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  1. Agree
    crmarks reacted to robbalvey in Videos uploaded directly to a forum topic do not show thumbnails on mobile.   
    For example on the desktop it looks like this:

    On mobile it looks like this:

    I've now tested on several phones.  iPhone and Android.  Different browsers, etc.  Everyone gets the same results.
    Can anything to be done to generate those thumbnails on mobile like they do in the same browsers on the desktop?
  2. Agree
    crmarks reacted to Randy Calvert in Giving you control with Email Bounce Management   
    This is great!  One suggestion however...  a user would not know they're being blocked unless the person happened to stumble into their email settings.  
    In my experience, this is very unlikely to happen.  Users don't check there often (or at all).  They may not even realize there is a problem or realize email has not been seen by them in a while to know to investigate.  
    Could you add some sort of front-end notification as well?  

    The red stripe could literally just be the email settings page you linked above where you explain the problem and ask the user to update their email.  
  3. Like
    crmarks reacted to Matt Finger in Giving you control with Email Bounce Management   
    Our May update brings Email Bounce Management to our Invision Community cloud platform. In this blog entry, I'll go over what it is, why it's important, and how you can use it when needed.
    What is it?
    For those who may not know, an email bounce occurs when an email message is sent and the recipient either doesn't exist (hard bounce) or they have blocked the sender (you!) in a spam complaint (soft bounce).
    When an email message bounces we block that address at the cloud level so it cannot receive new messages from any community. This is considered good practice for email service providers, and ensures that we maintain a low bounce rate when sending emails on behalf of all the communities on our platform.
    Please note this pertains to the Invision Community Cloud platform email service. If you use SMTP or SendGrid, email bounces are managed externally and may enforce different policies.
    What Bounce Management Tools are we providing?
    We're giving you the ability to see which members have blocked email addresses, and to unblock emails known to be safe.
    Seeing which emails are blocked
    In the AdminCP Members table (AdminCP > Members > Members), on cloud you will see a new filter: "Email Undeliverable". These are any member accounts that have emails blocked due to soft or hard bounces.

    Additionally, on the front end, if a Member's email is blocked, they will see a warning indicator in the Nav/User Bar prompting them to change their email in their account settings.

    Lifting Email Blocks
    As stated earlier, when an email is blocked, it is blocked on the cloud platform level. If the block is not locked (which can happen if it's unblocked too many times), you will see a warning the Member's AdminCP Profile page.

    Clicking into it you will see an option to unblock.

    One final note on the Email Block Policy
    If a situation occurs when an email is unblocked and gets blocked again a certain number of times, the block becomes permanent. In these cases, you will be able to see that the email is blocked but there won't be an option to unblock, and the member will have to change their email to resume receiving your Community's messages through us. This ensures that the Invision Community cloud platform retains a good email sending reputation.
    Thanks for reading and as always stay tuned to for the latest and greatest upcoming features and insights!
    The features discussed in this announcement are not available for Invision Community Classic. Click here to learn more about switching to our platform to get this and other benefits.
    View full blog entry
  4. Thanks
    crmarks reacted to Jim M in Older iOS devices no longer able to post or see pics after update   
    There is an issue we're looking into with lazy loading and these older iOS versions. 
    What videos are they reporting? Are these videos which have been uploaded to a forum post? Are they embedded YouTube videos?
    These two issues, I would recommend clearing their cache as it sounds like they have corrupted cache.
  5. Like
    crmarks reacted to GazzaGarratt in iPhone notifications, web app and more   
    UI and UX is probably one of the most important things out there so I'd have to strongly agree to see if we can find a way to get prompts on screen to help the user 'download the app' to their Apps screens. Otherwise Apple users won't know the feature exists.
    I'll still be pushing it hard for our members as we've been waiting for a way to get push notifications out to Apple users, luckily I have quite a few members on WhatsApp so I can persuade them via that 😅
  6. Like
    crmarks reacted to Matt in iOS PWA needs reload and back buttons on every page   
    Yes, I'd like swipe gestures and pull down to refresh.
  7. Like
    crmarks reacted to Randy Calvert in Coming Soon: Email Bounce Management   
    That screenshot is EXACTLY where I was hoping that report would be!  It makes complete sense for it to be there and gives us the ability to apply other filters such as non-deliverable in a specific member group, or last activity date.  So that's very helpful!
    If I might make a suggestion for a subsequent iteration...  users RARELY go into their account settings.  In fact, they may never even notice they're no longer getting email from us at all.  
    It would be very helpful to have a way of more prominently notifying a user of the problem.  I would suggest displaying a message similar to the announcements feature's "above page content" or at the very top of the page.
    You could display a red bar that has a warning that there is a problem with email delivery.  At that point you can simply drop them on that revised page to update their email address.

