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Error code EX1064 on Articles after updating to 4.7.14 Beta 1

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Hey everyone. I updated to the recent Beta and started receiving an error on all of my page articles

Example Page:

Beginning of the log:


SELECT cms_database_comments.*, author.* FROM `cms_database_comments`  LEFT JOIN `core_members` AS `author` ON author.member_id = cms_database_comments.comment_user WHERE cms_database_comments.comment_record_id=466 AND cms_database_comments.comment_approved!=-2 AND cms_database_comments.comment_approved!=-3 AND comment_database_id=2 ORDER BY comment_date asc LIMIT 0,-1
IPS\Db\Exception: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '-1' at line 1 (1064)

Outside of disabling plugins and applications and clearing the cache, I'm not sure what else to try. I appreciate any help anyone can provide.

Thank you.

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2 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Thank you for letting us know. This is one we are aware of, and have resolved in the next beta

I was hoping that was the case and it wasn't anything on my end. Thank you for the update!

One other question if you don't mind. Would re-uploading the files from the stable version be the correct method to roll back?

Thanks again! 🤘

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