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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. I can see the issue happening. Before I look any further, could I confirm that once everything was disabled, you also cleared cache before you tested again? I ask as with it being a guest page, it will be subject to guest cache
  2. Could I ask first of all, is there a possibility there have been items deleted? As it would not recalculate once that rank is given. Also, please update your site to the latest release
  3. Please confirm a location you are allowing posting
  4. I get that, however the op may not know where to look for that and just add a column with a default type, as you hadnt specified anything. Didnt actually realise this was 3.4 at the time, so its not actually something we would support. You could indeed try adding as above
  5. Adding a field without knowing the type of field to add could cause more harm than good. We would really need to look and see what has caused that issue, as that shouldnt really be able to happen. Please let us know if you have done this and ensure your access details are up to date
  6. You would need to set up so that items can only be registered by members, and set email validation on registration so the user has to validate their email address. It seems one of those is not switched on in your case
  7. It seems to have been cache again. Please check now.
  8. It does seem there were a couple of instances of this, both of which happened to affect you there. Please let us know if this happens again, but Im not seeing any issues at present
  9. You would just go to the standard theme in that scenario until you can either obtain one for 4.7 or create one for 4.7. You could update from 4.3 to 4.7 if you wish, but there would indeed be quite a lot of changes I think you answered your own question in the first line there. It really depends. For example, if you want to make a copy, its going to depend on whether you have a place to copy it to, the speed you are able to copy, and your own ability. To give an example of how impossible a question it is to answer, some may be able to copy their site in less than 5 minutes, where others it might take them an few hours or so to get a copy up and running. That would test if a new install works, not if an upgrade of your platform works. One thing you need to bear in mind there is its not 'if' the server is set up in the correct PHP version. It most certainly isnt at present (4.3 would not be working if it was). Its checking to see whether it can support it.
  10. There is nothing that would stop you from copying and pasting GIF images. What problem are you having when you try this? I have copy/pasted the below
  11. While I understand what you are saying there, the issue with locales is one related to the server itself.
  12. If the above doesn't work, please provide the invoice number you are trying to mark paid.
  13. There is no issue with this at present no. If you have an issue showing manual upload, its because the system was unable to unpack the files at the time, and you should indeed manually upload them
  14. No problem at all. Thats what we're here for 🙂
  15. This is actually the reason you need to allow the domain name and not the IP associated with it. This can change at any point, and there is no guarentee of that being within a set range.
  16. You could actually use upgrade/downgrade on products also. There is that facility on general products to upgrade/downgrade between products within a given group of products
  17. You would need to install from System->Site Features->Applications as you have all applications now you are on cloud 🙂 With regard sendgrid, you can set up sendgrid in System>Site Features->Integrations, but that is not incoming emails. Thats outgoing. With incoming email, you would need to speak to email providers on that. The only incoming emails on your site itself are those which go into the support. If you are referring to general emails, we do not provide an email service for your domain. Most people, if wanting email related to their domain, will set up an external service (office 365 tends to be a popular one) and then send us the domain entries that are required for their email. We can of course set up any domain entries required on your domain
  18. Have you checked to ensure they have permission on the modules for guests? The error would indicate an issue with module permissions
  19. You would need an external POP3 email in order to receive emails. You would then add those details to commerce for incoming email. We do not provide an incoming email service
  20. System->Settings->Email is where this can be found. It would either go from our cloud email account or if you have an external email supplier, you can set up their details there.
  21. We would need an example link in order to take a look, and you would need to be an alternative contact on that account if you wish for us to look. Assuming it's the one you selected there. Please confirm
  22. You have to switch on this, which I have just switched on for you
  23. Have you switched hcaptcha on within your admin CP?
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