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REST API Documentation


Edit a member

This endpoint is only available for requests made using an API Key or the Client Credentials Grant Type, not using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member.


Name Type Description
name string Username
email string Email address
password string Password (standard login handler only)
group int|array Group ID number ; if an array was provided, the first item will be used for the primary group and everything else for the secondary.
registrationIpAddress string IP Address
secondaryGroups array Secondary group IDs, or empty value to reset secondary groups
customFields object Array of custom fields as fieldId => fieldValue
validated int Flag to indicate if the account is validated (1) or not (0)
rawProperties array Key => value object of member properties to set. Note that values will be set exactly as supplied without validation. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.


Code Message Description
2C292/7 INVALID_ID The member ID does not exist
1C292/4 USERNAME_EXISTS The username provided is already in use
1C292/5 EMAIL_EXISTS The email address provided is already in use
1C292/6 INVALID_GROUP The group ID provided is not valid
1C292/7 INVALID_GROUP A secondary group ID provided is not valid


This endpoint doesn't return a response.