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Mike G.

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  1. Agree
    Mike G. reacted to David N. in Invision Community 5: The story so far...   
    I really can't wait to hear about it, that sounds great! 🙂 
  2. Like
    Mike G. reacted to Dreadknux in Invision Community 5: The story so far...   
    "Not to mention, there is a significant update to Pages underway."
    👀 👀 👀 👀
    "We also have a lot of less flashy updates, such as the new consolidated Feature/Our Picks feature, which is now a single feature."
    This is promising and definitely reduces a lot of duplication of features across the community. Will there be any further optimisation/features for Our Picks as well? Ability to filter entries by content type/node category, auto-feature of certain content nodes (ie. automatically Our Pick a 'News' Pages record), that sort of thing? It'd be great to use this as part of a more advanced homepage feature!
    Looking forward to hearing more. Hopefully there will be more to say about other apps as well (Gallery, Blogs, etc) but I'm happy with the chat about theming, Forums and Pages so far! Thanks for all the amazing updates! 😄
  3. Like
    Mike G. reacted to Matt in Invision Community 5: The story so far...   
    Just six short weeks ago, Ehren hit record on a video that changed everything for Invision Community.
    The blog was called "Introducing a fresh new vision for Invision Community 5," and it ripped up the rule book on what forums should look like and revealed a slick new look featuring a new forum home feed view and sidebar navigation.
    A lot has been discussed, but we're not even close to done!
    Before we bring you news of more features after Thanksgiving, I wanted to take a mid-season break to recap what we've seen so far.
    First up was the introduction video, which gave a broad overview of the new UI Invision Community 5 would be sporting. Ehren takes us through many new elements, including the sidebar navigation, forum feed view, simplified post view and more.
    Up next was a focus on dark mode, accessibility and mobile views. Invision Community 5 features the ability to have native dark mode without additional themes or complex variables to set up. Our aim with Invision Community 5 is to hide the complexities and technology and just let you focus on creating a great community experience for your audience.
    Bringing complex theming to everyone was the message in the blog talking about the new theme editor. Now, you can make wide-ranging changes to your theme without the need to edit CSS or manage HTML templates, all driven by a smart and simple interface.
    Next, it was my turn to talk about a new feature. I introduced two new features designed to help those who run support-based communities. Finding the most helpful answers and identifying community experts help your members do more with less time and frustration.
    Last week, Ehren demonstrated our new icon and badge builder, which is an amazingly powerful tool to produce slick and professional badges along with the ability to customize your community further with emojis and icons for menus, reactions and more. Building ways to reduce the barrier to customization has been a strong theme for Invision Community 5.
    We can all agree that we've showcased a lot of impressive functionality coming with Invision Community 5 already.
    But what does the future hold?
    Lots! We have a lot of new functionality that we're putting the finishing touches on, and we can't wait to show you more. These new features further help to reduce noise in topics, make the community feel alive and bring long-needed updates to core components such as the editor. Not to mention, there is a significant update to Pages underway.
    We also have a lot of less flashy updates, such as the new consolidated Feature/Our Picks feature, which is now a single feature.
    An improved Moderators Control Panel brings a more uniform experience across deleted, hidden, and content waiting to be approved.

    We're still on course for a release of Invision Community in early 2024 and can't wait for you to experience the future of forums.
    What has been your favourite feature so far? I'd love to know; drop a comment below!

    View full blog entry
  4. Thanks
    Mike G. reacted to Matt in Oh my god? No v5 Teaser?   
    We will have something tomorrow. 😬🎉
  5. Haha
    Mike G. reacted to Chris59 in Oh my god? No v5 Teaser?   
    Latest weeks we got spoiled with a v5 teaser in the middle of the weeks . it's Thursday . wake up guys



