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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. Please be advised I have moved this to a ticket so we can better investigate what is happening with this particular user here as something seems to be off. It could be related to a third party application/plugin or a bug in the core but we will need to investigate further. Please watch your email for further correspondence.
  2. How exactly did you manually assign these? I am asking as the renewal for the subscription for this user was assigned to another completely different user. Was this manually edited in the database?
  3. In 4.7.1, both these scenarios should be covered but as you are on a older release, I would advise upgrading and trying again. If you're still having an issue we would require access to further investigate.
  4. Believe we're missing some information here: do they have an expired subscriptions? Were they given a free subscription via the ACP?
  5. You would need to move these into our software itself (Pages Media would handle these well) or use an external image host. You cannot move files outside of the software to our Cloud, I'm afraid. It would be advised to perform this prior as you would get gains from it. However, if you did perform the move, we can factor this into your migration when you speak to our Sales team. Speaking of which, if you're interested, I can move this to our Sales team so you can get any further questions answered. Please let me know.
  6. While I get what you're saying, I don't think every software free/paid will ever consistently match up exactly feature to feature. Our users have had different objectives so certain items have been prioritized or just simply haven't been brought up yet. However, that's not to say, this particular feature won't be in the software in the future. You're more than welcome to provide this in our official Feature Suggestions forum for further evaluation for a future release.
  7. Are you using a modified language pack? If you create a new language pack, do you have the same issue?
  8. Believe there is a misunderstanding here, that message is coming from your server, not our software. Therefore, something on the server is causing this message to appear. Perhaps, it is hitting some limit which is configured. Server diagnostics is outside our scope of support so your hosting provider would need to investigate why you are getting a 429 Too Many Requests message. Even if our software is the root of the issue, your hosting provider would need to provide supporting logs to detail that. Without the 429 error gone or some logs pointing towards a software fault, we are unable to move forward in assisting you.
  9. If you're doing a full server change over, you will want to follow these instructions:
  10. I'm afraid, you would need to work with your hosting provider as this is coming from your server, not our software.
  11. There is not here, as the stack trace is rather generalized. Unless you are aware of if there are any which hooks into this: marktopic_hook_code_forums_modules_front_topic
  12. As Daniel mentioned, there is a custom theme or third party application/plugin which is causing this issue. You would need to find out which one it is and then disable it and contact the author.
  13. Recovery mode: Alternatively, you will want to go back to PHP 7.4
  14. You will need to check with your hosting provider, as it sounds like either the server is overloaded or your firewall is blocking you.
  15. You would need to contact your hosting provider for assistance here then as the log may be stored elsewhere. In order to assist you further, we would need to know the error here which is causing the Internal Server Error.
  16. You would need to ask the developer involved with that application as their uninstall methods should remove all items registered with the application. With that said, has this corrected the background tasks running?
  17. You will want to check in your server error logs what exactly the error is that you're hitting there as the server is stopping our software execution.
  18. Is your server able to access the URL you've provided? Which community is this for? The one you marked for this topic does not appear to have RSS Feed imports.
  19. You’ll want to check what the error is in your server error log. If you do not have access or are unsure how to do this, please contact your hosting provider.
  20. Sorry but as mentioned, advanced support is only available during regular business hours and the advanced nature of your request may take some time. Our team is looking into the issue and will respond when they have something to relay back. I apologize for the delay.
  21. Sorry but as mentioned, advanced support is only available during regular business hours and the advanced nature of your request may take some time. Our team is looking into the issue and will respond when they have something to relay back. I apologize for the delay.
  22. It's a pretty straight forward PHP/MySQL based application move but we do have this guidance for moving servers:
  23. Believe there is some confusion on the URLs used as those were not referenced. You would take your base URL of your community and add api and then the endpoint. Therefore, if the following is true: Base URL: https://example.com/ Endpoint you're accessing: /core/hello Then the URL would be: https://example.com/api/core/hello If your server requires a query string for the API key, you then would tack that on as ?key={insert key} I'm afraid, custom development is outside our scope of support. If you are unsure how to read the documentation, then I would suggest working with a developer. Any further questions on the API, please post in our Developer Forum to receive help from fellow third party developers: https://invisioncommunity.com/forum/504-ips-development-gateway/
  24. Before doing any type of restore, I would advise going to the Client Area and downloading a full set of files, extracting these on your computer. Then upload the contents of the "ips_****" folder to your server, overwriting what is there. Then try again.
  25. Unfortunately, this is not a slow query log. It is a process list of running processes. By that, however, there is a process running on a system database for 308 seconds. This would need to be evaluated by your hosting provider as it is a core table of MySQL.
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