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Everything posted by Sonya*

  1. Unfortunately Google does not support Rel=prev/next any more. I cannot see an issue you with these tags though on this community. This is what I see on this page: <link rel="first" href="https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/442742-large-community-you-have-a-problems-with-sitemap/" /> <link rel="prev" href="https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/442742-large-community-you-have-a-problems-with-sitemap/page/11/" /> <link rel="canonical" href="https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/442742-large-community-you-have-a-problems-with-sitemap/page/12/" /> This is what I see on the previous page: <link rel="first" href="https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/442742-large-community-you-have-a-problems-with-sitemap/" /> <link rel="prev" href="https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/442742-large-community-you-have-a-problems-with-sitemap/page/10/" /> <link rel="next" href="https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/442742-large-community-you-have-a-problems-with-sitemap/page/12/" /> <link rel="last" href="https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/442742-large-community-you-have-a-problems-with-sitemap/page/12/" /> <link rel="canonical" href="https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/442742-large-community-you-have-a-problems-with-sitemap/page/11/" /> There is neither wrong canonical nor false pagination
  2. I leave it. We are running extended sitemap for the pages (2,3,4 and so on) as well. It make indeed sense. Your posts sitemap does not make sense. And your screen is a prove -> sitemap for posts does contain zero valid pages.
  3. I do not really use Facebook. I use communities In 3.X there was difference between today/yesterday. That's why they want it back. I will hook into html function of the Date to change it for my girls
  4. Not on mobile 😞 I've given up. I have told to them: look, this suite is developed by men for men, they cannot understand how difficult it is to calculate for us. Live with it.
  5. @TDBF, have you considered the suggestion as well? I had to rewrite your code to respect the ad placement. Is it now correct in the last version?
  6. It is obvious for me. It is like my phone, when there is missed call I want to see when this call was. Exactly the time. I do not want to know if it was 3 or 5 hours ago. I cannot explain, why I would like to see the time there. Just because I am used to think "in time" and not in "hours ago". On this community it is sometimes important to see if the post has been made early in the morning or afternoon. Saying X hours ago forces me to calculate what the posting time exactly was. It is easier for me to say what I have done at 3:00 PM as what i have done 9 hours ago.
  7. Sure. Also this. This was how 3.X had displayed the dates. I have ignored the complaints for one year. But now, we have moved a year ago, it is starting to get annoying to hear it again and again. Or, they do. Believe me. I have installed every plugin that restores the "unread" functionality from 3.X They need it really. It is a very busy community. They are creating content without pause. As already said, they are women and they like to talk. I guess the only reason is: we really want to see the time when it was posted. Whether at 8:00, 9:00 or 10:00 o'clock today. They want to see this time afternoon and not to calculate back what time was exactly as the post has been made. That's all. Just be able to see the time. This is not about relative time in general. They are happy with X minutes ago (there is no so much to calculate). And they are happy with yesterday, 11:23. The whole complaints are only against X hours ago.
  8. I have asked and they say they want to see clear post time, e. g. 8:00 or 9:00 and they do not want to calculate what time was 7 hours ago. They are all women, if it relevant
  9. I do not know. But we have these complaints since we moved to 4.X a year(!) ago. They ask for it again and again. And there is always the same: 19 hours ago? I do not like to calculate what time it was. "Unfortunately" we have over 70% mobile users
  10. Our users complain about relative dates again and again. The main issue they have: they do not want to calculate how many hours ago is yesterday. They would like to differ between posts made today and yesterday. So they need clean statement today, 11:23 or yesterday, 23:43. At the moment if they see something like 19 hours ago they must work out if today is already longer as 19 hours then the post is from today. Otherwise from yesterday. A lot of our users wish to see what content has been published "TODAY". Can you please consider to change the logic of f_hours and f_hours_short to figure out whether the post has been made today or yesterday and print out the words instead of X hours ago?
  11. If a category is deleted then we get an exception instead of 404 error while trying to open the link: OutOfRangeException: (0) #0 /var/www/virt/project/htdocs/init.php(816) : eval()'d code(73): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord::load(20) #1 /var/www/virt/project/htdocs/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): IPS\core\modules\front\clubs\clubcats_hook_clubsDirectory->category() #2 /var/www/virt/project/htdocs/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/directory.php(52): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #3 /var/www/virt/project/htdocs/init.php(816) : eval()'d code(37): IPS\core\modules\front\clubs\_directory->execute() #4 /var/www/virt/project/htdocs/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\core\modules\front\clubs\clubsenhancements_hook_ceControllerDirectory->execute() #5 /var/www/virt/project/htdocs/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #6 {main}
  12. There are still non-translatable strings on modal window when sending note from the link below the post in forum or from hover card: Sending Sticky Note No/Yes Send
  13. There is a small "bug" in the sidebar widget on customized theme. We use the same color for widget title background and links in our theme. In YOUR widget the title of the widget is clickable, it is a link to photo competition. And due to our theme color settings we cannot see the title of the widget. It is also very unusual to have the title of the widget to be a link at the same time. I would like consistency and would delete a link from the title, removing it at the same time to the body of the widget.
  14. There is probably another bug. I see files in my purchases that are marked as active. There are some examples. All these files are for 3.x so will never be available again and should not be active for my sense. Additionally, if I click on Manage of this file I get this: The file is not available for download and I should contact the file author. And WHO is the file author?
  15. Thank you! Waiting for Black Friday impatient. 4 files from you are on my shopping list.
  16. Hi, can I replace Guest 63296...646 by just Anonymous? I do not want Guest. It should be Anonymous, so that users see this is not posted by guest but by user who is registered but has an ability to post anonymous? I would like to delete the line "Anonymous poster hash: 63296...646" below the post.
  17. Can you please add a possibility to follow only status updates of the member?
  18. My wishlist (probably this Christmas?): Delete, hide, archive files that are permanently deleted and no more available (and will not be available ever because for 3.X) Add a developer name on the list of purchases Let me automatically follow ALL files from my purchase list Update the filenames with the actual title in the Marketplace. I still see the titles from the LAST Black Friday there
  19. When I enter my purchase list...
  20. @DawPi, I cannot follow a link. This is only for registered users. I do not like to register to just see the content. Can you send me a screenshot?
  21. @Mike John, can you please reply to the question?
  22. The question is: can I use both "searches" after installing your app? Is it a complete replacement of default search by CSE or can I still access internal search somehow?
  23. CSE does search only through pages indexed in Google https://support.google.com/customsearch/answer/4513925?hl=en Question: if the page is not indexed (e. g. excluded by Google or is in the user-only section of the site), then there are probably no results, even if the page does exist. Is it possible to include a link below Google search results, something like: Nothing found here? Try internal search! When click on the link then internal site search page (default IPS search) is loaded. Is it possible?
  24. @MIXOH, @BakuEdi even if you both speak Russian (I do as well), it is better to write in English here. This is a support topic for all users, isn't it? If a customer has the same issue but does not understand Russian, then he will not able to understand what is written here and thus will not get the solution for the issue.
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