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    IPCommerceFan reacted to opentype in New year’s resolution: Make the Marketplace great again   
    I’m not judging in any way, just listing some observations about the developer/Marketplace situation in the recent years. 
    4.5 tightened the rules drastically. Result: several developers left for good. price increases. Developments needs a self-hosted installation and possibly a demo website. It’s now 850 + 300 annually. Someone starting out as developer really needs some killer products to earn that back and then generate profits. Cloud testing of resources would make it even more expensive (+1,788 annually).  Shift/changes to cloud. The lower tiers don’t have the ability to install third-party products. This decreases the reach and makes running independent third-party shops less useful/profitable.  Signatures turned off. No possibility for passive advertisement through community posts.  Limited compatibility field. Sales can only be created for one version, limiting the income.  I have no magical solutions to offer, but are improvements for this something we could put on the table for 2023?
    Currently, I am not very optimistic. We only have a handful of active developers left with continued announcements of departures. If it is still working well for some (?), it’s probably because of a large set of files and existing customers with renewals. But I can’t see how new developers would want to get involved in the current situation, replacing the ones who left or even growing the marketplace. 
    I understand the costs and downsides for IPS. Paying for code reviews, chargeback fees and of course all the support issues with third-party resources. But then again: Looking at the broader field of online software: all the big players strive with and in part because of a flourishing third-party marketplace. So, improvement could easily be a “win-win-win” situation for IPS, developers and IPS customers. 
    (I would have some suggestions myself but I don’t want to push the topic in a specific direction, so I am leaving it at the problem statement for now.)
  2. Like
    IPCommerceFan got a reaction from SeNioR- in Commerce: Product Group's do not have an 'og:image' meta tag   
    Incidentally, the Similar Content feature works nicely! 
    @opentype's 'OG Image for Commerce Products' marketplace item popped up, and I purchased it.  👍
  3. Agree
    IPCommerceFan reacted to The DeaDly in (Suggestion) Commerce improvements   
    Some ideas to add to the Commerce system

    1.  To add when setting up a new product the option to enter the cost price for the product and not just the actual price sold to the customer.
    This way it will be possible to track the net profit and the actual income of the business by offsetting the cost of the product (maybe even adding it to the reports in the control panel, etc...)
    2. To add icons to products, for example: on sale, holiday sale, deal, etc. (icon on the product image in one of the upper corners)
    This will attract customers to buy more and it will be possible to highlight products in sale


    Thnx !
  4. Thanks
    IPCommerceFan reacted to Marc Stridgen in Commerce: Product Group's do not have an 'og:image' meta tag   
    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  5. Like
    IPCommerceFan got a reaction from SeNioR- in Commerce: Product Group's do not have an 'og:image' meta tag   
    When linking a Nexus product group to somewhere like Facebook, no image or the wrong image appears because the groups do not have og:image meta tags configured by default. 
    We currently deal with this by running a mysql script periodically to add meta_url's and meta_tags to the core_seo_meta table.  ( the live tag editor )
  6. Thanks
    IPCommerceFan reacted to teraßyte in [BUG 4.7.4] Editing a Commerce product in ACP doesn't show the chosen primary image   
    Add a product in ACP, uploads a few images for it in the Store tab, chosen a primary image and then save it.
    Once you go back to edit the product the primary image you chose is not marked as such. All images have an empty radio button instead.
  7. Thanks
    IPCommerceFan reacted to teraßyte in [Bug 4.7.3] More issues with Custom Products in Commerce   
    Just found another bug with Custom Products (which I heavily use).
    Here are the steps to reproduce:
    Add a paid invoice to any random account in ACP and add a Custom Product with it. In the Client Area Display tab insert some text and an attachment. Now go to the user's account and edit the custom Product (pencil button) from there: add some more text, delete the attachment, and upload a new file. After saving the changes go back and edit again the custom product: nothing has changed except for the fact that the old attachment and the new one are both there now. Now try adding another invoice with a NEW Custom Product and you'll find the editor in the Client Area Display tab prefilled with the original text and both attachments from before.  
    In some cases, the old attachment is still there but the editor doesn't display it instead. I'm not sure of the steps to reproduce this just yet though. I'll keep looking.
    Overall Custom Products have a lot of little bugs here and there:
    There's no way to immediately add custom fields (like URL, FTP details, accounts, etc) when adding/editing the package itself but going and editing each custom field individually the custom packages show up there. It's hard to find them once they're added to a single account, there's no easy way or some kind of custom group to list all of them in one place. Settings for them are saved when you initially create them from an invoice but editing them after they're added to the user account doesn't save some things. Custom products don't show up in certain settings (like associable products when editing a department).  
