Help shape the future of Invision Community by suggesting new features or giving feedback on existing functionality.
We would love to hear your ideas for future versions of Invision Community. If you see a feature idea already posted that you like, make sure you reply and let us know!
25,500 topics in this forum
I give up!
by Guest Sailor- 9 replies
After initial contact with both and my emails are now being returned "cannot deliver - error 451" (for the last 18 hours). I give up on IPB. Looking elsewhere.
Last reply by Charles, -
A problem
by Guest Mark- 3 replies
I didn't really know where to post this... Community General Chat General and off-topic community chat. This is not a support forum. Please Click here for our Community and Posting Guidelines. That link doesn't work.
Last reply by Brandon C, -
Subforum and forums
by Guest Jaggi- 7 replies
i know we can order forums and reorder sub forums but how about the ability to put them in alphabetical order?
Last reply by UBERHOST.NET, -
2 suggestions
by Guest EOJRR1- 6 replies
Well, they together are 1, but from my mobile PC, I can read threads fine, but I cannot post, reply, etc... Why not develop the ability to post, reply, etc in the Lo-Fi version... makes sense to me with all of the mobile users that are cropping up.
Last reply by stobbo, -
Option to choose between old/new PM notification style
by Guest ellawella- 3 replies
I know that I don't particularly like the new PM notification thing, and some of my members don't either. For one thing it's easy to miss, for another it doesn't seem to show randomly. That and the fact that the mini preview it shows you of the PM just sent is never formatted properly or anything. So, how about an option in the user CP to choose whether they want a popup notification or message notification? EDIT: Whoops, I put this in Invision Community Blog. Meant to put it in Invision Power Board. >_< Please can a mod move this?
Last reply by Charle, -
Sugestion: Custom bbcode security improvement
by Guest Vitaly- 8 replies
I think, current custom bbcodes lack of security. It's impossible to control parameters content. The most simple example: bbcode (published many times at this forum). There are no ways to filter <,",>,& and other signs from video ID. So, bad ID can spoil generated HTML code. I offer to add a field for regular expression, that should be applied to bbcode parameter. It can strip unwanded symbols or freeze convertion to HTML if condition doesn't match. The benefits is: - easy to implement - enougth to give necessary security for most cases. May be, that can be included in the nearest release?
Last reply by stobbo, -
Idea and implementation to reduce server load
by Guest Fast Lane- 1 reply
Since I know that for me the search tool is what causes a majority of the load spikes I have come up with an idea to solve it (I hope). I am experimenting with this right now. I know the coding is not elegant and may not work on everyones server, you should get the idea and be able to alter it for your forum. Basically when the one minute server load is above a set limit the search feature is disabled. When it is below that limit it is enabled. This will basically result in the search tool being offline when the server load is too high so that search queries do not stall and lock up tables causing major problems. alter search.php as follows: Before: if (! $this…
Last reply by awaisuk, -
Members who already read this topic
by Guest JavaGenius- 10 replies
Dear all Is the feature of showing the members who have read the thread ,at the top or the bottom of the thread page, exist? If not how can we add it? Best Regards
Last reply by bfarber, -
[Suggestion] Reopening a closed topic via CLOSED "reply" btn
by Guest Lywellyn- 4 replies
If you click on the "CLOSED" reply button of a closed topic, you cannot reopen the thread from the "After posting..." drop-down box. I think this would be rather useful. If you can close an open thread this way, then you should be able to open a closed thread in the same fashion, right?
Last reply by MC--, -
Arbizining Blog and Gallery
by Guest JavaGenius- 6 replies
Dear all I know that there is an Arabic pack for the IP. Board, but I have some questions: Is it easy to change the direction of all the IP. Board, Gallery and blogs pages to be (from right to left as Arabic language is rtl) Will the Board Arabic language pack work with Blog and Gallery? Is it easy to do this Arabization in all the products...? Best Regards
Last reply by JavaGenius, -
New accounts
by Guest Logan0- 14 replies
One improvement would be the speed of processing new acounts. I paid for ipb board in good faith via paypal, i was informed that paypal had sent the money, I was also informed via the ipb client login that payment had been recieved yet i still have not recieved anything from ipb?? Regards
Last reply by Charles, -
Email Ban Filters In Reverse
by Guest William Warby- 6 replies
I run an installation of IPB on our Intranet. Due to potential sensitivity of information, we need to limit registrations to permanent internal staff, and the obvious way to do this is to limit registrations to those people who have email addresses on our domain. Currently IPB lets you block specific domains for registration, but not block all except specific domains. I requested this through a support ticket once (before I realised it wasn't possible) and the support engineer forwarded it as a feature request but for whatever reason it didn't make it into 2.2. I have actually implemented this as a hack by modifying two files - register.php and xmlout.php. I had to add …
Last reply by stobbo, -
Feature Request: Automatically moderate posts with URLs or IMGs by gro
by Guest commanderbond_net- 9 replies
We’d like to request a new feature for the forums that would set post would automatically be set for moderation if they contain URLs or IMG tags. And that this feature could be turned on and off by group. This would allow us to set a group for new users of, say, 10 posts or less that cannot post a URL and/or an image with out it first going though moderation. If we had this feature right now it would mean 99% of Spam posts to our forums would never see the light of day. We have been getting up to a dozen or so posts per day that are nothing but spam. Some porn, some cheap drugs, some for mortgages, many in Russian, nearly every single of which contain URLs and are posted…
Last reply by bmhrules, -
Suggested Features
by Guest TwinHawksClub- 17 replies
A shoutbox or chatroom feature. I've added a shoutbox to my IPB, and I just don't see how this modification can be as popular as it is and IPB not have already added it as a feature. You could just make it like the portal where if people want it on, you can turn it on, and if you want it off, you can turn it off. I had a request from one of my user's to be able to see date and time when you hover over a user's name on the main forum page. So it would be nice if you could have that setting on the next version. Maybe just a box where you enter the format and specifics of what you want it to show (as far as the date, format of the date, etc.). I'll reply to this if I think…
Last reply by Alex, -
Resume Paused Attachment Downloads?
