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Everything posted by SeNioR-

  1. Hi Thomas. Your settings look fine. To be sure, see the documentation: Searching your community
  2. Steve, go to ACP --> SYSTEM --> Settings --> Posting. Now go to Links Tab. Uncheck "Force posted links to open in new windows?"
  3. hmmm try remove target="_blank" from <a> tag. <a class="ipsButton ipsButton_primary ipsButton_medium" href="https://bit.ly/3wPZ0m3" rel="external nofollow noopener">Create Your Free Trial Account Now</a>
  4. Yes. See this topic: Has member title been removed?
  5. I had a different experience and in my opinion it is better to upgrade to 3.4.9 (last version) and then to IPS 4
  6. You can use the built-in classes to change the background color ipsButton_link ipsButton_veryLight ipsButton_light ipsButton_negative (red) ipsButton_positive (green) ipsButton_intermediate (orange) example <a href="YOUR_URL" class="ipsButton ipsButton_negative ipsButton_medium">YOUR TEXT</a> or customize the button using inline CSS styles <a href="YOUR_URL" style="background:blue; color:yellow; font-size:30px;" class="ipsButton ipsButton_primary ipsButton_medium">YOUR TEXT</a>
  7. This was added in IPS 4.4 or 4.5. Adding backslash means "load from the root namespace for performance reasons". Using the root namespace allows PHP to use Opcode to run the function which can be much quicker. More: Strange Whoops! on 4.4.1
  8. But Nathan wrote what to do and how. What else do you not understand? Check CSS Framework Buttons. <a href="YOUR_URL" class="ipsButton ipsButton_primary ipsButton_medium">YOUR TEXT</a>
  9. SeNioR-

    Profile Page

    Edit: I suggested something that is already built in. Never mind anymore.
  10. Additionally, you can add to custom.css .cPost .cPost_contentWrap {overflow: hidden;} .ipsPageHeader h1 {overflow: hidden;}
  11. There was never any documentation and I doubt anyone wrote it after so long.
  12. Seems to be working now, but not completely. There are warnings. (reported to bug tracker) Mobile View Desktop View
  13. Does 4.6 support .svg for reactions, category icons?
  14. Hi. It would be nice to add an advanced tag management system. Something like in WordPress. Mass delete and add tags. Each tag could have a description, and the tags could be indexed on Google. Making "Tags" indexable
  15. I know it's a bit controversial but it's just a suggestion 🙂 Don't take it personally.
  16. I agree with you. Originally, the AMP solution was intended for media sites. Google wanted to help news stories come up almost instantly from the search results. Over time, AMP has spread to other types of sites - particularly advertisers, ad-technology platforms and e-commerce sites as well as publishers. What is Google AMP? AMP is an open source project designed to help web publishers create mobile-optimized content that loads instantly on all devices, according to Google. "We want webpages with rich content like video, animations and graphics to work alongside smart ads, and to load instantaneously. We also want the same code to work across multiple platforms and devices so that content can appear everywhere in an instant — no matter what type of phone, tablet or mobile device you're using." - Google says.
  17. It's not a bad idea, but I think it's better to let users choose pronouns from a list, instead of typing them by hand. Unfortunately, IC does not have a drop-down list in the profile fields. We can only use a checkbox or a select box fields, which are not 100% adapted to this.
  18. Hovercard has already been improved. This field has been removed to improve optimization to make the hovercard load faster. I've never paid attention to this field, more to the online status. The online status next to the username looks clearer so I will agree here. 👍
  19. The "Topics to Follow" widget could be based on topics that are already followed by more than (x) people, or are currently popular. The "Who to Follow" or "You might like" widget could be added in the profile and be based on people who follow the same person as us, or people who are popular, eg have a large number of posts or reputation.
  20. Recently, Instagram has implemented a new self-expression feature. They added a "Pronouns". LinkedIn added the same field a little earlier. More and more users feel the need to inform which gender they identify with. Transgender people in particular do this for understandable reasons. Pronouns are not obligatory and Instagram users can decide whether the pronoun will be visible to all visitors to its profile or to those who follow it. In the UK, for example, Instagrammers can choose between his, he, him, she, her, hers, hir, e, ey, em, eir, they, them, theirs, thon, thons, per, pers, fae, faer , ze, zir, zie, xe, xem, xyr, co, cos, ve, ver, vis, vi, vir, ne, nir, nirs, nee, ner, ners, mer and mers. Of course, we can use our own built-in profile fields, but they are not translatable and will not be displayed at the top.
  21. It seems to me that IcoMoon is now only used for installation / update and in development mode. Admin admin\install\css\fonts.css admin\install\css\misc.css admin\install\font\icomoon.eot admin\install\font\icomoon.svg admin\install\font\icomoon.ttf admin\install\font\icomoon.woff admin\upgrade\css\fonts.css admin\upgrade\css\misc.css admin\upgrade\font\icomoon.eot admin\upgrade\font\icomoon.svg admin\upgrade\font\icomoon.ttf admin\upgrade\font\icomoon.woff Dev applications\core\dev\codemirror\mode\sass\test.js CKEditor applications\core\interface\font\icomoon.eot applications\core\interface\font\icomoon.svg applications\core\interface\font\icomoon.ttf applications\core\interface\font\icomoon.woff
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