    Honestly, the whole situation is a mess... 🙄
  8. Like
    IPCommerceFan reacted to Daniel F in PHP 8.0🎉   
    Is anybody else excited about finally being able to use all the "new" PHP8.0 features?
    You've probably seen some of the new stuff in our recent Beta:)
    // Union Types protected function sendModerationAlert( array $values, \IPS\Content\Item|\IPS\Content\Comment $content ) : \IPS\core\Alerts\Alert // Nullsafe Operator $this->coverPhotoFile()?->delete(); 2 other amazing changes are named arguments and match expressions which we haven't used yet in the core products, but I'm sure they'll come up soon because they're going to make all our all lives much easier!
    If you haven't looked at the changes in PHP8 yet, I would strongly suggest to take a look at https://stitcher.io/blog/new-in-php-8 which is an amazing blog covering all the new features.
    And that's just the beginning, I would strongly suggest to make yourself also familiar with PHP8.1 https://stitcher.io/blog/new-in-php-81 & PHP 8.2 https://stitcher.io/blog/new-in-php-82 because PHP8.0 is reaching it's EOL soon  https://www.php.net/supported-versions.php
  9. Like
    IPCommerceFan reacted to teraßyte in Add an option to control the JS Carousel slideshow timer   
    Currently using the Carousel module there is an option to start a slideshow using data-ipsCarousel-slideshow but the timer itself is hardcoded to 4 seconds in the javascript file \dev\js\framework\common\ui\ips.ui.carousel.js:
    var slideshowTimeout = 4000; Since this is a module there's no way to create a mixin for it as it's only for controllers. (Or is it possible to use a mixin on a module? Even if it is, because of the place the timer is in, there's no way to override its value though.)
    Can you add support for overriding the timer with a new option like this one?
  10. Like
    IPCommerceFan reacted to rebraf in Drip Campaigns Support   
    I updated my installation to 4.7.2 and ran the compatibility scanner and only one application (not in the marketplace) is being flagged. I suspect the compatibility scanner isn't running correctly for some reason since it is throwing errors at the code level.
    Can you tell me what the compatibility scanner (on the support tool) is saying about this application isn't compatible? I've gone through and looked at all the hooks and I don't see any that should be triggering a warning off the top of my head.
  11. Like
    IPCommerceFan reacted to Nathan Explosion in Voice message feature   
    Right, I have decided to go ahead with this one, as the concept is now proven and I have started adding stuff in to the mix.
    I will not be taking suggestions for features at this time - I have a design that I will be working towards, and new features will be added at my discretion.
    Note: this one won't be cheap.
  12. Like
    IPCommerceFan reacted to Nathan Explosion in Voice message feature   
    Time to expand out the testing (thanks to @MythonPonty for assistance so far)
    Note the following:
    1. Testing will be done on my own test site, not your own site.
    2. I have a specific set of tests I would like performed, and instructions will be provided on the test site - if they aren't followed then you will lose access to do the testing.
    3. If interested, send me a PM.
    4. Sending a PM doesn't guarantee that you will be used as a tester.
  13. Like
    IPCommerceFan reacted to CodingJungle in 4.7.2 Beta 3: InnoDB & MyIsam tables   
    foreach( \IPS\Db::i()->getTables() as $table){ $def = \IPS\Db::i()->getTableDefinition($table); if($def['engine'] === 'MyISAM') { $query = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table . ' ENGINE=InnoDB;'; \IPS\Db::i()->query($query); } } i use this snippet to convert them over to innodb. it is likely your databases default engine type is myisam instead of innodb (cause not every schema has the engine type when the table is created, so the db installer lets the db server select it. this is what looks like what is happening here). 
  14. Like
    IPCommerceFan reacted to kmk in Transparent process. Topic or post author   
    Not everyone can or want to invest so much time to post a topic, and creating good topic content...in some case we can help members to post some topics, or just we know how to prepare a topic well written, so we did it but we want to transfer that topic ownership to related member, there already done plugin of Change Topic Author, but we need better mechanism to achieve this little technique action, that is why I request a CORE FEATURE, Transfer Post Ownership. 
    That concept is, to achieve the change of a post author (topic or reply) current owner click on a moderation menu Change Author, that action will let current author select a member and send that request, that related member will receive popup notification where he can approve that change. After that the topic or reply just change all others related aspects, the new follower, the subscribe notification etc. 
