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  1. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to TheJackal84 in Tournaments ( Support Topic )   
    Yes I will do this for a update, I am working through updates this week so if all goes OK should be this week some point it gets released
  2. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from SerialNoob in Tournaments ( Support Topic )   
    Just bought the app and excited to use it. Hoping to give it a proper use very soon and some feedback @TheJackal84 🙂
    Unfortunately come across a major sticking point at the first hurdle which someone asked quite a while back and you mentioned you'd be adding it but not sure when. I run and organise tournaments and grouping up, but in order to create a tournament I have to be in a team before I can create one. Created a test team with me in it to start creating one and its asking for me as a team to enter it?
    I geniunely believe I won't be on my own with this, as a lot of people like to organise tourneys for their community rather than being in a team. Yes, i'll hopefully play in some but clearly not in all of them and the only way to get people involved is to create the tournament firstso it can be promoted.
    Really hope an update can be done soon on this as its a dealbreaker for me and i'd expect future backers too. Apologies it feels slightly negative as I've not had chance to use any of the features yet. rest assured i'll be updating it with a review when I can get everyone to use this.
    I've noticed you're a damn good developer so fingers crossed its an easy update to make.
  3. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to TheJackal84 in Tournaments ( Support Topic )   
    Currently working on round robin tournaments

    it will more than likely have a league table with it and the ability to add points per win / draw etc and it will calculate them all to display in order of most points the league table can go in another tab
    The team page has had a makeover too to make it more nicer to look at ( with a tab for the teams match history )

    I am also thinking of changing the original tournament view to have tabs in

    with the tabs it will be a lot easier and nicer on the eyes for more teams to be entered in tournaments we can have them split into tabs if there is say 8 - 16 rounds etc it can be 2 - 4 tabs of 4 rows etc
  4. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to mrbowers in Tournaments ( Support Topic )   
    So we have ideas great but we need to support this project by buy his app. I only see few people wanting to buy it until later. I saw a lot of support days ago now only few buy the current app.  So let's get the word out a bit more and show support by buying this app. It only took him few days work to make this.. We wanted something like this for years now we have it. The dev is willing to do more upgrades to this app.... but unless more show support I really don't see this going anywere more. 
  5. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Iwooo in Custom Notifications - Supporttopic   
    @Fosters Hi, do you have ETA for OneSignal implementation available?  I would buy it right away with that function! 
  6. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to TheJackal84 in Mobile App, Progressive Web App (PWA) For IPB   
    I actually use a android application for this site and my own one, it send notifications for new files and so on

  7. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to SJ77 in Mobile App, Progressive Web App (PWA) For IPB   
    I read this whole thread but I don’t see any indication that IPS or 3rd party have decided to start working on this despite overwhelming demand. Hopefully that changes soon.
  8. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Cyboman in Mobile App, Progressive Web App (PWA) For IPB   
    Adjust mobile design:
    Then create the progressive web app (PWA) with common requirements:
    My community is begging for an app, and I already lost ~60% of member traffic to Facebook and WhatsApp. Why? Not because my content isn't good enough anymore, but my members use my contents, and afterwards, go on with live messaging/meetings (which is an elemental part in my industry) via Facebook and WhatsApp and I lose control. I can do nothing against it. My competitors don't have contents, but they have active Facebook and WhatsApp groups. The FB/WA messaging functions are way better, and my users require an app icon to remember my site as well as push notifications to their mobiles. Not having an app is blocking my success factors extremely. I'm already considering buying an app development for my WordPress pages (which seems to be cheaper as many developers already did it for the WP platform...), but that would be the point to lose the power an IPS app would have. I'd prefer an IPS app, but I don't have ages to wait for one. We need to speed up any arrangement.
    I'd be willing to pay, too!!!
  9. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to 13. in Mobile App, Progressive Web App (PWA) For IPB   
    Yes, also wrote about it:
  10. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Gill in Mobile App, Progressive Web App (PWA) For IPB   
    Hi Guys IPB is awesome and far better than any other forum software available in market. IPB team working very hard to implement new feature every month i appreciate their     hard work 
    But now in smartphone world everyone is using mobile devices that have apps to access their favorite content. people don't like first open browser, then type url and then type username, password. Mobile friendly websites are no longer a solution. Forums are facing competition from Telegram groups, discord server, Facebook Groups, Whatsapp Group
    @Charles PLEASE HELP US !!!!! 
    I know it is very difficult to maintain native app. so Now companies use hybrid approach to cut cost for mobile app.
    It would be great if IPB team develop the in house Progressive Web app for IPB. IPB theme already mobile friendly so every little to do  Just need to implement
    1. Service- worker for Offline uses
    2. Push Notification for Notifications
    3. Login and signup screen (that remember the user name and password)
    Here some Key Benefits Of PWA over Native App

