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Posts posted by SJ77

  1. From a member

    Hello. I am noticing that the new change to modify notifications that are received from a person you follow does not seem to actually save. It seems once you exit the page you are on, it reverts back to following all content. Not sure if others have noticed, but I just thought I would let you know

    confirmed. Settings aren’t sticking! 
    Any ideas?

    EDIT: let me try clearing the cache with the support tool.

  2. yeah, it makes sense now but I wasn't even reading. I was just clicking and it wasn't there. user error happens. sorry about that.

    One more question, "Topic" is that only a new topic? or a post within a topic?

    Record.. ?? what is that?


  3. Hi,

    Getting beat up about a few things. Wondering if anyone has some clever solves.


    The one big thing in the front of my mind is that the user has no way to change notification preferences PER PERSON you follow

    There are global notification tools (a few of which don't seem to work as intended) but as of now when I follow someone I will get EVERY update they post across the site with no way to change that

    It would be nice to be able to toggle something like "comments only" "file uploads only" etc. 

    I feel like a feature like this would also help file contributors a lot because as of now users are spammed with hundreds of notifications rather than being able to be notified about the content they actually want when it's posted

    (Correct me if I'm just missing this feature but I feel like I dove pretty deep to find it haha)


    This x 1000. I usually am only interested in new files in downloads being uploaded, but if I follow someone, I have to see every single thing they do which can flood my notifications and make it really irritating to navigate. Almost makes me not want to comment because I will then get every message reply after I comment sent as a notification. Sometimes, there is an option to not alert me of replies, but alot of the time it is not there.


  4. 2 hours ago, bfarber said:

    Have you overridden your temporary directory in your constants.php file?


    define( 'TEMP_DIRECTORY', ... );


    Normally the files you are referring to are written to the system temporary directory which would be automatically cleaned by the OS as needed. I expect you've overridden where temporary files are located and that explains why you are seeing these. I can't reproduce any issues in local testing presently.

    Actually I think I just managed to reproduce so I'm taking a closer look at what we can do.

    Yeah, I have not overridden my temp directory. Thank you for looking into this. I can save A LOT of disk space by removing these chunks

  5. 2 hours ago, bfarber said:

    Yes those look like partial upload files.

    Where do you store your attachments and Downloads files? Locally or S3?

    Locally. And every month I end up with a bunch of this junk.

    I could save a lot of disk space by deleting it. @bfarber am I ok to delete this stuff?

    Better question, why doesn't an IPS task clean out this stuff?

    Any orphan file whatever in these folders should be wiped in my opinion.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    You can choose the categories to apply the restriction.

    It will affect all files from selected categories. 

    Sorry, to keep asking questions but a couple more.

    Once a specific category is created to be this new special type let's say assume the following

    • file submitter-A submits FILE 1
    • file submitter-B submits FILE 2


    • file submitter-A designates George to have access
    • File submitter-B designates Jose to have access

    Which file can George access.. all or just FILE 1 ?

    And a third question..

    can file submitter still charge for files uploaded in this special category?

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