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Everything posted by Gary

  1. This has been fixed and will be available in a future release.
  2. Sorry for the delay in following this one up! This has now been resolved.
  3. It's great to have you back after so long! Invision Community has come a long way, and we are continually developing to provide for some powerful products. I have been around since 2004-2005; it really is amazing just how far it has come.
  4. Hi @Stan Jensen, Thanks for circling back and letting us know. Best of luck with your community.
  5. Hi @boro_boy, That is really unfortunate, and I would definitely agree with those above suggesting a new hosting service. You'd think that backups would be common practice nowadays. If you ever wanted to look more into our Cloud, you know where to find us. The beginner plan starts at just $49 per month.
  6. There is no such thing as a dumb question. I always have to cross-check things with the team to ensure I am providing factual information. That's what this forum is all about, and our community is very knowledgeable so can provide answers before we get around to them. I find it great when people find out answers themselves and update their topics just like you have done above. Can't wait to see your community once it's all up and running. πŸ™‚
  7. Hi @Viktor Reznovski, You can also purchase themes for your community. The first one that pops into mind are themes created by our very own, @Ehren. You can find his website at IPSFocus. Take a look through our Third-Party Services if you're looking for more custom work. IPS4 Providers - Invision Community
  8. Hi @John Horton, Thanks for circling back and letting us know the issue has been resolved. As usual, if anything else comes up, please don’t hesitate to let us know.
  9. Thank you very much for the feedback! Suggestions like these are what we rely on in order to ensure Invision Community is meeting the standards of our clients and the industry. I’ll discuss this with the team to see if it is something we can improve on.
  10. Hi @Sirapat Kidwisala, Glad to hear you resolved the issue. Please do let us know if you encounter anything further.
  11. Hi @OptimusBain, Thanks for reporting this. I have referred it to our devs for review. I will circle back once I've heard back from them.
  12. Hi @Afrodude, Thanks for reporting this. It doesn't seem to be occurring on scheduled topics I have posted here on Invision Community a little over two weeks ago, but I have sent this up to our developers as an issue for review. I'll come back to you once I hear back from the team.
  13. We will always be here to help you resolve things as they come up. I know I don't have to remind you but do use the search functionality on our forum in case it has been mentioned and resolved before. That is definitely a hurdle too. I have used the majority of forum software, some well-known and others not so much, and have moved from one to another numerous times too. Your community will adapt to the changes, as most times it was actually suggested by them in the first place.
  14. Great to hear! You may find the initial setting up of your community a bit of a process, but I promise it will be worth it in the long run! After I set up a community, I tend to not go back to most settings in the AdminCP ever again unless I specifically need to make a change or adjustment. Invision Community is very different to bbPress and provides a ton of functionality that you may not be used to, but definitely take a little bit of time in your spare time to read up on what different settings do and you'll be a pro at it in no time. You'll soon get used to finding exactly what you need pretty quickly, and we are here to hear any suggestions you have that may improve the overall user experience. Our Help Guides are also available to give you an introduction to our product/s should you need it.
  15. Hi @Carole Asselin, Just checking back to confirm you managed to get this set up?
  16. Hi @DarkRider, Glad this one was sorted for you. We all go through something like this from time to time so don't stress too much about it. πŸ˜‰ Happy New Year!
  17. Hi @Jonstar and @John Horton, I am also interested in where we may be falling short in our documentation, or perhaps our Help Guides not being clear enough. If there are things you would like to suggest making this a simpler process not only for yourselves, but for other new clients, please do reach out to me. I am happy to communicate via private message should that be a preference.
  18. Hi @LastPlay, We do read each and every single feature suggestion that our community gives us, and I would say a lot of them are passed on for "triage", further discussion within the team and/or review. Taking into account the current workload we have with bug fixes, new updates, enhancements and app-specific updates, it sometimes is difficult to get back to each and every person. There are occasions where we specifically post a 'no can do', so the fact that you haven't received a response is still a positive thing. πŸ™‚
  19. No problem at all, @Stan Jensen. I'll lock this topic, but for anyone wanting to know the answer, please visit the topic below.
  20. You’re welcome, @rinku2012. And just as a future reference, we will likely make note of newer and supported versions of PHP in our Release Notes.
  21. No problem at all, @Christopher Henry. It is quite a busy time of year for everyone so give it some time. I’m sure they will get back to you eventually. Best of luck and Merry Christmas Eve! πŸŽ…
  22. Thanks for letting us know this has been fixed. Sorry in advance if it did cause a little extra work on your end by creating new events.
  23. Hi @bradl, Thanks for following up. Please don't hesitate to get back in touch with us should you encounter any other issues. Have a great Christmas!
  24. You're welcome. Please let us know if you need help with anything else. πŸ™‚
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