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Everything posted by Emediate

  1. Agreed, glad I saw this before purchasing.
  2. Edit / Delete / Lock threads. It's essentially another part of the forum for discussion but without the ability to moderate it at the moment.
  3. No - dead normal. I'll follow up with PM.
  4. Is this still in progress? I submitted my site recently, but the project seems quiet?
  5. Maybe I missed it, but does Moderation options exist on Videos? For example, I need to lock discussion on a video upload. Can't find an option?
  6. Any update to your test? I wish it were working for us.
  7. This was a primary group. I don’t use secondary groups.
  8. IPB 4.5 still. But just discovered the same thing today. Topics per day for specific sub-forum set to 5. User in correct user group posted 13 topics. I thought it had been working as intended until now.
  9. I swear I did that and couldn't see 4.6 🙂 Thanks!
  10. I'm having trouble establishing if this app is 4.6 compatible and stable right now. Can anyone confirm please?
  11. Looking for someone to create a custom payment integration for Stripe, for @Michael.J's Donations App. This would allow the use of major credit cards to be used for making donations, which many of our members have asked for.
  12. @Michael.J - how about some support? This has been going on months. Why don't you want to support the product you sell? I need this fixed!
  13. Yes, Invision Support were great and promptly resolved it. Turned out a marketplace app had not uninstalled correctly and left some nasty remnants. All resolved now.
  14. We're also getting this almost every minute @TDBF - it only started yesterday but after we moved our forum to a new domain URL. Did you manage to resolve it?
  15. Why don't you link me? My AdminCP marketplace installed app brought me straight here. From within the installed plugin that information was not available. OK found it, but why is that information not in the Changelog where we would all be able to see it?
  16. Well if you bothered to return any of my PMs I would show you some of the logs and error messages that might help you fix it.
  17. Is there any update to this? I know that we have had this "fixed" before, but after a recent server or software update, this has started happening frequently again.
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