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Posts posted by UncrownedGuard

  1. 15 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Have you tried to disconnect and reconnect your Facebook login? Ultimately, sounds like the ID stored does not match your Facebook ID. 

    I have tried enabling/disabling the login method via my Admin CP. I signed out via my site and signed by into the Facebook connection. And I signed out of Facebook on my site and also removed the site as an app in my Facebook settings for a clean link and while I can login with my account, the picture still does not load.  No logs were generated in IPS and no errors given via the login process.


    EDIT: If I try to set my Facebook profile picture as my account image, I get an error of "The profile photo URL is invalid" on the page, but no log in the admin CP.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Would check the Spam Defense log to see if they are getting caught in there.

    If there is an issue with profile photos on our end, you may wish to check the System Log to see if anything shows up there when it tries to sync. 

    The only system log I can find about this matter (nothing was generated when I resynced today) is this one from 5/8:


    Unsupported get request. Object with ID 'me' does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does not support this operation. Please read the Graph API documentation at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api



    #0 /var/www/html/107748/system/Login/Handler/OAuth2/Facebook.php(261): IPS\Login\Handler\OAuth2\_Facebook->_userData('REMOVED ID...')
    #1 /var/www/html/107748/system/Login/Handler/OAuth2/OAuth2.php(420): IPS\Login\Handler\OAuth2\_Facebook->authenticatedUserId('REMOVED ID...')
    #2 /var/www/html/107748/system/Login/Handler/OAuth2/OAuth2.php(404): IPS\Login\Handler\_OAuth2->_processAccessToken(Object(IPS\Login), Array)
    #3 /var/www/html/107748/system/Login/Handler/OAuth2/OAuth2.php(170): IPS\Login\Handler\_OAuth2->_handleAuthorizationResponse(Object(IPS\Login))
    #4 /var/www/html/107748/system/Login/Login.php(339): IPS\Login\Handler\_OAuth2->authenticateButton(Object(IPS\Login))
    #5 /var/www/html/107748/applications/core/modules/front/system/login.php(59): IPS\_Login->authenticate()
    #6 /var/www/html/107748/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(118): IPS\core\modules\front\system\_login->manage()
    #7 /var/www/html/107748/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #8 /var/www/html/107748/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #9 {main}

    There was a token or something in the backtrace, so I put "REMOVED ID" in that spot as I don't know if it was sensitive or not.

  3. Hello,

    I use Facebook Login on all of my sites, but one is giving me trouble and I actually have no idea why or what to do at this point.  Uncrowned Gaming is the site and the setup and app are mirrors of my other sites.  Apps like this are not an item I am very good at.

    Facebook is saying they are getting an error message during the testing and I cannot reproduce an error.  However, this site does have an issue where it does not pull the profile image correctly.

    Could contain: Page, Text

    This is the message from Meta:

    Could contain: Page, Text

    Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

  4. These changes look really good!  

    I am super happy to see the sticky toolbar and the embedding will be a great addition!  Plus, that means my custom Pages pages will now embed like everything else on the site.

    I do have a question, will the embedding be editable in the editor?  Most importantly resizing things like YouTube embeds and potentially allowing users to make embedded links into squares, rectangles, etc?  Also, will this hopefully fix YouTube links posted via Zapier to be auto-embedded?

  5. 11 hours ago, JohnCourt said:

    It could be a feature that can be turned on or off in admin? The hover preview would grab the first image (if there is one) of the article or record and some intro text from the first paragraph?

    I know ya all know wikipedia, if you hover over a link at their website you'll see a handsome preview popup, I really love those. Just a wish added to your long long long list of wishes from us all 🙂

    I would love to see this. Just turn it off by default and let admins turn it on and figure out how it works right on their own.

  6. 23 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    What you encountered was abnormal, it is not the norm. In of itself, this should never happen what you encountered. On Cloud, you should never have to worry about your license key.

    You might want to check the log for Uncrowned Addiction as it happened today.  I know it is abnormal, but I would never expect a perfect system and this mitigation seems pretty simple.

  7. I just logged onto my Cloud site here and found the entire news database and all my "pro" features were missing.  Basically, all the content of my site was MIA.  I logged into my admin panel and just needed to refresh the license key and everything worked perfectly fine.  

    However, the problem is that this just seemed to be a simple connection issue that I normally would not find as odd by any means, but the outcome is devastating to a site as it basically means all traffic and even all of our AdSense grinds to a stop as soon as the connection issue occurs.  Not to mention all the errors it will create in Google for the content's indexing.

