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Gabriel Torres

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    Gabriel Torres reacted to Mark H in How to disable access to /store/?   
    Google usually doesn't honor robots.txt exclusions like those, but you can disallow those directories in..... hmm... either your Analytics or Webmaster Tools interface (I forget which one has that feature).
  2. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from KVentz in Display edited date for Pages articles in streams   
    When articles are edited in Pages, they show up as a recent activity in the activity streams, however the date displayed is their original published date, and not the edited date. This looks weird, because we end up have items with really old dates in the middle of a list containing very recent items.
    A detailed description of this issue is discussed here: 
  3. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from SeNioR- in Missing alt info in thumbImage template   
    Thanks @Jim M, I was unaware of that.
  4. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from Marc Stridgen in [Pages] Old Activity showing up in custom search   
    Hi @Marc Stridgen, I see, here it is configured as 
    Update the last action: When the item is edited only
    However, as I said, it looks weird that the item is listed with its original published date, because it shows an old article in the middle of the articles. I believe this could be improved to show "updated" and the updated date.
    I will open a topic in the suggestions forum as per your suggestion.
  5. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from SeNioR- in SEO: Blocked due to access forbidden (403) v. robots.txt   
    @Marc Stridgen Since we run a very large community, let me know if you need any report or access to our Google Search Console. I'd gladly give you full access.
  6. Like
    Gabriel Torres reacted to Marc Stridgen in How to disable access to /store/?   
    It wouldnt do that if the store module itself is still active
  7. Like
    Gabriel Torres reacted to SeNioR- in How to disable access to /store/?   
    The question is a bit off topic, but related. Is it worth adding the extra lines
    Disallow: /store/ Disallow: /clients/ Disallow: /settings/ Disallow: /messenger/ to robots.txt?
    For the messenger page, google somehow indexed the page.

  8. Thanks
    Gabriel Torres reacted to Marc Stridgen in SEO: Blocked due to access forbidden (403) v. robots.txt   
    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  9. Thanks
    Gabriel Torres reacted to Marc Stridgen in Post #0 unset as best answer   
    Thank you for your report. I have added this to our internal bug tracker
  10. Thanks
    Gabriel Torres reacted to Marc Stridgen in aria-checked v. W3 HTML validator   
    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  11. Thanks
    Gabriel Torres reacted to Marc Stridgen in Trying to find a word in modlog__action_split   
    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  12. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from SeNioR- in Trying to find a word in modlog__action_split   
    @Daniel F Can you please provide the exact language key? All language strings containing "topic" are translated here, hence me opening this topic.
    The language key 'topic' defaults to "Topic" (with a capitalized "T") and it is translated in our install, so it isn't this key.
    mysql> SELECT * FROM core_sys_lang_words WHERE word_key='topic' AND lang_id='2'; +---------+---------+----------+----------+--------------+-------------+----------------------+---------------------+---------+-------------+-------------+------------+----------------+ | word_id | lang_id | word_app | word_key | word_default | word_custom | word_default_version | word_custom_version | word_js | word_export | word_plugin | word_theme | word_is_custom | +---------+---------+----------+----------+--------------+-------------+----------------------+---------------------+---------+-------------+-------------+------------+----------------+ | 18630 | 2 | forums | topic | Topic | Tópico | 101016 | 101024 | 0 | 1 | NULL | NULL | | +---------+---------+----------+----------+--------------+-------------+----------------------+---------------------+---------+-------------+-------------+------------+----------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Cheers.
  13. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from SeNioR- in apple-touch-startup-image validation issues   
    @Marc Stridgen Solved this by editing core > global > global > includeMeta and replacing device-width and device-height with width and height, respectively.
    <link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" media="screen and (device-width: {expression="$image['width'] / $image['density']"}px) and (device-height: {expression="$image['height'] / $image['density']"}px) and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: {$image['density']}) and (orientation: {$image['orientation']})" href="{file="$image['url']" extension="core_Icons"}"> After:
    <link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" media="screen and (width: {expression="$image['width'] / $image['density']"}px) and (height: {expression="$image['height'] / $image['density']"}px) and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: {$image['density']}) and (orientation: {$image['orientation']})" href="{file="$image['url']" extension="core_Icons"}"> This should be fixed in a coming update! 🙂
  14. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from SeNioR- in apple-touch-startup-image validation issues   
    @Marc Stridgen same result, it generates lots of these invalid apple-touch-startup-image links.

  15. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from SeNioR- in Duplicate rel= in sharelinks templates   
    @SeNioR- Not the same issue. The rel="nofollow" is present, but the tags also have rel="noopener" and per HTML standard links cannot have two rel=, they must be combined into one.
  16. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from SeNioR- in Post #0 unset as best answer   
    I wonder if the message "Post #0 unset as best answer" is the correct expected value in the moderator logs (in the ACP and in the topic itself). It seems weird to me. The language key is modlog__best_answer_unset which defaults to Post #%s unset as best answer. I believe that %s should be replaced with the post id (pid).

