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    Miss_B reacted to MythonPonty in Force Members to Make First Post in Topics   
    Thank you... 
  2. Like
    Miss_B got a reaction from MythonPonty in Force Members to Make First Post in Topics   
    I thought that I had submitted the new version which fixed the error, but it looks like I had forgotten. Anyways, I just re-submitted it.
  3. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Marc in Upgrade gone bad   
    It would seem your tables are likely using the compact row format. You need to ensure your tables are using the dynamic row format. If you are unsure how to do this, you would need to contact your hosting company on this
  4. Thanks
    Miss_B got a reaction from FelixT in How to hide /admin to public?   
    What do you mean by hiding admin to public? Are you worried about the security? If so, you can use the required multi factor authentication to access the Admin Panel. 
  5. Thanks
    Miss_B got a reaction from Greek76 in Advanced Fake Members Online System   
    They will have to be actual registered members. 
  6. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Matt in Hump Day: Announcing Invision Community's new swag store!   
    Anyone that does by an Invision Community hoodie may look as cool as me (but I doubt it tbh) 😆

  7. Like
    Miss_B reacted to brfcs in Hide users from each other.   
    I've installed your plugin and it works great, thanks. I have a couple of suggestions/question for you ...
    1) It would be great if users couldn't remove ignore settings added by admins.
    2) Is there any way to open it up to moderators so they can use the tool as well?
  8. Like
    Miss_B got a reaction from brfcs in Hide users from each other.   
    Have a look at my app. It does just that. 
  9. Like
    Miss_B got a reaction from Marc in Hide users from each other.   
    The 4.6. compatibility version has been released.
  10. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Marc in Hide users from each other.   
    Just to confirm, there is no built in way to do this. It would indeed require 3rd party items
  11. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Randy Calvert in Can Moderator Change the Date on a Previously Made Post?   
    There is not a stock way to do this but there is a marketplace file I believe. 
  12. Like
    Miss_B reacted to MythonPonty in Force Members to Make First Post in Topics   
    Thank you... 
    After installing the App i got this error...
    OutOfRangeException: (0) #0 /var/www/vhosts/xxx/httpdocs/system/Content/Content.php(171): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord::load() #1 /var/www/vhosts/xxx/httpdocs/init.php(913) : eval()'d code(23): IPS\_Content::loadAndCheckPerms() #2 /var/www/vhosts/xxx/httpdocs/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(101): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\forcememberstopost_hook_forumaccess->manage() #3 /var/www/vhosts/xxx/httpdocs/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #4 /var/www/vhosts/xxx/httpdocs/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #5 {main}  
  13. Thanks
    Miss_B got a reaction from MythonPonty in Force Members to Make First Post in Topics   
    I have changed the compatibility field and it is currently waiting approval.
    But you can download it from here and install it manually if you want.
  14. Like
    Miss_B got a reaction from SeNioR- in Where can I edit the text of the automatic email a new member receives?   
    You can edit the relevant language string. I can not remember it off the top of my head but you can search for it in the Languages section of your Admin Panel. Hope it helps.
  15. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Jim M in Where can I edit the text of the automatic email a new member receives?   
    As @Miss_B stated, this can be modified via the language system. If you're unfamiliar with that system, you can read our Guide here: 
  16. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Marc in /del   
    Please do not change all contents to "del". As mentioned, the intention is that people can see what the solutions were. I will lock this topic, as without the contents there is no longer any purpose unfortunately.
    Feel free to message me if you would like me to revert the edits and reopen the topic
  17. Like
    Miss_B got a reaction from G17 Media in Resetting UserIDs   
    @Marc Stridgen is not ignoring you at all, he is giving you a very solid/useful advice, I would listen to him if I were you. 
    I would advice you against doing that as well and give an advice if I may do so. Before you touch the database, make first a backup for just in case you will have something to revert back to.
    P.s. In your first post you say you made a few test users which you deleted again, is this a freshly installed forum btw?
  18. Like
    Miss_B got a reaction from Ravion in Pre-fill forum topic from a template?   
    Have a look at my app:
  19. Like
    Miss_B got a reaction from Marc in Resetting UserIDs   
    @Marc Stridgen is not ignoring you at all, he is giving you a very solid/useful advice, I would listen to him if I were you. 
    I would advice you against doing that as well and give an advice if I may do so. Before you touch the database, make first a backup for just in case you will have something to revert back to.
    P.s. In your first post you say you made a few test users which you deleted again, is this a freshly installed forum btw?
  20. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Marc in Resetting UserIDs   
    I have moved your ticket to our developer forum in case any 3rd party developers wish to advise on this. I do however need to warn you that by manipulating the database in this manner, we would be unable to assist with any future issues which may arise on this.
  21. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Marc in Resetting UserIDs   
    There is no best approach to this. Its quite simply something you should never ever do. I can move your ticket to the development forum if you would like, but it's not something we can assist with in any way. Advice or otherwise. I cannot emphasise enough how much things are very very likely to break. 
  22. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Marc in Resetting UserIDs   
    Im not sure what gives you that impression there. There is no way in which to fix this issue. You are trying to fix something that isn't something that is broken. If you deleted members, it will not change other peoples IDs to ensure every ID is populated as you are suggesting. You stated also that you changed some of the tables, but there are a lot of tables. If you do that, you will very likely break your site. If you feel I havent answered a specific item there, you would need to clarify
  23. Thanks
    Miss_B got a reaction from BradSmith in Hide Ignored Content Completly   
    I had missed your pm @TDBF, just read it and replied back Anyways, I have placed this at the top of my to do list and look into this a.s.a.p.
  24. Thanks
    Miss_B got a reaction from TDBF in Hide Ignored Content Completly   
    I had missed your pm @TDBF, just read it and replied back Anyways, I have placed this at the top of my to do list and look into this a.s.a.p.
  25. Like
    Miss_B reacted to IveLeft... in Unable to access at all   
    The only people who can help with the little information you give is Invision staff.
    Whats your website doing or not doing when you load it ? have you looked in developer tools to see the errors in a browser ? You can also turn on php error reporting on the host ? Is it shared hosting ? VPS ? Dedicated ? Has it ever worked ? Are you using plugins ? Are you using the standard theme ?  Have you just upgraded ? Is it a new install ? 
    The more info you give the better the help youll get.....
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