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Posts posted by rubiksw

  1. How can I prefill custom fields through url parameters? For example, I have a field with the id "yourig", however setting &yourig=name does nothing. I can only prefill Invision fields. 

  2. Hello,

    I'm messing around with the push notifications to mobile devices and I noticed that when I click "enable in this browser" for both Chrome and iOS I am not getting the "Enabled in this browser" confirmation, even though I get a popup to accept or deny permissions. When I enable the push notifications via notification settings and accept the prompt, it gets stuck on "enabling..."

    Any suggestions? I checked the support tab and under the "Push Notifications" box it says no issues are detected.

  3. I use a heavily modified copy of the Nexxe template. I am at a point where I cannot save any changes to my template files due to the following error:

     The CSRF protection key did not match. This may indicate a plugin or theme is out of date. Please contact technical support for more information.

    I have made changes to the Nexxe theme to better suit my community and layout, so updating my "copy" is not an option. Even then I am no longer given the option to download a version which I could upload since the changes to themes introduced in 4.6 (or maybe 4.5). 

    I am in a position where I can no longer make any changes to my site's layout. If someone has any solution to this, please let me know. I have paid my annual dues and kept an active subscription to the Nexxe theme, so the fact that I am unable to modify MY template due to this CSRF key because I made a copy and modified the template is outrageous. 


    Note: Trying to save any changes to the theme's HTML returns the following error message: This theme file could not be saved

    In the browser's console, I see a 403 error with the CSRF protection key error listed above in RED. 

  4. Reaction permission at the user level should be a thing. I'm sure many of you are aware of "rep bombing", or the act of mass reacting to someone's content with the sole intention of hurting their credibility or personal growth within the community. Reactions & Reputation is a great way for users to express themselves. Removing it entirely or not allowing "negative reactions" due to a few bad actors is not an ideal solution. We should be able to restrict bad actors from using the Reaction / Reputation system at the user level.  

  5. Just to be more clear, with the following redirect rule

    location /showthread {
      rewrite ^/showthread.php$ https://forums.root.com/showthread.php redirect;

    https://www.root.com/showthread.php?pid=55269 is being redirected to https://forums.root.com/showthread.php?pid=55269 where the Invision pid is different from the myBB one. The converter has linked the two different IDs together in core_link_topics but I can't quite figure this part out. 

  6. On 7/8/2020 at 5:43 AM, Stuart Silvester said:

    Hi @cdymlr

    The best way to do this is to use mod_rewrite in the .htaccess file for your root domain to redirect the specific MyBB requests.

    Looking at their existing rules that ship with MyBB, you can simply just change them to have your complete URL in them


    RewriteRule ^thread-([0-9]+)\.html$ https://forums.root.com/showthread.php?tid=$1 [L,QSA]

    However, if you weren't using MyBB friendly URLs, you would need to customize the rules to redirect the PHP controllers instead...

    RewriteRule ^showthread.php$ https://forums.root.com/showthread.php [L,QSA]

    (you would also need to do this for the other supported URLs such as member.php & forumdisplay.php)

    You will likely need to tweak and test these to meet your specific scenario, but that should give you an idea of how to address the issue.

    Thank you @Stuart Silvesterfor the very detailed response! We are using Nginx and not Apache but this should lead me in the right direction. I did manage to get the URLs to redirect but the issue I'm running into now is the topic IDs vary from myBB to Invision and although the converter stores this info in the database this conversion from myBB's tid to Invisions pid is not happening. Thanks again!

  7. I've migrated from myBB @ (root.com) to IPB @ (forums.root.com). I used the provided converter but I believe the URL redirects only work if the IPB install is in the same location as the myBB install? I cannot seem to get url redirects to work properly using a sub-domain. Can anyone advise on how to set mybb thread links to redirect to IPB threads using the data in convert_link_topics?


  8. On 12/2/2019 at 2:39 PM, mutley said:

    Hi, I have just installed I am getting some unreliable results, are there any after actions I need to take, please can you help?

    From the top level view I get this..


    When I click into the 12 viewing I get this..

    Any ideas?


    Same issue as this guy. Also, can we see who's viewing at the bottom of the topic near the editor?


  9. Is it possible to automatically fill a field with data from a member's profile? (ex. have a field called member id and populate it with {$member->member_id} from core_members)

  10. Is it possible to display featured or pinned posts to all members in a specific forum even if "can see posts by other members" is un-ticked?

    For example, I want to have a post on how to appeal a ban and the requirements that should be met before posting an appeal. I don't want other members to see appeals inside unless they are Mod+ so I need a way they can view my thread with instructions but nothing else.

    Is this possible?

  11. 5 hours ago, bfarber said:

    Background tasks are kicked off when the conversion completes and will be displayed on the dashboard in the AdminCP. Those issues will be fixed when the appropriate background tasks run to rebuild the counts. Basically you just need to give it a little time.

    If you aren't running your tasks via cron, we would recommend doing so as it will allow those tasks to run quicker. You can use the AdminCP live search to look for "cron" to find the option.

    Issue resolved! Since this is a private development build and the background tasks were only set to run when users were online and doing stuff, I had to run the tasks manually. 

    I did so by going to Dashboard in ACP and scrolling down a bit to “background tasks” and running them all manually. Cron job would be better for more advanced users but this worked for me. 

    Thank you for the info! 

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