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Stuart Silvester

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Stuart Silvester

  1. Yes, it is included in our 'Converter' application (to get it, check the box when downloading from the client area).
  2. Sounds like an oversight to me, I have committed a change for this. Upon review from the rest of the development team the change should be included in an upcoming release.
  3. You should have used our converter for this (It supports merging Invision Community sites), there is much more to the process changing IDs etc.
  4. That is correct, your license will expire at the end of the period unless you manually pay the renewal invoice that will be sent to you. [For anyone else reading this in future: if you opt-in to storing credit card details for future purchases, you will be automatically billed when the renewal period comes around]
  5. There are changes that encompass both the front-end code and the back-end code, you will be able to profile this when we start the beta process. Lighthouse is explicitly pointing out that framework.css has unused CSS, which is expected with how we currently use and structure CSS. There are rules that won't get used on an index page for example, but will get used on a content page and of course this greatly varies depending on which widgets you have on the page, whether you use a Pages page with your own customisations, whether you use 3rd party plugins or applications etc. It isn't always feasible in this kind of (customisable) software package to thin out things as much as possible depending on what we're expecting. If we did, it may end up that each page has a different CSS requirement resulting in more HTTP requests being sent (which also isn't good for performance). Rest assured, we're always looking at and implementing performance improvements and we'll continue to do so.
  6. You're welcome to submit a ticket if you think there's a platform performance issue that's causing problems for you. However, I would also recommend seeing if you can reproduce the issue without any 3rd party themes, plugins or applications to rule those out as causing the issue. I did take a brief look at your site, which was loading fairly quickly (and complete) as a guest, your custom theme was adding more overhead with the effects. One thing that you can implement quickly to improve performance is a cache policy for your static files (such as images, javascript, css). This is something that is controlled at the server level, you can (if you're using Apache) use a .htaccess file with mod_expires rules to control this. There's a good example of relevant rules here: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/449164-how-to-speed-up-ipb-sites/?do=findComment&comment=2766078 However, since this is moving more from 'feedback' to technical support, I would recommend either submitting a ticket if there's a reproducable issue we can look at otherwise you may want to post in the peer-to-peer section of our community and other members (@adlago!) can give you some tips
  7. We profile and refine our code for major releases, 4.5 is no exception and does contain performance related changes.
  8. The Invision Community license allows you to continue to use your community after license expiry with the version that you downloaded when your license was active. An expired license does not have access to updates, technical support or other services such as our spam defense service. The same applies to the Marketplace purchases, you can continue to use the version you have downloaded but you will not have access to updates. Unless you explicitly agreed to being billing in future (an option we only have available via Credit card payments at this time) you will not be automatically billed for renewals. Our Marketplace does not auto-bill you for renewals, you must pay those invoices when they are generated if you want to renew them.
  9. "invalid_client" suggests you're either passing the wrong client_id value or not passing it at all. When you create an OAuth client in Invision Community, you get a basic 'profile' & 'email' scope that should be sufficient for OAuth (notice the 'Authorized User' section already has the /core/me endpoint available.
  10. Hi Matt, If you have our Pages application, you can use the external block functionality to do this. Have a look at this video:
  11. I'm not too familiar with Firebase or how it works, but you would send a normal GET HTTP request to the API with the access token as a bearer token in a Authorization header.
  12. If you make sure you have the latest patch (AdminCP > Support > Something isn't working > click 'apply patch' if it says one is available) this issue will automatically resolve itself when you visit the forums listing in the AdminCP.
  13. Yes, you can enable OAuth 2 server functionality in AdminCP > System > REST & OAuth. You would need to create an OAuth client with the appropriate configuration for your integration. The access token can then be used to access the REST API for account information (i.e. /core/me). We've also got some further documentation for that here: https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/rest-api
  14. We have published a patch to change how the email sharer works, it will now open the senders email client instead of sending email via Invision Community. This patch effectively backports the functionality from 4.5. If you're affected by this you can obtain it from AdminCP > Support > Something isn't Working > Click 'apply patch'.
  15. The issue we were seeing was patched on 26th Feb. If you have all patches applied and it isn't working, please submit a support ticket and include the Spotify URL that you're having an issue with.
  16. Hi, @Andy Millne replied to you on Thursday to confirm that your message had been received and the site in question had been cancelled at the end of the current renewal period. Andy also asked for further information about the error you were seeing. - So to confirm, renewals were removed on your community so it will expire at the end of the period. I'm sorry that you haven't received our reply, please feel free to send me a PM directly on here with a screenshot of the error page you're seeing (please make sure the screenshot includes the URL in the browser). Kind Regards Stuart
  17. Wow, that's so old I had forgotten about it 😄. I'll of course recommend that you upgrade to a supported version 😉
  18. If you have any of this markup present on your site, it may be something custom you have implemented. We haven't (as far as I know) ever used 'data-vocabulary' markup, we've always used schema.org markup, a project search doesn't find any either.
  19. I've had a look at the ticket, we do have some further Elastic search changes in 4.4.7. I would recommend upgrading when it's available and then rebuilding your search index. If the problem persists, let us know via a new ticket.
  20. I don't see the ticket you're talking about, can you give me a ticket ID?
  21. It is coming in a future release, most likely 4.5.0. You will need to continue using ES6 until then.
  22. We don't have native support for this time, but that's also something we could implement easy enough (since OpenID Connect uses OAuth). There is some basic pricing information on here: https://invisioncommunity.com/services/sso/ but I would recommend emailing our sales team for a quote (click the contact us button on the right)
  23. SAML is a bit more complex than things like OAuth, it is not something that is natively supported at this time. Based on experience, most authentication providers that support SAML also have OAuth 2 support which is natively supported in Invision Community (It's also much easier to set up). We can provide a bespoke SAML-based solution if required, please see here for more information: https://invisioncommunity.com/services/sso/ Personally, I would look at using OAuth if it's a solution that's available to you.
  24. Elastic Search 7 isn't supported at this time, you will need to use version 5 or 6. We will be adding support for v7, but I cannot confirm exactly when that will be yet.
  25. You would need to write a plugin to overload \IPS\Text\Parser::_htmlPurifierModifyHtmlDefinition() to whitelist your custom attribute on the chosen tag. I would recommend taking a look at that method to see how we're whitelisting certain attributes. Allowed JavaScript controllers is purely for controllers (data-controller attributes that we use to load JS)
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