    IPB4 team already have brilliant javascript developers. I think it would not too difficult for them to do this.
    I would like to Pay for this feature separately  if it will be developed. It would be Milestone for IPB 4 as compared to other forums software.
    Others IPB members if you are agree please vote this feature as much you can and share your's feed back too and don't Forget to Participate in Above Poll Question

    Companies Using PWA!!
    PWA is not just another Buzz word,  PWA again transferring the power back to Web Developers which was lost during native mobile app era. I think REST API based apps for IPB not right approach, From developers point of views, it will make mobile apps  hard to maintain and compatible with every new version of IPB and updates of hundered of IPB plugins. However PWA just uses Mobile Responsive of Website.
    Forums Founders  spent both Time and money to make his/her community sustainable. sometime new users like the forums but forget url and browser history deleted,at that time website looses one member ? this same things happened with me many times and may be other members share the same experience. 
    For iOS users or Android users there is more chances, new users of clients Forum website click on App icons  (Installed by PWA ) again than open browser inside the mobile, remember the website URL and hit the enter. No matter whether  PWA support push notifications for particular mobile os or not :)
     PWA fully supported in Window 10 redstone 4. We can't ignore the billions machine running  window 10. Window 10 PWA app would be huge opportunity  to keep the website users engage with website. Just imagine clients Forums apps are installed on users PC.  Even They don't open browser and enter forum URL,  with single push notification you can make users again engage to your website ? More and more adopting the window 10

    This is my humble request to IPB team please please develop in house mobile app for IPB others wise our communities websites will loose the competition in mobile app age.
     THANKS :)
  11. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Devin Powers in [JIMMO] Top Posters Plus   
    Hi -
    This error popped up again @The Jimmo
    I took a look at the source code (widgets/jimmoTopPostersPlus.php) and it seemed to resolve the problem. This error seems to occur when you're not in the top 5 and for weekly only. This means its an issue with the default case and as such the widgets rather than the AJAX folder.
    This was the code I found inside the if statement that checks to see if the member is logged in.
    $you = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'author_id, COUNT(author_id) as posts', 'forums_posts', array( 'author_id =' . \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id . ' AND post_date>?', \IPS\DateTime::create()->sub( new \DateInterval( 'P1W' ) )->getTimestamp() ), '', '', NULL)->join( 'core_members', 'forums_posts.author_id=core_members.member_id' ); I changed the code to the following:
    $myPosts = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'author_id, COUNT(author_id) as posts', 'forums_posts', array( 'author_id =? AND post_date>?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id, \IPS\DateTime::create()->sub( new \DateInterval( 'P1W' ) )->getTimestamp()) , '', '', array('author_id'))->join( 'core_members', 'forums_posts.author_id=core_members.member_id' ); if (count($myPosts > 0)) { foreach ($myPosts as $col) { $y = $col['posts']; } $you = $y; } else { $you = 0; }  
    To explain: I've changed it so both parameters in the where clause are parameterized and I've made it group it by author_id. Then I've checked to see if there is a result (a new member with 0 posts wouldn't have any results returned). Then I've just selected it.
    A neater way would probably be the try-catch-block using the ->first() method where if it fails you assign $you to 0, but this was just a quick dirty fix for me.
    Hope this helps some other people ?
  12. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to The Jimmo in [JIMMO] Top Posters Plus   
    Sorry, the November update was only pricing for Black Friday/Cyber Monday. You can inspect the version and release notes for information on changed items or fixed bugs.
  13. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from The Jimmo in [JIMMO] Top Posters Plus   
    Great to hear as I think when people see how many they are off the top 5, etc they will be encouraged to post a few more considering the default view is on week.
    Also, thanks for the insight on the name change. Honestly didn't realise that! Many thanks for getting back to me.
  14. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to The Jimmo in [JIMMO] Top Posters Plus   
    It is on the list. First is fixing my add-ons that have been broken by the upgrades.
    This can be done already. It is just a language string and be edited in ACP -> Customization -> Languages.
  15. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Michael.J in Calendar Topics Support   
    Should be simple enough to add, will make a note for the upcoming bug fixing round.
  16. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Kev Collins in Calendar Topics Support   
    Would it be possible to chose the topic forum when making the calendar event.
    Works well for our needs.
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