    If emails are not being received, they can no longer self-service reset passwords, they may miss important announcements, etc.  So it's important they're aware of that issue ASAP.  I personally suggest it would always display until the issue is resolved and not allow it to be dismissed by the member.  
  8. Like
    crmarks reacted to Matt in iPhone notifications, web app and more   
    Huge thanks to @Daniel F for risking his iPhone by installing the latest iOS beta to get this feature working for us!
  9. Like
    crmarks reacted to Charles in Monetizing tools improvements   
    Yeah subscriptions are extremely popular on all types of communities. Their use ranges from basic support to running an entire business in a community. 
    Yes it’s a big focus area for upcoming Commerce update. 
  10. Like
    crmarks reacted to Canis in Monetizing tools improvements   
    Quote from @Matt  in the deprecation thread:
    There cant be  many forums, apart from maybe adult related,  that make significant money out of charging for access.
    But lots of forums relies on advertising. Would have liked if IPB instead would use those resources for improving the primitive Advertisment system.
  11. Agree
    crmarks reacted to Douglas Glover in Ability to toggle behaviour: Editing bumps blog posts   
    Please see my thread here: 
    I'd love the ability to change it so that editing a blog doesn't bump it to the top of Latest Activity. It's a relatively abusable feature once someone realizes that this happens as they can continue to edit the blog post over and over, keeping it at the top. I'd prefer not to have to make some arbitrary rule that would punish users for editing their blogs, as it's not black and white - they'll always easily just say "well it's a living document" or similar.
  12. Thanks
    crmarks reacted to Andy Millne in This site - those users don't look good being there   
    The fix for this is not in 4.7.8 but we're working on a fix asap
  13. Like
    crmarks reacted to Charles in Data Integrity Updates   
    This is one of those behind the scenes improvements that you do not know happen but we still like to tell people about.
    All media that is uploaded to your community (images, videos, any sort of files) is now automatically replicated to a write-only backup within 5 minutes of upload. This means that backups of your media are basically continuous now.
    This part is not new but as a review.... For databases, we have two levels of backups: daily and weekly. Our daily snapshots are for catastrophic recovery and are extremely robust as they are replicated internally. The weekly backups are what I call "convenience backups" which might sound strange but let me explain.
    The weekly backups are not as robust as the daily snapshots but they are more easily restored. This allows our team to easily diagnose issues, assist you with recovering accidental deletions/configuration issues, and compare today to last week/month (we store several weeks for recovery purposes before old backups purge). We find having these two types of backups lets us be more agile in restoring service for both "major" events and "whoops" events.
    As always with Invision Community, your data is your data. At any time you contact support and we can send you a full export of all community data for your archives.
  14. Like
    crmarks reacted to Charles in Coming soon: Statistic Updates   
    We will soon be announcing some statistics and reporting improvements that will be available to both Cloud Platform and Classic self-hosted editions of Invision Community. Look out for a blog entry on that soon!
    I did want to talk about one addition to reporting and statistics that will not be available on Classic and do a quick preview: per-item reports.
    You will be able to see a view of the popularity of a section (specific forum, gallery album, download category, etc.) or item (forum topic, gallery image, file, etc.) over a time period. For example, you could see a graph showing which hour/day/week/month had the most views in an individual topic. Right now, stats only show total views and has no count for by hour or otherwise when that view was made.
    Cloud's backend systems handle the tracking, counting, and logging of views. This data is stored centrally outside of your master database so if you ever wish to go from Cloud to Classic, this data would not convey. Report data can include possibly millions of data points so, for performance, some larger reports may be queued. This means that Cloud will calculate the report and deliver it to you in a few minutes. This ensure that intensive data reporting does not cause timeouts for you.
    This is the first step in several other reporting and statistics improvements we have planned. We are also working to tie statistics into actions in the future. Think things like: stats discovers a previously dormant member has become active again and initiates a process to welcome them back. Or maybe stats discovers a member who previously only posted in Product A forum is now looking at Product B forum so stats tells your CRM to flag a possible sales lead.
    We are excited to be able to offer these enhanced services by leveraging the backend power of the Cloud platform!
  15. Thanks
    crmarks reacted to Daniel F in SFTP for Cloud Hosted   
    This works for images, but not for other formats, so to make it easier we've added the URL to the left information sidebar where you'll be able to copy the URL.

