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Posts posted by Dads 101

  1. Could you add the member criteria box also to group promotions?
    I love the criteria system and use it a lot to move members to other groups when they get a trophy, but it would be much better if we could just use the group promotion system without a trophy.

    Something like 


    And do you have any plans to award points when somebody earns a trophy?


  2. 4 minutes ago, James101 said:

    Maybe we could setup a crowd fund so that you dont have to pay all the money (if its too expensive for you)

    Thx, I'm not a fan of crowdfunding, the risk is just too huge and we have enough funds for our projects 🙂

  3. 13 minutes ago, James101 said:

    @TheJackal84 made an amazing application 'Members Shop' - https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8833-members-shop/

    Unfortunately he has been away since some time and not sure if he is going to come back or not. Me and other users have tried reaching out to him but he hasn't gotten back yet. His last seen is hidden so I am not sure if he has been reading our messages or not. 

    I would like to request someone to continue providing support for this application and make it compatible for IPB 4.5. I also have a few customization request related to this application as well. I am sure me and other users who use Members Shop would be happy and willing to pay for continued support.

    @TheJackal84 - If you are reading this, please do give us a reply. Even if you are busy, an ETA would really be helpful. I hope you are fine and in good health.

    Thank you!


    I have hired a marketplace developer to create a custom gamification application for us, including Points, Member Shop, Badges working hand in hand with one code base few weeks ago and he made amazing progress till now. I'm planing to sell it in the marketplace once we're ready:)

    If there's enough interest I could see how much a converter would cost. More TBA.

  4. I’m seeking for a developer for a simple classifieds application. I’m aware of the 2 available applications in the marketplace, but I’m not happy with them.



    Must have:

    • Members can trade, give away, exchange or sell their stuff in a specific category.
    • I want to set for each category the commission from the sold item, even if it's not using a real payment processor( 0-99%) ( AKA if it's 10% the client has to pay 10% of his price to be able to submit the file)


    I'm fine with classifieds being mandatory to use this.
    I'll pay the full price which the development requires 🙂

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