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Stuart Silvester

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Everything posted by Stuart Silvester

  1. Thank you for letting us know, this issue will be addressed in an upcoming release. As @Marc Stridgen mentions, if you can use PHP 7.4 for this, you will be able to work around the issue.
  2. They've posted a link that you've chosen not to allow through link filtering. - AdminCP > System > Settings > Posting > Links & Email Addresses.
  3. It looks like you might be going to a page in your browser history that skips this check. Go to your URL /admin/upgrade and make sure there is nothing in the URL (such as ?sessionCheck=1) after that.
  4. This is a bug in 4.7.0 and should be fixed in an upcoming release.
  5. You can use OAuth 2.0 to connect with Azure Active Directory & B2C. We have many customers that do this already. You may find this guide useful:
  6. I haven't tested with 2.x or newer, OpenSearch & Elastic Search release updates very quickly, often (previously) with breaking changes.
  7. I believe we're using 1.2, which is the latest version AWS OpenSearch Service supports.
  8. We haven't used XMLRPC since version 3.4. it's a very old thing.
  9. Try using basic auth instead as noted here: https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/rest-api You can only pass a key as a parameter in certain circumstances where the server doesn't support basic authentication.
  10. This suggests there's some kind of issue with the FULLTEXT index on the table, analyzing it should correct it - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64397678/mysql-match-relevance-score-causes-double-value-is-out-of-range-error/71500119#71500119
  11. The issue seems to be that when you transferred the database, it corrupting some of the theme resource images that are stored within it (may have been exported/imported with a different character set etc). The upgrade process always re-imports these resources to the database, so it'll effectively replace the corrupted data with the valid data. I'm not sure if you may have issues with other parts of your data though if something did get damaged during the transfer.
  12. Your server PHP error log should have some information about which application may be causing the problem. It would be worth checking there.
  13. You could do something like this to see a more accurate number of posts SELECT count(*) FROM ibf_forums_posts; Displaying in widgets and database tools (PMA etc) are never going to show a 100% accurate number due to the way InnoDB works though (and the above count query being slow). It really isn't anything to worry about though
  14. If you're using InnoDB, that number will also only be an approximation. It doesn't accurately reflect the exact number of rows in the table. Additionally, if you have over a certain threshold of posts the widgets use different means to calculate a number. It's less accurate, but counting how many rows are in large tables is very slow.
  15. Hello, This is an issue with a third party application you are using. I have completed your upgrade for you, but you should report this issue to the author of that application (axenserverlist).
  16. Please go to AdminCP > System > Support and apply the optional patch (if it's offered to you). You'll see a link to do this in the box on the top left of that page.
  17. If you are a Cloud customer and use this application Please do not upgrade your community to 4.7 unless you disable this application first. Your community will be unusable after upgrading. The author is aware of the issue and will hopefully have an update available soon.
  18. Great (it's actually a simple fix), you're forcing your pages to be HTTPS, however your Invision Community configuration is not set up correctly. Please refer to this guide to update your configuration
  19. This sounds like it's a request to your server that's failing (from a Javascript popup). If you press F12 and open the console page of your browser developer tools, then try to install, do you see a red error message?
  20. Click the cog icon in the top right of the template/CSS editor and then click 'compare with default'. You should see a diff showing the changes between the default version and your customised version. You should also have a revert button in the top right if it's a modified core CSS file. Note: neither of these will be available if it's a custom CSS file you have created.
  21. Yes, that is the URL. It's a POST request and contains other data. Your server is blocking the request we are sending and responding with a 403 instead. Your web host should be able to help you with determining why the request is being blocked.
  22. Your web host is blocking the request to the URL mentioned in your screenshot. <div id="mainwrapper"> <h1><span>403</span></h1> <div id="main"> <h2>Zabroniony dostęp</h2> <p>Nie masz dostępu do żądanego obiektu. Jest on zabezpieczony przed odczytem lub nie może być odczytany przez serwer. </p><p> ALBO </p><p> Nie masz prawa dostępu do żądanego katalogu. W katalogu nie ma indeksu lub katalog jest zabezpieczony przed odczytem.</p> <p class="small">W razie wątpliwości bądź pytań prosimy o <a href="https://www.#webhost#.net/kontakt.html" title="#webhost#.net - formularz kontaktowy">kontakt.</a></p> <div id="footer"> <a class="footer" href="https://www.#webhost#.net">www.#webhost#.net</a><br /> <span class="grey">serwer: s5.#webhost#.net</span> </div> </div>
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