by Guest backdream- 0 replies
We can resume broken or paused attachment downloads where the browser supports it?
Last reply by backdream, -
Your Opinions on IP.Board 2.2 1 2
by Guest Brandon C- 47 replies
Vote in the poll by expressing your opinions for the new Invision Power Board 2.2, and express your opinions in a post in this thread as well on what you think about the new features (what your favorite and least favorite new feature(s) are), the new licensing structure, and the new pricing structure for Invision Power Board 2.2.
Last reply by whitetigergrowl, -
Licensing query!
by Guest TheDanzorLabs- 5 replies
Hope somebody can advise on this.....I've got a leased licence which is due to expire again at the end of February. I notice that the licence terminology and pricing has changed again, so can somebody update me on what exactly my options are now. Can I continue to use it till upgrades are required as before.....or do I have to immediately purchase a new licence?
Last reply by Jonathan S., -
Questions Prior to purchasing
by Guest Kent Miller- 10 replies
Dear IPB forum members, I'm considering purchasing the latest version of Invision Power Board, but I have a quite a few questions before buying it. Thanks you so much in advance for your replies. When using IPB, would it be possible to easily translate the forum in any language, since my forum would be completely in Swedish. Would I be able to translate the whole forum to Swedish without tampering directly with the raw script code; for example translating the "post" button to Swedish? And when a new update is released for the forum, do you know if I had to translate the whole forum again, if I used the update? Is it possible to use Google Analytics with the Forum to trac…
Last reply by GamingAddix, -
Multi-Program Search Results
by Guest elderban- 2 replies
This might be a suggestion for all IP programs, but a user on my site suggested having multi-program search results, meaning if I have IP.Board, IP.Gallery and IP.Blogs installed, it would return the searched results from all three programs, and possibly have the results seperated by each program name. For example... I found the following results in the Forums: ... ... ... I found the following results in the Blogs: ... ... ... I found the following results in the Gallery: ... ... ...
Last reply by bfarber, -
Friends Suggestions
by Guest TestingSomething- 0 replies
I have suggested these to a modder, but always is better if IPS implements things obviously, then it gets supported and no file editing needed. 1. Make my friends be a popup of the my assistant type. 2. Have "my friends" in red when you have friends awaiting approval. 3. Show how long each friend has been your friend. 4. Show where on the site all of your friends are, refreshed via ajax. 5. Be able to PM them through the actual popup rather than going to the PM system itself, that way it is all tied together into a nice system of communicating with your friends and going to their topics. Maybe even ahve it where if you click the topic it shows them as viewig, that …
Last reply by TestingSomething, -
Calendar Suggestion
by Guest TwinHawksClub- 1 reply
When you go to set a start date and end date for the calendar, it would be nice to have a calendar that appears like something a travel site has. Such as: Where it has a very small calendar, so that you can see that date along as the day of the week and etc. Also, after posting the event it would be nice if it would go back to the month that the event was posted for. And if the event is in both months, have it show the most nearest month.
Last reply by TwinHawksClub, -
what package is better
by Guest JavaGenius- 1 reply
what is the minimum website hosting package better suite the complete community products?
Last reply by stobbo, -
Banning users
by Guest ampburner- 1 reply
Hey everyone. I've recently upgraded to 2.2 another post on these forums I criticised the skinning engine and may have come off as someone looking to bash you guys ( ;) ) but I am pretty happy with the software, actually, and I thought I would do well to post something constructive as well, so please hear me out :P One thing that has always bugged me about IPB is the user interface when it comes to banning and deleting accounts. Suspending them is pretty simple ...once you come across a post that you feel warrants disciplinary action, you can click their warn meter and add to it immediately...fill out a little form and suspend the account temporarily or indefinte…
Last reply by Tarun, -
BBcode in Title & Description
by Guest Cornelius- 2 replies
I've been a loyal follower of Invision Power Boards upgrades and I still believe it can be better than what it really is. I would really appreaciate if there is any hope of BBcode in Title & Description for 2.2.1 or further versions. I believe it is a very useful MOD, which would definitely make me more conformed with this forum. Thank you very much :thumbsup:
Last reply by Cornelius, -
What is RSS
by Guest JavaGenius- 2 replies
Dear all I heared a lot the word "RSS"... is it a feature of IP. Board? What does this feature do for me as an admin or as a member? Would anybody explain it to me? Best Regards
Last reply by MC--,