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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. Ok, I apologize if I misunderstood you but wanted to clarify what is being done due to some of replies. Yes, that is fine. Thank you.
  2. I’m afraid, this is the license agreement and what has been instructed from my first post and why I am clarifying it. You can keep the production install live but you would need to remove the test install from its current location if you want to create a new test install at another location.
  3. You would need to decommission the whole installation, not just on the license URL on the license. As the license is what allows you to run the software in the given location. Without that piece, you can't run the software there.
  4. I'm afraid, there is still some confusion here. This would still result in you have 2 Test instances when you can only have 1 accessible in this manner. If you need to test, you would want to use your existing Test URL to do so or use a localhost install so it is not accessible over the internet in this manner.
  5. Please keep in mind I can only inform you what the software is capable of today. If you need something beyond this, to aid your hosting provider in their troubleshooting, that unfortunately, would need to be custom right now. However, you're more than welcome to submit this as a Feature Suggestion if you think this would be useful for a core part of the software.
  6. We recommend running a sub-domain on the Live URL's domain so that if you need to move it around to different servers, you can simply and easy via DNS without needing to change what is on the license. For example, if your live URL's domain was example.com, your Test URL would be at test.example.com. If you would like to do that and decommission your current Test URL, we can do that for you now.
  7. Sorry, there is no method to disable cache on blocks. It must be more than 1 minute.
  8. Custom member titles were removed from default functionality so would require a custom profile field and a customization of your theme now. Here is a topic on that:
  9. That is our customer's group icon 🙂 . Pips are no longer a thing, I'm afraid.
  10. You may wish to try hCAPTCHA as that is supposedly better. FWIW, I use it on my own community and get limited spam emails. That is correct. As previously mentioned, only CAPTCHA would show on contact us. Imagine a scenario where someone was having issues registering because they couldn't get past your Q&A, now they would also not be able to contact you.
  11. Sorry, please note that your license only entails you to run 1 Live URL and 1 Test URL. If I am understanding what you are describing here, you have a third location now running the software which is against those terms. If you require support, please ensure that you get in line with support terms and we can proceed.
  12. At this point in time, there are no manual point assignments to increase ranks. Only badges can be manually assigned at this time so there may be something there to recognize those members who had larger post counts when you had to start over. If add points or moving ranks manually is something you'd like to see, please leave your suggestion in our Feature Suggestion forum.
  13. Nope. That button I told you about would only rebuild Achievements. However, this will only count based on what is in your database.
  14. After upgrade, you will want to set your rules to how you like them and then rebuild the achievements by going to ACP -> Members -> Achievements -> Settings -> Rebuild Members' Achievements.
  15. Have you updated all your theme templates to be compatible with the latest release? Do you have any third party add-ons related to this? Do you have any user complaints of not being able to register or login?
  16. You'll want to ensure that you have enabled in ACP -> Members -> Spam Prevention -> "Guests must complete CAPTCHA in order to post?" This will also enable a CAPTCHA on the contact us form. At this time, however, this is the only method to prevent spam on the contact us form for guests.
  17. You would need to revert your modified email templates in ACP -> Customization -> Appearance -> Emails
  18. Regarding the blocks issue, please disable all third party applications, plugins and switch an unmodified theme then try again. Likely this is an error with one of those which is not compatible with your release. This is not an error but rather a warning. You would need to contact your hosting provider for assistance as mentioned there. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  19. Nothing here would require FTP access. You can create HTML/CSS based layouts via our Pages application 🙂 .
  20. You have a third party application related to members that requires updating. Please update that then see if that helps correct your issues with background tasks.
  21. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  22. Community in the Cloud. Our Cloud service 🙂
  23. The license wouldn’t prevent it from working like this. Are you using CRON to run background tasks? If so, did you update CRON when you moved your site?
  24. We would need to investigate your installation to provide further feedback about what the issue is. If you do not wish to provide us access, I’m afraid, it would be hard or impossible for us to inform you what is wrong. This isn’t a direct permissions issue, it is a programming error or otherwise that requires further investigation.
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