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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Correct - at this moment in time, another site I am involved in (not using Invision) is experiencing an issue with the sharing image. In short...F*****book.
  2. Pretty sure that works for Forms too...used it previously on my own site. Try it out, if it doesn't then I may have added something to it to make it work, which I can provide if you are self-hosted.
  3. Oh, it's possible but you really shouldn't - there are a LOT of changes between 4 & 5 and you will be in for a world of hurt as I would expect all of the IPS plugins to fail to work, as well as anything else designed to interact with the editor.
  4. And in the meantime...plugin attached. IMPORTANT: if the following setting is set to 'Opt out' then the option on the register page will be displayed - I'm not facilitating the removal of the users ability to opt out of the receipt of news and updates: (NE) Hide 'Send me news and updates' on register form.xml
  5. Ah well - not working any longer then (I did note that it may or may not work in all browsers) Don't bother looking - it's not in a template. Might take a look later at doing the plugin version I noted in the above post.
  6. I know nothing about this application at all, but the above would indicate to me that SOMETHING has to happen for a user's flag to appear. Which leads me back to reading the opening information about the application, specifically:
  7. @Gauravk remove that direct edit of the widget file, and use this plugin instead. EDIT: updated plugin to force the usort to only run when the upcomingEvents widget is the item calling the function (NE) Re-sort Upcoming Events widget_1.0.1.xml
  8. No worries - if I can spot a way to do this without a code edit (ie via a plugin) then I will change the above. If you do want to donate to my beer fund then ping me a pm 😄
  9. Funnily enough, as it is a Widget in the Calendar app, and it's the "Upcoming events", there is an obvious file to look at as a starting point... application\calendar\widgets\upcomingEvents.php And in there, the following line gets the list of events: $events = \IPS\calendar\Event::retrieveEvents( $_today, $endDate, ( $calendars === NULL ? NULL : !\is_array( $calendars ) ? array( $calendars ) : $calendars ), $count, FALSE ) Which directs you to applications\calendar\sources\Event\Event.php, where the retrieveEvents function lives. And it contains 264 lines of code (or more, or less, depends on your IDE and settings) to look through. And that takes more time to do...and would require it to be sent to the developers, not the front-line support guys, to work on and will take them away from already existing work they are doing on v4.6. If I have the time later, then I'll look through that code but NO promises at all being given here. Don't set a precedent.
  10. v2.0.6 is submitted, and is awaiting approval at this time. FIXES None NEW Added option to exclude a configurable list of characters from any word/character calculations.
  11. Shouldn't be - the javascript to handle things in the front end should be a 'one time' run, not continuous. Got an example page I can look at so I can see what it contains? (if it requires login, please send me credentials to use) And can you provide me with a screenshot of your current settings for the app in the ACP?
  12. When you are viewing the member list, use the search functionality and perform a search - you've indicated that you... ...so your search would be using this field on the search options: Then use the option available with the results;
  13. And there is the fleshing out of the request: you are referring to the Q&A functionality here. I will be honest and say that you should implement Google Authenticator instead as your second-step for the ACP, as it isn't static.
  14. I am going to be that guy.....is there actually any benefit to this request? How long does the token live? Do the people on the meeting also know your password at that EXACT moment that token is valid? If so, you have other things to worry about.
  15. Wrong Because you are viewing the page as someone who has signed up for the newsletter.
  16. Thanks - you cannot put a placeholder into a rich text editor field, which is what the reported post functionality uses (refer to 'Notes' section on the file listing) Are you aiming to change the "Optionally enter a message with your report" information already displayed there? If so, the language string is 'report_message_placeholder'
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