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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. There is no way in which I would be able to give you a maximum size from just those stats, as it depends on many other factors. When the cache expires it would simply be recreated.
  2. That is actually normal use. The size of that table would be expected to be one of the largest, as it caches each page on your site.
  3. You would however be setting your moderators up for some work there, as nearly everyone is going to post in the same forum all the time, even if thats not the correct forum
  4. You have "connection refused" showing up there, which would indicate there is an issue with connecting to your database
  5. Of course if that is not the case, we would need examples of these
  6. No, this has been a setting for quite a long time (maybe even all of 4.x)
  7. There isnt really anything I can offer from a support standpoint unfortunately, as the usual option has been and gone (revert the conversion and we can get someone to look at it as it goes through). I can pass your ticket to our sales team to see if there is anything we can offer here if you would like me to do this?
  8. Please ensure the user IPS Temp Admin can access that post. At present it seems you have subscriptions mandatory for all groups
  9. You would go to System>Site Featureds>Applications and click "Enabled" next to the calendar application if you wish to just disable that application
  10. Please could you provide me with a linked example? I can then take a look for you
  11. If you are having issues with converting tables, you would need to contact your hosting company on converting those. Just to note however, if you do delete an index, you can go to the support area of your admin CP which will detect its missing and give you the opportunity to readd it if needed. I would advise ensuring you take a full backup if you are looking to try that
  12. It would not be as simple as that unfortunately. Items may have different IDs once converted the second time around, and the issue itself may well be present in any case
  13. Just checking a few there, they are indeed showing the "mark as solution" option. Note that you would only see this if you have the moderator permission to mark any item as a solution, or you are the topic owner
  14. There is no way in which to remove that without customisation to your theme. To note however, this is not just for events. Its for the creation of any content item, including topics
  15. It actually looks like it may be some kind of redirect issue, so it may well be related to a conversion at some point. As mentioned however, due to the length of time, thats going to cause issues on trying to resolve the problem
  16. Its very unlikely that this is related to a conversion, however unfortunately as this is a conversion from quite a considerable amount of time ago, there would be little we could do to resolve the issue. The reality is, you would need to check any conversions at the time, and if there are issues it would need to be reverted, fixed in the converter, and reconverted in most instances.
  17. We would need to know what items they should be there in order to advise. You have aid they are not the correct ones, but we need to know what is correct also
  18. No problem. Please do let us know if its happening after that point. Note however, it was on your site I was testing rather than ours.
  19. If optimising it is returning to correct capacity, then it seems your database is not releasing space that isnt being used properly. I would first of all ask if you are using INNODB tables, as it sounds like you may not be, and we would advise on the use of INNODB
  20. This is not the case by design, no. I have just tested this on one of my own forums, and it shows up on topics that already exist. If you are having issues, please let us have an example and we can take a look for you
  21. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
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