    If we check the logs for setting the best answer, we can see that the post id (pid) is being set correctly:

    Upon inspecting the source code, I found the bug at 
    Where it is:
    \IPS\Session::i()->modLog( 'modlog__best_answer_unset', array( $item->$solvedField => FALSE ), $item ); It should be:
    \IPS\Session::i()->modLog( 'modlog__best_answer_unset', array( $comment->$idField => FALSE ), $item ); Cheers,
  17. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from SeNioR- in [Pages] Old Activity showing up in custom search   
    This is regarding records in databases in Pages.
    My Activity Streams > Create new stream
    Content items only Content types: (selected all databases, which contain articles) Read status: everything Ownership: everything Following: everything Time period: last 7 days Sorting: newest activity first To my surprise, very old articles showed up. The reason being: I recently moved these articles from one category to another. IMO, these articles shouldn't be listed. Simply moving an article from one category to another shouldn't trigger it as being a "new activity".
    If this is the intended behavior, then the text should be about the item being moved, not about it being posted.
    Edit: this was caused because the records were edited. However, I don't think a simple edit shouldn't trigger this.

  18. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from SeNioR- in SEO: Blocked due to access forbidden (403) v. robots.txt   
    As you may noticed from my recent topics, I am trying to improve our website's SEO.
    One thing that caught my eye in our website's Google Search Console was the Coverage > Blocked due to access forbidden (403) report, with 38.7k entries.
    I noticed that most URLs have repeated patterns such as ?advanced_search_submitted=, ?do=reportComment, and ?do=markRead.
    My question is very simple: for SEO strategy, should we add those patterns to our robots.txt, or this wouldn't matter at all?
    My logic here: if we place these in robots.txt, Google won't try to crawl these pages, saving crawling time/bandwidth.
  19. Thanks
    Gabriel Torres reacted to Daniel F in Duplicate rel= in sharelinks templates   
    Few instances were fixed, but this one was indeed missed.
    Thanks for the report @Gabriel Torres, I have fixed it for an upcoming release:)
  20. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from SeNioR- in Duplicate rel= in sharelinks templates   
    Validating our website with the W3 validator tool, I found a glitch in the core > front > sharelinks templates, where the tag "rel=" is duplicated (there is a rel="nofollow" and a rel='noopener'; they should be combined as rel="nofollow noopener"). For example, the twitter template is:
    <a href="http://twitter.com/share?url={$url}" rel="nofollow" class="cShareLink cShareLink_twitter" target="_blank" data-role="shareLink" title='{lang="twitter_text"}' data-ipsTooltip rel='noopener'> <i class="fa fa-twitter"></i> </a> But it should be:
    <a href="http://twitter.com/share?url={$url}" rel="nofollow noopener" class="cShareLink cShareLink_twitter" target="_blank" data-role="shareLink" title='{lang="twitter_text"}' data-ipsTooltip> <i class="fa fa-twitter"></i> </a> The same happens in the linkedin, pinterest, and reddit templates.
  21. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from SeNioR- in aria-checked v. W3 HTML validator   
    Running the W3 HTML validator on our website, it complains about this line:
    <input type="checkbox" name="remember_me" id="remember_me_checkbox" value="1" checked aria-checked="true"> This also happens when we audit www.invisioncommunity.com
    Please advise.
  22. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from Ibai in SEO: Blocked due to access forbidden (403) v. robots.txt   
    @AlexWebsites Yes, and the latest version doesn't deal with the patterns I am talking about, hence me opening this topic.. 😉
  23. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from AlexWebsites in SEO: Blocked due to access forbidden (403) v. robots.txt   
    @AlexWebsites Yes, and the latest version doesn't deal with the patterns I am talking about, hence me opening this topic.. 😉
  24. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from Ibai in Meta tags and indexing user profile pages   
    @Stuart Silvester brainfart here. I was aware of that, I even exchanged a couple of messages with you regarding robots.txt. We have in fact this directive in our robots.txt. I edited the title of this topic to reflect our current (and correct) discussion.
    # Block profile pages as these have little unique value, consume a lot of crawl time and contain hundreds of 301 links Disallow: /profile/ I was intrigued on why Google was still indexing my own profile and found this:
    That is exactly what is happening here.
    Therefore, based on what you wrote, besides the nofollow, I believe that probably it should be added the noindex directive to the user profile pages.
    However, in order for the noindex to work, the pages must not be blocked in robots.txt:
    Could you please take a look into this?
  25. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from OptimusBain in Ability to configure database display order in Pages   
    I wish we had a way to specify the order of the databases displayed in the Search and in the +Post features of the community. Currently, there is no way to specify the order we want them to be displayed, so they are listed according to the primary_id_field. I wanted to change the order, so the most used/popular databases are listed at the top and the least used/popular are listed at the bottom of these lists. Examples:

    In these two places, I wanted to change the order of the databases.
    Proposed solution
    A new 'order' field in the databases.
    In the ACP > Pages > Databases screen, the databases would have the drag & drop reordering feature that is present in several other places in the ACP (e.g. ACP > Pages > Blocks).
    Wherever in the front-end that databases are to be displayed, they would follow the same order set in the ACP.
    I hope you can implement this.
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