last reply by falafel, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hi guys, I've just upgraded to Percona (thanks all for the suggestion), and I was just wondering how to upgrade to XtraDB. From what I understood, on Percona, InnoDB is automatically replaced with XtraDB, as we can check with SHOW ENGINES;, so no extra step is required to use XtraDB. Can someone confirm this? Thanks, Gabriel.
Last reply by Makoto, -
- 28 replies
Hi, We've seen an unexplained increase of our server load out of the blue. Our forum is targeted to a specific country; right now it is 3:43 in the morning and I am seeing loads above 10. Usually, at this time, load would stay at 3, tops. With top, I can see a few processes that are using 100% CPU. However, I don't know how to investigate exactly what they are doing, i.e. how to find what exactly is shooting load through the roof. Please see attached screenshot. Our webserver is a dedicated server (MySQL is running on another dedicated server) with 32 GiB RAM, SSDs in RAID0, and for CPU is has 2x Xeon E5-2430, for a total of 24 processing cores. The connec…
Last reply by Gabriel Torres, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Hi, It is a common recommendation here to move the sessions table to memory. However, today I got the following issue: couldn't login to ACP (database error), online user list showed only 17 online users (when we usually have around 1000~2000). Checking mysql log, found this: 2014-07-28 18:16:22 23604 [ERROR] /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: The table 'sessions' is full Checking the sessions table: mysql> SELECT count(*) FROM sessions; +----------+ | count(*) | +----------+ | 17 | +----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Strange, huh? Fixed the problem with DELETE FROM sessions; However, I wonder what may have caused this. Asked support for an opinion, and the…
Last reply by Rhett, -
Diagnostic Help 1 2
by Gauravk- 2 followers
- 34 replies
Hi All, I have recently migrated the community to IPB from PHPBB and apparently facing triple the load time. On same server (2GB Ram, 8 core Xeon) in phpbb it was taking around 2-2.5 secs and now with IPB its taking around 6-8 secs. I am running classifieds, company directory and IP content. I tried switching all off and still load time reduced by 10% to 5.5 - 7 secs nothing really noticeable difference. I installed lazy loader install but no luck, its still running. Appreciate if someone with more knowledge can help me finding the real pain point of this slow load up. Domain name: carnity dot com Thanks in advance.
Last reply by Gauravk, -
- 1 reply
I can't access any of my communities right now. is there an outage? These are supposed to be support forums but nowhere to put our issues.
Last reply by Rhett, -
- 1 reply
Hi, When one sets up pools, is it best practice to split up each sub domain with it's own pool. Example: stats site discussion forum some other sub domain another subdomain As far as I can tell this would be best practice having each domain or subdomain use it's own pool with it's own set of requirements based on load etc. Advice ? Thanks
Last reply by Pross22, -
- 7 replies
Hey, Just wanted to ask if someone could give some good pointer on which modules I can disable to increase the performance of my Apache Web Server: LoadModule authn_file_module modules/ LoadModule authn_dbm_module modules/ LoadModule authn_anon_module modules/ LoadModule authn_dbd_module modules/ LoadModule authn_default_module modules/ LoadModule authz_host_module modules/ LoadModule authz_groupfile_module modules/ LoadModule authz_user_module modules/ LoadModule authz_dbm_module modules/ LoadModule …
Last reply by sobrenome, -
- 10 replies
After spending almost two weeks in research and discussing my slow page load. VPS provider Godaddy blames IPB codes, IPB blames server (never ending chicken & egg story). I have shortlisted two servers one with SSD in EU to serve faster pages in Dubai, second in Dubai but w/o SSD. Before I move on I want to try converting the tables to Innodb as that is the only option has changed from my previous PHPBB setup with same post, topics, traffic and server as it was on Innodb and new IPB is with MyIsam. Regarding the conversion please help answering the below concerns. Thanks in advance. How to convert thru SSH (as i read in forums, most recommended way is thru SSH…
Last reply by p4guru, -
- 1 reply
I need some advice on which company offer best dedicated server in EU serving SSD like Softlayer and Liquid web, any more known good company if known by someone based on their IPB experience, please share. Thanks.
Last reply by Aiwa, -
- 7 replies
I've been meaning to mess with memcache for some time but never really got a chance. before I do I want to make sure I understand the procedures needed. on the source/webserserver I need to have memcached-php pecl extension is installed and loaded correct? then on another server (or same if desired) memcache itself is installed correct? I have an unused vps running on ssd thats pretty decent so I thought I would experiment. my dedicated is running directadmin with apache 2.4.9 and php 5.5.x with opcode cache, xcache for user caches, and mod_pagespeed. installing memcache on the vps isn't the issue, where my confusion lies is what need to be running on the webserv…
Last reply by Dmacleo, -
- 4 replies
So I have and was wondering how I can get rid of the invisionzone. Do I have to contact them, or is there a way I can do it?
Last reply by Grumpy, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Following the advice from GreenLinks, I think I am ready to move from MySQL to Percona. From what I understood, it is a drop-in replacement to MySQL, you just change the binaries, keep the /data directory and it works as MySQL would. Now, my question is on the web server side (we run the webserver on a separate server). Would we need to recompile PHP or PHP's native MySQL drivers are able to communicate directly with Percona? Any other advice or information I should know before proceeding? Another question, does Percona perform better than MySQL for other platforms as well or just with IPB? Thanks, Gabriel.
Last reply by Makoto, -
- 11 replies
I want a faster IPS community. The forum is the most used IPS feature of my website, with short data being read and written to MySQL DB. As long as the data that is written and read is not big, 2 SSDs in RAID 0 are going to be faster then 1 SSD? I fear that the latency of 2 SSDs in RAID 0 could be higher than for only 1 SSD, and for small data transactions, 1 SSD could perform better than 2 SSDs in RAID 0. Has anyone tried these setups?
Last reply by Makoto, -
- 24 replies
Hi, We use Xcache on our installation. On another topic, Grumpy recommended: Installing php opcache (like zend opcache) Installing user cache (like APCu) Xcache is already a PHP code optimizer, PHP code cache, and PHP variable cache. I wonder if Xcache alone is enough of if I should replace it with other solutions. Your thoughts? Thanks, Gabriel.
Last reply by Dmacleo,