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Jim M

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Everything posted by Jim M

  1. This works too. Just thought that might be confusing them pointing them back where they had issues 🙂 .
  2. Easiest way is to go ACP -> Members -> find the user's profile -> scroll down to "Warnings & Restrictions" -> click "Ban" -> setup ban for duration you want.
  3. The user wasn't banned but rather had posting restrictions so could still access your community and perform all other functions except for posting. If you do not want someone accessing your community, you will need to suspend them from your community via a ban. This would either be meeting the warning points necessary by your warning configuration, if the moderator has permission to setup a custom warning solutions (i.e. suspend/ban them), or as an administrator, using the ban feature to suspend them on their ACP profile.
  4. Please update the ticket with any further information you would like to provide.
  5. Please be advised I have transferred this to a ticket so we can further investigate. Please watch your email for further correspondence.
  6. What version did you upgrade from? Did you encounter any errors during the upgrade?
  7. This is why we asked you to do this with your hosting provider. They would need to analyze the database and see what is happening causing the corruption you are experiencing.
  8. What you have there is correct. Please see my reply above about the 301 redirect page. That would likely be interfering with it here.
  9. Could you please show a screenshot of how it was implemented? Additionally, the URL on file for your community is leading to a server 301 redirect page (with no redirect). If that URL is the URL you setup for Google Analytics, you would need to correct that before Google can see it.
  10. The queries are 100% correct. The issue is your database server, which is why we are asking you to perform this with your hosting provider.
  11. You would need to have them execute those commands on your database and see what happens. Explain to them that when the software does it, the database encounters problems.
  12. Thanks! I've moved this to a ticket so we can further investigate and see what is happening here.
  13. Are you OK with us adding to the article?
  14. I would advise checking that with your hosting provider because something is happening when that executes. It is best for your hosting provider to review what is happening.
  15. So the article body there is just over 67k characters. The article is quite large but nothing which the dataset can't handle so far. What is the total size of the article which you are attempting to add? How many more images are you attempting to add? You may hit some restriction on our firewall prior to hitting the size allotment for the database.
  16. Do you have an example of what you're attempting to post? I think it would be rather hard to hit a limit there but there may be something else going on.
  17. Sounds like a temporary block but please let us know if it happens permanently again 🙂
  18. The "file" is what you are seeing there in your screenshot. "custom.css" is the custom.css file. These are all "virtual" files as it really is just stored in a database but I used the word "file" to simply relate it to a regular instance most people are familiar with. Both themes you named these as "custom.css" (or used the default provided CSS file). This is why your CSS is overwriting as it is intended. You would want to create a new CSS file (scroll down to the bottom -> click new -> CSS File). Then name it something you'd recognize when in the child theme, I suggested "parent" to be in the parent theme and "child" to be in the child so you understand. There is no need to include the CSS. Theme's CSS are automatically included on all pages.
  19. The software itself, does indeed prevent conflicts. The database configuration, however, is where that falls short. Improvements can indeed be made; we both agree on this. However, in the current state of things, if third party applications/plugins currently don't implement the same validations or prevent/break those from happening, that can create issues that users are seeing. Regardless of what we do, third party providers would still need to resolve their solution or errors would still happen, they won't create conflicts, but they'd still happen. If you want to see improvements that you mention here, please provide them in the Feedback forum as instructed.
  20. Glad to hear everything is working now 🙂
  21. Are you using the URL which you have on file here? If so, I get "No applications to upgrade"
  22. It would have been in the red box on the page mentioned 🙂 . Could have just been at the right time. Unsure if you didn't see it honestly as it would have been displayed to anyone there.
  23. /admin/upgrade . Showed it right there on the UI.
  24. Going to the upgrader now, I am seeing the below: The error reported was: session_start(): Failed to read session data: files (path: /var/opt/remi/php81/lib/php/session) You will want to check your PHP session configuration as it cannot read/write to the location there. You will want to ensure it exists.
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