    And regarding the not shown image preview: This was a bug that I've also spotted while working on the URL enhancement. It will be fixed in the april release.
  16. Like
    crmarks got a reaction from Ryan Ashbrook in I do not receive letters about complaints   
    If it was a known bug, I bet it’s fixed now. Haven’t had a report lately 🙂 
  17. Thanks
    crmarks reacted to Ryan Ashbrook in I do not receive letters about complaints   
    This is a bug that was fixed in 4.7.6. I would recommend upgrading to the latest version.
    I'm not able to reproduce on the latest version. Are you still seeing this?
  18. Agree
    crmarks reacted to Egorkin in I do not receive letters about complaints   
    Letters stopped coming when complaining about the post.
    I'm subscribed to them.
    The rest of the emails from the forum are coming.
    I didn't change the settings. This seems to have happened after upgrading to 4.7.6(5).

    What could be the problem?
  19. Thanks
    crmarks reacted to Charles in SFTP for Cloud Hosted   
    Just to confirm: we added a way to see the Pages media full URL. It will be in the April release.
  20. Like
    crmarks reacted to Matt in SFTP for Cloud Hosted   
    We can likely reveal the media path/filename in Pages. We did not do this because self-hosted allows you to have images in the database, in a local disk folder or on s3 so the full path and filename would break if you moved it to a new domain.
    Cloud doesn't have this problem.
  21. Thanks
    crmarks reacted to Charles in SFTP for Cloud Hosted   
    That was the part I was like "ok this isn't very good" 😀
    I embedded that "media" it in a page to get the path. Promise we will address that in next release!
  22. Like
    crmarks reacted to Charles in SFTP for Cloud Hosted   
    So... ok...
    I was like "oh I have a solution!" but Pages Media is apparently a bit clunky. I'm putting in a to do to improve it 🙂 
    But, yes, you can upload media like that and it just creates a non-attached upload.
  23. Like
    crmarks reacted to Chris027 in SFTP for Cloud Hosted   
    One item holding me up from moving to the cloud hosted plan is the lack of SFTP access. Even if this was to a single folder in the uploads directory or something, it's all I need. My feature request is some type of uploading capability. Perhaps it's there and I don't know it.
    I need this because I upload advertising banners to a nonstandard directory, then use custom code to call them. This way, no ad blockers block my ads. 
    I also use SFTP to upload the audio MP3 of my articles, then put them into the articles with the code below. I would attach the MP3, but this displays how many times each article is listened to for some reason, and the accuracy of it is questionable, in addition to the fact that it's a stat that nobody needs to see.
    <audio controls="" data-audio-embed=""> <source src="https://example.com/my-article-audio.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"> </audio>  
  24. Like
    crmarks got a reaction from sobrenome in (DP42) CSE Google   
    Hi @DawPi!
    I've been trying out the plugin today and noticed an issue with CSE customization. Many of the Google CSE Look and feel settings are hard coded into the javascript inside the plugin, so changing the theme and style settings in the CSE control panel have no effect on the live site. This also effects the ability to set a custom link target (mine is set to "_self" but it is forced to open results in a new window)
    Is there a way to update the plugin javascript code so our CSE customizations are passed through? These aren't things that can be changed via CSS, they can only be set from the CSE admin panel and passed through their latest javascript.
    The latest CSE javascript code is async and supports a lot of HTML5 customization. It may be possible to present the CSE results in a way that looks more like the native IPS search interface, if the results template was further developed with these new features. https://developers.google.com/custom-search/docs/element.
  25. Like
    crmarks reacted to Andy Millne in Photo Competition (Support Topic)   
    Good point. I'll look into it. 
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