    This transfer ownership mechanism bring us transparency of the content author issue, avoiding members accused of "this is posted by you, not me, because you can handle and just change author of a post without consent of people". 
  15. Like
    IPCommerceFan reacted to Ryan Ashbrook in Check if we're on the main board page   
    For what it's worth, the current application and module is already loaded by the dispatcher (as mentioned by CodingJungle), so it won't reload it - it would just use the existing data already in memory.
    Additionally, applications and modules are cached in the data store so loading them on the fly should have very little effect on performance.
  16. Like
    IPCommerceFan reacted to CodingJungle in Check if we're on the main board page   
    plus \IPS\Dispatcher already loads these values:
    $app = null; $module = null; if(\IPS\Dispatcher::hasInstance()){ $dispatcher = \IPS\Dispatcher::i(); $app = $dispatcher->application; $module = $dispatcher->module; } if($app !== null && $app->default && $module->default){ //if we are here, we on the default app/module, lets do our thing }  
  17. Like
    IPCommerceFan got a reaction from opentype in Check if we're on the main board page   
    These work for me:

    Default app:
    $defaultApp = \IPS\Application::load(\IPS\Request::i()->app)->default; Default module:
    $defaultModule = \IPS\Application\Module::get(\IPS\Request::i()->app, \IPS\Request::i()->module)->default;
  18. Thanks
    IPCommerceFan reacted to Marc Stridgen in [bug] 4.6.10 - Commerce List View w/ Required fields   
    This has been resolved in the recently released 4.7..1 version of the platform. Please upgrade to that version if you are experiencing this issue, and if you still have any problems, please let us know.
  19. Like
    IPCommerceFan reacted to rebraf in Drip Campaigns Support   
    (B) already exists, so if you move a user to another group when he purchases, you can already accomplish this (and if you don't, you could always set up a new secondary group that you mover users which will accomplish this).

  20. Thanks
    IPCommerceFan reacted to Matt Finger in 4.7 DataLayer feedback: breadcrumb and loggedIn/guest   
    Hello Randy!
    Yep, integrating Commerce Events and Properties is under consideration for Phase 2 so stay tuned! Also, for sign ups, see the account_register event in the AdminCP > ... > Data Layer > Events. It fires immediately after new registrations.
  21. Like
    IPCommerceFan reacted to LiveG in Regular Expression   
    Its works perfect!!
    @IPCommerceFan Thanks a lot for your time and effort! 
    It is Well appreciated.
  22. Thanks
    IPCommerceFan got a reaction from LiveG in Regular Expression   
    Ah yes, try this:
  23. Thanks
    IPCommerceFan reacted to teraßyte in [BUG 4.6.12] Wrong image field name when cloning Package Groups in Commerce   
    This code below is from applications/nexus/sources/Package/Group.php (lines 348-379):
    //<?php /** * [ActiveRecord] Duplicate * * @return void */ public function __clone() { if ( $this->skipCloneDuplication === TRUE ) { return; } $oldImage = $this->image; parent::__clone(); if ( $oldImage ) { try { $icon = \IPS\File::get( 'nexus_PackageGroups', $oldImage ); $newIcon = \IPS\File::create( 'nexus_PackageGroups', $icon->originalFilename, $icon->contents() ); $this->image = (string) $newIcon; } catch ( \Exception $e ) { $this->pg_image = NULL; } $this->save(); } }  
    The name inside the catch is wrongly using the db table prefix pg_ and should be removed:
    $this->image = NULL;  
  24. Like
    IPCommerceFan got a reaction from LiquidFractal in Commerce product groups for specific groups?   
    Yeah we currently use a template hack where we duplicate a bunch of elements (category sidebar, product groups on the index, possibly others) and specify which member groups can see what.  Its messy, and would be amazing if product groups could have permissions of their own.
    For our use case, we would use the group permissions to show resellers/vendors special packages only they can access, while simultaneously hiding the public-facing packages from them.   The opposite would be true for guests and regular customers.
  25. Like
    IPCommerceFan got a reaction from Hostingunlock in \IPS\Helpers\Form::addHeader - Ability to toggle   
    Ah, I didn't double check to see if the 4th parameter was even an option! lol
    I'd been dealing with forms so much that it just seemed logical anything called upon via Form would have it.  Even addMessage has it!
    Thanks for the tip!
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