    Just kidding . Can't wait 😉 

  6. Like
    Mike G. reacted to Joey_M in Videos Support   
    This is something you absolutely must take on the chin, and whilst I understand your point - it is not always possible to provide visible updates to everyone and nor will everyone read them. There are updates on Michael John's site, albeit a bit old, but I don't believe he's someone who would just walk without trying to address things.
    If you managed to get your money's worth from the app, then that's at least one good thing. I would definitely recommend purchasing Adriano's app.
    Yet anything in the real world can and will happen, it's not always as simple as leaving updates and as you mention. Devs won't simply give their resources away for free; it takes a dev to pick them up and to pay a fee for them. In most cases, I think it's more common to see a new resource created from scratch.
    Keep in mind that some Dev's have died, others have left in bad ways, but Michael is between this as far as I can tell. Whatever has his focus must be very important to him. 
     I get what you are saying, but it's not something to be expected.
    It's a gamble on our part; you pay for the resource as it stands and Michael is one of those devs who add features to improve his work without additional fees. Whilst an explanation to say "I am unable to provide updates for the foreseeable future." would be nice.
    There are no guaranteed expectations.
    I don't think we as clients have that right either, at least not to demand it. As I say, I get the frustration, but I sway more towards concern than outrage.
  7. Thanks
    Mike G. got a reaction from WebCMS in Whatever happened to the Fluid display?   
    The subforums aren't required for clubs to show. I have 12 (main) forums and I have the club checkboxes hidden via CSS. I have all the club forum content show in fluid mode if a member switches to that. I'm using the Combined Fluid Mode for categories though which is accessible for guests. Here's an example of the General Entertainment category.
    Reading your next post, this sounds a bit above my technical knowledge though without seeing it, but if you want to send me a DM, I wouldn't mind chatting it out and seeing if I can lend a hand. 
  8. Agree
    Mike G. reacted to Cedric V in Invision Community 5: Badge creation and icon customization   
    Thanks @Matt Finger 🙌 
    I've seen some great icon customization add ons, but never have I seen the ability to create your own INSIDE the AdminCP. So that is really convenient and next level. Really looking forward to play with that. 🙂 
  9. Like
    Mike G. reacted to Ehren in Invision Community 5: Badge creation and icon customization   
    Invision Community offers fantastic ways of customizing the user experience for your members, and today, we’re excited to introduce some new and really simple ways of customizing Invision Community 5 even further using our new icon tools.
    Icon Picker
    Lets begin with our brand new icon picker. Containing both Font Awesome icons and emojis, the new picker allows you to easily search and assign icons to specific areas throughout your site. Lets take a look at some examples!
    Navigation icons
    Adding icons to the navigation list has been a highly requested feature, so we're happy to announce that you can now use this new picker to do exactly that, for both the horizontal and vertical navigation panels, without needing to modify your theme.

    Forum icons
    Uploading forum icons is a great way to personalize individual areas of your community. In the past, these icons have typically been images, uploaded via the admin panel. In addition to the upload form, the icon picker now makes it a breeze to assign icons to forums - and if a Font Awesome icon is chosen, it'll even inherit the featured forum color.

    Forum Feature Color
    We have brought the existing forum feature color to feed view allowing for a flash of color and personalization that helps associate a color with a specific forum. The feature color pairs really well with the card image to lift the forum display.

    Icon creator for badges, ranks and reactions
    Creating unique badges, ranks and reactions is a great way to boost activity within your community by encouraging members to share more engaging and frequent content - but designing these icons from scratch using a graphics program often comes with hurdles of its own.
    With our new icon creator, you can now design your own custom icons for badges, ranks and reactions straight from your Admin panel, using a combination of colors, icons and shapes.
    We think this new icon creator will make the rank, badges and reactions features even more accessible for everyone, allowing you to create a user experience that is uniquely yours. With Invision Community 5, bringing in customization and personalization moves beyond adding new themes.
    We're excited to see how you can take advantage of these new tools, and we look forward hearing your feedback in the comments below!