    How about a simple 24-hour warning "Hey, your key is expired or missing and your features will soon be disabled".  This would allow any admin to log in and see what the problem is.  A delay seems like a practical solution that would safeguard my site from IPS Cloud issues that I cannot prevent on my end and would still pull features from people who simply didn't pay.  I highly doubt the number of users that would abuse it to get a free 24hrs is any reasonable number compared to the potential to damage all cloud customers.

  8. Don't want to bring up an old topic, but this is the exact issue I am now having on both of my cloud communities.  Guest's have no posting permissions, but I do have "Post Before Registering" allowed.  Guests are currently able to post replies to topics and send them for approval.

    Guests are shown this message "You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account.", but when they add an email and submit the reply, it pops up that the post was sent for moderation approval and no registration form appears.



  9. 14 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Please check this again now. We have made some changed. Any issues, please let us know

    Well I'm not seeing it anymore, so that seems better.  But if you are talking about the look of it, then I don't know how to force it to pop up.

  10. 44 minutes ago, ekforum said:

    Thank you for linking to that. Hopefully it can be Improved (the design of the captcha as looks dodgy from users perspective) 

    Will see if it keeps happening for users. I ran into it myself multiple times so far today but have never seen it before, despite using a VPN all the time (and topic above was from August 2023) 


    @Marc Stridgen yes, the change seems to fix some problems.  But even as the admin I had to sit and wonder if I had some sort of malware when it popped up.  A solution that can pull the page wrapper or at least some branding/formatting would be a huge step to improve this.

  11. Just now, HansKiesouw said:

    Can someone please give us an explanation as to why we have this verification in place? I am now unable to do any admin function as every click results in a verification process, that is sometimes only once, other times it results in a loop and I never get to the content I need.

    This is really bad communication from IPS and hopefully there is a really good explanation and sollution.

    I just got an update from my monitors that my sites are reporting degraded service and long response times in numerous areas.  I'd guess IPS is having server instability at this time and likely a DDOS given the catcha prompts.

    But of course, this is just with information I can pull from my own sites and no official notice from IPS.  This is probably an automated system they have on play, but a automated notice for us would be an amazing feature.

  12. On a side note, if it is a DDOS attack or something, they are doing a good job of keeping the sites up compared to the last few DDOS issues, but we really need communication or a notice system as just guessing is not a great experience for anyone.

    I'm okay with a system like this if it helps (granted, it really needs a redesign), but we need info as customers to when things are being turned on and turned off.

  13. Just now, HansKiesouw said:

    Sorry, guys, but this captcha on hosted services is becoming a user loser. 

    I am the admin and had to complete the verification about 6 times, before I see the page. This is not good at all

    Ya, it does not appear to have a memory or anything of who is using it as I need to enter it multiple times in the same session now.

  14. I have gotten it on my sites and here, so I would assume that it has been deployed to everyone.  I have no news or information to share about it, but the design looks like a Google spam ad and that is pretty bad IMO.

    Hopefully, it is just temporary due to a DDOS attack, but we never get that kind of information.

  15. On 1/21/2024 at 12:12 AM, AlexWebsites said:

    IPS used to have a nice chat app a few years back. I do like this one and would agree, it would make a nice feature independent of live topics. Hopefully live topics doesn't see the same fate that IPS Chat did in terms of lack of usage. 

    Ya, I remember IPS.Chat.  I loved it, but the per-user plan thing was kind of strange.  I do feel like being able to pull features from live topics to use in other ways would greatly improve the product as I personally have little use for the package as is.

  16. I would also get behind the share topic button having the topic link without needing to click the more button.  Just like the share comment button includes the comment link with the share icons. I doubt it would make much of a long-term difference, but I don't really see a reason not to support it.

    Mostly due to the action being the same for mobile layouts and an easy-to-copy link starts to become a bit more important with mobile users and terrible mobile browsers.

  17. On 12/21/2023 at 12:07 PM, Matt said:

    Notifications have long been a valuable way to be notified when anything important happens in your community. It may be that someone has quoted your content, tagged you in a post or started a new topic in a forum you're following.

    With Invision Community 5, you can watch the notification count rack up in real time, alerting you to new events that you may otherwise miss as they happen.

    Everything looks awesome so far!  One thing that I would love to see addressed with the notifications in IC5 is a better link between the actual notification menu (the red bubble where you can see a quick list of your notifications) and the little popup on the screen you get a notification while viewing the site.  Currently, if you click that popup box, you get taken to the item in question (great feature), but it does not clear out the notification in the menu bar.  

