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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Only if you wanted to host the pdf there. I said to use Pages.
  2. Just because they aren't used doesn't mean they aren't there 😉 https://dne4i5cb88590.cloudfront.net/invisionpower-com/reactions/react_sad.png https://dne4i5cb88590.cloudfront.net/invisionpower-com/reactions/react_confused.png
  3. A Pages database, with a "title" & "description" field, along with a file upload field. I'd also suggest using categories too.
  4. No worries. In that case they'll be in an installed local test site - hope you get sorted out.
  5. Assumptions made: URL for site hasn't changed File path on old and new server is exactly the same and no changes were needed to be performed If the above assumptions are correct, I hate to say it but I suspect that you may not have copied all your files over. Is the old server still available? With regard to the reaction icons - if the uploads/reactions folder is empty, then you will need to reupload your reaction icons via (don't delete the existing reactions - edit them, upload the file again): The default ones will be in that folder in a full download of the suite from the client area:
  6. I'm responding to the post above mine, not your issue in general.
  7. Likely browser cached. Help us out here - post a link to your site.
  8. ? You want to be able to categorise the Articles database? Go for it...
  9. In the unlikely event that someone managed to do the following: Upgrade to the unpatched v4.6.1 Receive the issue above Fixed it via the support dashboard Installs the optional patch You may see this - Just click 'Continue anyway' and you're all good:
  10. When this is clicked: Results in this: Going to the direct URL:
  11. This is also pending approval at this time:
  12. As I said - I was tired hehe The correct template for that widget is actually core -> front -> widgets -> topContributors However, the suggested theme edit won't work because this widget is cached too. Unfortunately, I think you're out of luck on this one specifically.
  13. Assuming the site URL has been changed in the config file, go to the support tool in the ACP to clear the site cached files.
  14. Unfortunately, I think that block has a little JS code that acts against it and the above method isn't compatible. That specific block could probably be handled via a template edit instead (not fully tested - I'm going to bed): core -> front -> widgets -> mostContributors Enclose the template content with the following: {{if \IPS\Request::i()->controller==='page' AND !isset(\IPS\Request::i()->id)}} ALL THE EXISTING TEMPLATE {{endif}} Was typing it up as you replied - hope it works as I think it might.
  15. You won't have access to this linked content, but it's an issue that is fixed in (as you found) 4.6.0:
  16. I'm not confused - I'm clarifying your request to move from the general ("the blocks") to the specific ("the Recent Status Update block"), and your response confirms that it is the default blocks that you are asking about. The 'fix' is to use custom blocks instead, as follows (note: I am not providing what you put in to every field, I am providing the specific things that need to be done...the rest is up to you) ACP Pages -> Blocks -> Create Block In the second field ('Plugin') select the block you want to use ('Recent Status Updates') Give it a name (example: myBlock) Save this Pages -> Blocks -> Create Block This time, choose 'Custom' -> 'Manual HTML' On the first tab, name your custom block On the 'Content' tab, insert the code below On the same tab, DO NOT enable 'Cache this block' Save the new custom block Now, on the front-end you put that custom block in place, instead of the 'Recent Status Updates' block {{if \IPS\Request::i()->controller==='page' AND !isset(\IPS\Request::i()->id)}} {block="myBlock"} {{endif}} Why do it this way? The 'Recent Status Updates' block is cached, so adding the {{if....}} statement in its content will end up with strange caching results. Result (there may be some finesse needed, but there is your starting point):
  17. What blocks exactly? Custom ones you have made yourself, or the default ones provided by the software?
  18. What do you have set as your task method? To find out, type 'task' in the ACP search box and click on the relevant result.
  19. The validation does a call home to the abuseipdb endpoint to confirm the key is valid, and it works fine for me in my testing. Happy to take a closer look, but it will require access to your ACP to allow me to install a plugin for testing.
  20. Which sites? (you've got loads if information there about pictures, but linking to them on your site so we can see them will go a long way) So, what changed? Did he/she do something on one or the other device, or both? What versions of OS are the devices running?
  21. If an application/plugin is 'Custom' but you purchased it through the Marketplace prior to an upgrade to IPS 4.5/4.6 from an earlier version than 4.5 then you likely marked it as 'Custom' during the MP onboarding process. To get it flipped to Marketplace, log a ticket with IPS support - once they assist, then you can use the MP upgrading process.
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