    View full blog entry
  10. Thanks
    Mike G. reacted to Marc Stridgen in Invision Clubs   
    There are no plans to remove clubs
  11. Like
    Mike G. reacted to Matt in Invision Community 5: Finding community experts   
    This feature was deliberately separate from group promotions and member groups because we wanted something special that sits along side those things. There are plenty of ways to reward time spent, posting volume and so on through group promotions and achievements.
    The community expert featured here is focused around knowledge, accuracy and solutions, which may not be a fit for every type of community.
    I also want to move away from things that are possible but need a lot of set up, thought, and management of multiple tools across the AdminCP into something more pre-built and working out of the box.
    We have a lot of complex functionality but most of it goes completely unused because it needs a lot of thought and set-up to get the most from it.
    Modern communities battle churn, so the longer the pathway towards being seen as trusted, the less likely anyone will remain long enough to complete it.
  12. Like
    Mike G. reacted to Matt in Invision Community 5: Finding community experts   
    Quick answer as it’s late but you can select which groups are permissible to be experts. This means you can set up your group promotion rules to move candidates into a specific group and only allow that to be used. 
    i have been mulling over the experts per forum and impact on the rest of the community. More thoughts tomorrow. 
    Oh and yes, language strings are used. 
  13. Like
    Mike G. got a reaction from Ehren in Invision Community 5: Finding community experts   
    Similarly to the Helpful button, I'm really looking forward to this change for a myriad of reasons. Brilliant thinking on having it work on a forum-by-forum basis. Since that's the case, would it work with club forums as well?
    Thanks for everything! ❤️ 
  14. Like
    Mike G. got a reaction from SeNioR- in Invision Community 5: Finding community experts   
    Similarly to the Helpful button, I'm really looking forward to this change for a myriad of reasons. Brilliant thinking on having it work on a forum-by-forum basis. Since that's the case, would it work with club forums as well?
    Thanks for everything! ❤️ 
  15. Like
    Mike G. got a reaction from Daniel F in Invision Community 5: Finding community experts   
    Similarly to the Helpful button, I'm really looking forward to this change for a myriad of reasons. Brilliant thinking on having it work on a forum-by-forum basis. Since that's the case, would it work with club forums as well?
    Thanks for everything! ❤️ 
  16. Like
    Mike G. got a reaction from Matt in Invision Community 5: Finding community experts   
    Similarly to the Helpful button, I'm really looking forward to this change for a myriad of reasons. Brilliant thinking on having it work on a forum-by-forum basis. Since that's the case, would it work with club forums as well?
    Thanks for everything! ❤️ 
  17. Like
    Mike G. got a reaction from Marc Stridgen in Invision Community 5: Finding community experts   
    Similarly to the Helpful button, I'm really looking forward to this change for a myriad of reasons. Brilliant thinking on having it work on a forum-by-forum basis. Since that's the case, would it work with club forums as well?
    Thanks for everything! ❤️ 
  18. Thanks
    Mike G. reacted to InvisionHQ in Improved Clubs Enhancements   
    Improved Clubs Enhancements 2.0.7 
    Released on bbcode.it
    Fix a 500 error with IPB 4.7.14
  19. Like
    Mike G. reacted to Matt in Invision Community 5: Quickly find the most helpful answers   
    At a fundamental root, every activity we partake in begins with the desire to add value to our lives. Mastering a second language or instrument takes a lot of time but the value is adding ability or knowledge.
    We join communities to add value. It might be making friends all over the world who love running when you don't have much support for that activity in your 'real-life' friends, or it might be finding the best ways to use a piece of software you love.
    Back in the 2000s forum communities were founded to bring people together over a shared interest forming small villages in a landscape of rolling hills and pasture. Forums were really successful because they were peerless. If you had an interest in ABBA, opening up a forum about ABBA gave people a space to talk about Swedish 70s pop and take deep dives in platform shoes and crumbling marriages. They gave an outlet for a passion that your friends in the pub had no interest in. Other's in similar situations would flock to this site, delighted with a space to talk about their disco obsession. As the community owner, you didn't need to try too hard, it was all Gimme, gimme, gimme!
    20 odd years later and we have crowded mega-cities of non-stop conversation about every topic you want to know, and many you don't. Social media is better designed for informal conversations and finding like-minded people due to its huge reach and focus on personalities over topic.
    Forums still very much have a place but they need to provide immediate value to keep and grow membership. That doesn't mean social forums will fail, there are many good examples of them but it means for a new community there needs to be a strong reason to visit and once you have a visitor, you need to give them what they want as quickly as possible. We're all time-poor on the internet with so many apps and dopamine hits to have.
    You can build a social community around a support community, or a community that is designed to solve a problem later.
    Content may be king, but value is definitely (the dancing) queen. Get those both right, and the winner takes it all.
  20. Like
    Mike G. got a reaction from Marc Stridgen in Invision Community 5: Quickly find the most helpful answers   
    The 'Helpful' option is one of the features of Invision Community 5 that I'm most looking forward to. I expect it to give a lot of communities a nice organic boost. I love the implementation. 🔥
    Once again, great work!
  21. Like
    Mike G. got a reaction from Matt in Invision Community 5: Quickly find the most helpful answers   
    The 'Helpful' option is one of the features of Invision Community 5 that I'm most looking forward to. I expect it to give a lot of communities a nice organic boost. I love the implementation. 🔥
    Once again, great work!
  22. Like
    Mike G. reacted to UncrownedGuard in Invision Community 5: Quickly find the most helpful answers   
    I really like this feature setup!  As an end-user on platforms like Reddit and those "Q&A sites", I always find myself seeing the best answer or most upvoted answer and still wanting a bit more information!  This seems like a great solution for that issue for my end users now.
    P.S. I still hope articles are redone to look a bit nicer without 3rd party tools on a homepage.  I'll beat that dead horse all day here 😅  
  23. Like
    Mike G. got a reaction from Stuart Silvester in Error code EX1064 on Articles after updating to 4.7.14 Beta 1   
    Thank you for sharing the fix, @Stuart Silvester
  24. Like
    Mike G. reacted to Stuart Silvester in Error code EX1064 on Articles after updating to 4.7.14 Beta 1   
    Edit the Pages database and select 'inherit' for the new 'comments per page' setting. This will solve the issue.
  25. Haha
    Mike G. reacted to Day_ in Invision Community 5: The All New Theme Editor   
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