    A minor issue, but it does lead to some redundancy in the user experience.  E.G., if Matt was on when I quoted this post of his and he clicked that pop-up box on the bottom of the screen to see the quoted message, the notification tray would still show him that he has an unread quoted post even though that would no longer be true.

  18. On 11/25/2023 at 4:19 PM, Daniel F said:

    This is something what we have implemented for v5.

    That is great to hear!!

    On 11/25/2023 at 4:19 PM, Daniel F said:

    Why? What was the issue?

    It is mostly getting the Zap to trigger.  Let's say I post a webinar on the community calendar for June 10th, 2024.  The current setup will fire the Zap as soon as the event is added (let's say today) and that isn't exactly ideal.  Now I need to add more steps to the Zap to try and schedule the further steps for 7 months from now.  The only way I found to do this with success is to have the Zap schedule the tasks in either a spreadsheet or a social media manager, but now it will not accept edits to the event.  So, if I change the start time, the Zap has already fired and is not going to process the changes to wherever it went.

    On 11/25/2023 at 4:19 PM, Daniel F said:

    Couldn't you use the "Member Edited" trigger?

    If I wanted the change based on a group change in my community, yes.  But I cannot flip that and have my community make a change based on something else.  We only get an Update Member action and that is just a few options (name, email, password).  I can add/remove secondary groups, but it a fairly limiting in potential.

  19. Just a suggestion, but as someone who loves Zapier for helping with tasks and automation, I am super happy to have Invision's custom Zapier app and also wish it had a lot more.

    Currently, it is very much limited to triggers and not so much to actions. You can create a lot of things via actions, but not much else.

    There is also the find action which is really nice, but nothing to really follow up with what it finds.

    So here are some suggestions that I had.

    Trigger on Published status as a trigger: It is overly difficult to just set up a zap to trigger something being published when it comes to scheduled content.  The dates are in the new content created sections, but it is numerous times easier to use an RSS feed from the site to trigger this than the actual site's Zapier.

    Trigger on Event Start: I have had no luck getting zaps to work by using the new event created and then using the dates months in advance to trigger a zap.  The solution for me was linking my community calendar to a Google Calendar and using their Zap interaction to trigger on even start.  Again, there are ways to do it, but oddly not great solutions within the actual Zap from Invision.

    Spam Tools (Flag as Spammer/Report Content/Hide Content): When dealing with a wave of spam that is getting past the built-in spam filters, it would be great to have Zaps as a backup to turn on.  I can easily have a tool like ChatGPT read a new topic created from a new account and with solid accuracy answer if it is spam or not.  In fact, I can even prompt it to look for any Airline Ticket Sales in the spam to limit possible mistakes.  Then the Invision Zap can even find the member who posted it.... but then it ends.  I could send a notice message to myself that spam is happening, but that really defeats the purpose of automation.  Allowing the Zap to act on content would open up a huge tool bag of anti-spam tools.

    Changing User Groups: It would be really nice to have the actions that happen on one app be able to influence the user groups of users in my community.

    Edit Blocks: Blocks are one of my favorite pieces of Invision Community and being able to automatically edit the content in these blocks via Zapier would be a huge asset!  From something as simple as replacing a link when a YouTube or Twitch goes live, to linking a block to an Excel spreadsheet for daily messages, placing sales in promotional blocks, or even mirroring messages across sites, etc. etc. the possibilities are endless.  This would greatly increase a community's ability to automate holiday stuff, sales, and so on.

    Again, I do enjoy the actual Invision Community Zapier app, but I have to admit in the roughly 25 zaps that I use with my community, only about 5 use the actual app designed for Invision.  

  20. On 7/22/2023 at 2:20 PM, CircaCitadel said:

    I'm glad to see og:image tags added for forums, it was much needed. But I'm surprised it wasn't added for pages as well. Is there a reason this isn't a feature, or is it possible to be added? We have a few pages I'd love to have special OG images for when sharing.

    A better system would be awesome, but you can add og images to custom pages via the meta tag editor in the Admin CP.  It works well for a handful of pages, but would be tedious for a large list.

    @Marc Stridgen it would be really nice to have the meta tag editor built into the block editor for working with live pages that don't have a database.  That way I can just add the details I want when creating the page.

  21. "Remember to publish your GDPR message using a Google-certified CMP to continue showing AdSense ads on your site in the EEA and the UK. If you don't publish it by January 16, 2024, we'll publish one for you."

    This is the message many of us are likely getting from Google Adsense.  I saw an old topic that Invision was discussing internally and was wondering about any updates.  I know we can use the Google one, but it is basically a full-screen of Google Terms and Google Logos and not exactly what most want to see jumping onto a website.


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