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Posts posted by Interferon

  1. I'm fetching gallery images with the web API and displaying them in a client application. It's surprising there is no option to sort images by rating:

    With an application like this normally you want to make your top-rated images the default option, and then have a dropdown box that allows the user to switch to most recent content. The reason is that your top-rated content of all time makes your application look a lot better than whatever random stuff people recently uploaded.

  2. I'm digging deeper into the web API and haven't found any way of tracking actions. For example, we could have a user value that gets incremented each time they run our application, so their account can keep track of how many times total they run the program. This could be shown as a member field, or used to track activity to award a badge.



    One nice features of Github's markdown implementation is that it automatically removes double-line returns between paragraphs, and lines before and after the text content. This makes it so you never have those annoying errors that mess up the paragraph spacing.


    You know what I mean?

    People make these kind of errors all the time. I don't want to go in and edit their content to remove such a minor and common mistake, but it makes things look ugly.




  4. I'm no longer using the Downloads application. When I attempted to uninstall it, the page was loading for a long time and timed out. Our server was running out of disk space, which may have been the cause of this.

    The app now shows as "_app_downloads" in the admin panel. It seems like the uninstall was only partially successful. If I try to uninstall it again the page times out and nothing changes when I refresh the admin panel page.

    I think it is probably a good idea to either have it installed or uninstalled, but not hanging around like this with the potential to cause errors next time I upgrade.

  5. I'm no longer using the Downloads application. When I attempted to uninstall it, the page was loading for a long time and timed out.

    The app now shows as "_app_downloads" in the admin panel. It seems like the uninstall was only partially successful.

    I think it is probably a good idea to either have it installed or uninstalled, but not hanging around like this with the potential to cause errors next time I upgrade.

    I tried to file a support ticket in the client area but it says my plan does not include email support?

  6. Discoverability in games is getting harder and harder. Our members use our site to funnel traffic to their own websites and game pages. They tend to get very large numbers of profile views, like tens of thousands. If I could make the "About Me" tab the default tab selected when the profile is viewed, more of those profile views would convert to clicks going to the URLs they are trying to promote.

    So they post images, videos, and blogs on our site, that leads to profile views, and that leads to more traffic for them.

  7. On 2/14/2022 at 2:43 PM, onlyME said:

    Sorry, I don't have plan for this feature. It's so complex for me. I'm working for the jquery method to get thumbnail.

    Thank you! :wub:

  8. Of course the Crypto systems do not support subscriptions, and subscriptions are the only viable model for Internet business today.

    It's also a lot of extra steps for customers in other countries who just want to pay with their credit card.

    I think it is very unlikely Russia will be the last country PayPal decides to create unofficial privatized sanctions for.

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