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Everything posted by Hisashi

  1. Hello, I want to make blocks appear only on the homepage, not within articles Just as it happens in forums, it doesn't appear inside topics unless you put
  2. Yes, there are bots that do this, but I'm talking about enriching the app.
  3. Suggestions: Ability to thumbnail of Articles (records) when sending notification to discord. Create a programmed message that is repeated, sends at each chosen time. Ex: every 1h, 5h, 24h... Schedule message
  4. Cloudflare, it was just necessary to clear the cache of the address in question. 😡
  5. Hello, For some strange reason, my CKEditor stopped working. It doesn't appear: Inspecting the source code of the page, I came across a script from ckeditor not working, could that be? It looks like this message: The file is in the directory, the point is v=4e52a1ea3c when I remove this part it appears. I can't say if this code is a key, but could it be something there?
  6. I think it would be interesting to resemble social networking, it gives a period of days maybe the person gives up. In case there is an account hack, and even an email notification of delete request.
  7. Yes Another thing, a permission option to determined the group that can request verification.
  8. @XndrMc Will you update the theme to version 4.1.7?
  9. @onlyME I'm thinking of buying. Could add an option, where instead of a default thumbnail, show the picture of the user, as in the standard block?
  10. It works in most browsers, just not directly(URL).
  11. When invision will accept this image extension? https://developers.google.com/speed/webp/
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