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  1. Like
    teraßyte got a reaction from DSystem in IC5: Introduction to Listeners   
    No issues there. He won't be able to upgrade 2/3 of them. Lots of time saved! 😂
    Seriously, I have several apps and plugins extending classes in the /system folder. That means they're all dead for v5. So far, I don't like the direction v5 is taking at all. No matter what awesome tools you may have in place, being unable to overload (almost) all classes like before is a huge issue.
    Well, that's it for me for now. I won't say anything further until there is more info about those "awesome tools" you mentioned. But I don't have much hope for them.
  2. Like
    teraßyte got a reaction from Joey_M in IC5: Developer Center   
    I'm not sure how the scanner works right now, but I guess it scans the used language strings and checks if they exist in the lang.php file? If so, it should also check for required language strings that the system expects when you add a specific extension/feature/node/etc.
    For example, when you add a Node/Item that supports search, you need to add specific language strings for the quick search menu, contextual search menu, etc. All those language strings are not documented anywhere. Another thing to check are the required language string for admin/moderator restrictions in ACP.
    There are a few more areas, but I can't remember them now.
  3. Agree
    teraßyte reacted to beats23 in IC5: Developer Center   
    Thanks, but the video is 720p blurry when entering fullscreen YouTube.
  4. Like
    teraßyte reacted to Esther E. in IC5: Developer Center   
    Yes, it checks all of those things.
    To clarify: It actually does NOT scan for used language strings. It scans for required/suggested language strings. So for example, it reads your acpmenu.json and makes sure that you have all the 'menu__' strings set up.
  5. Like
    teraßyte got a reaction from Chris Anderson in IC5: Commerce   
    What about the ACP? For example, when creating an invoice manually in 4.x it's impossible to add a Downloads file right now.
    I also hope Custom packages are heavily reviewed for v5, since they have several bugs.
    Rather, I've reported plenty of bugs (for Commerce and all other apps), and several are still open and untouched even with fixes provided in them (some since 2021-2022). 🤷‍♂️
  6. Agree
    teraßyte reacted to AlexJ in IC5: Commerce   
    It would be nice if Commerce can get some traction in donation tracking perspective. We have limited subscription option but bills are due every month/year. So having donation goals and who donated against that goal, provides more transparency. 
  7. Like
    teraßyte got a reaction from AlexJ in IC5: Commerce   
    What about the ACP? For example, when creating an invoice manually in 4.x it's impossible to add a Downloads file right now.
    I also hope Custom packages are heavily reviewed for v5, since they have several bugs.
    Rather, I've reported plenty of bugs (for Commerce and all other apps), and several are still open and untouched even with fixes provided in them (some since 2021-2022). 🤷‍♂️
  8. Like
    teraßyte got a reaction from Adriano Faria in IC5: Commerce   
    What about the ACP? For example, when creating an invoice manually in 4.x it's impossible to add a Downloads file right now.
    I also hope Custom packages are heavily reviewed for v5, since they have several bugs.
    Rather, I've reported plenty of bugs (for Commerce and all other apps), and several are still open and untouched even with fixes provided in them (some since 2021-2022). 🤷‍♂️
  9. Like
    teraßyte reacted to Esther E. in IC5: Commerce   
    Technically the cart will accept any item, you'd just have to add the button on your end to add it to the cart.
  10. Agree
    teraßyte reacted to Adriano Faria in IC5: Commerce   
    Is the cart still exclusive for commerce packages, or can it be used for other items, like Downloads files?
  11. Agree
    teraßyte reacted to opentype in IC5: Theme Tools   
    Real-world example:
    for my many Pages databases, the output of the database relationship field as comma-separated list is usually insufficient, so I would replace what’s in cms -> front -> global -> basicRelationship and add record images, grid views and so on. How would I do that now? From what I understand from the article, I would only be able to add stuff at dedicated locations, not replace anything. 
  12. Like
    teraßyte got a reaction from .Ian in IC5: Introduction to Listeners   
    No issues there. He won't be able to upgrade 2/3 of them. Lots of time saved! 😂
    Seriously, I have several apps and plugins extending classes in the /system folder. That means they're all dead for v5. So far, I don't like the direction v5 is taking at all. No matter what awesome tools you may have in place, being unable to overload (almost) all classes like before is a huge issue.
    Well, that's it for me for now. I won't say anything further until there is more info about those "awesome tools" you mentioned. But I don't have much hope for them.
  13. Agree
    teraßyte reacted to Adriano Faria in IC5: Menus   
    I don't think my question is related to Menus or if there will be a new blog entry to cover it. I'll ask anyways.
    Will we be able to add buttons to the items view, like in the topic view (red area)?

    Thank you.
  14. Agree
    teraßyte got a reaction from Maxxius in IC5: UI Extensions, Part II   
    Unfortunately, that won't work:
    CSS is not an option because it would hide the fields for everyone, not just specific members/groups. In any case, they'd still be there in the output. Javascript would allow hiding the fields based on some extra JS variables in the output. Again, they'd still be there in the output. Since the fields are in the output, a person with some knowledge or a bot can still fill them in without trouble. Removing them completely, and not processing the values when the form is saved were requirements for the modification. (Don't ask me why it needs to be like that, but that was the request.)
    Being able to easily extend all forms and adding new fields to them is nice, but being unable to alter the other fields is a severe limitation.
  15. Thanks
    teraßyte reacted to Esther E. in IC5: UI Extensions, Part II   
    For what it's worth, I too have a few clients who have modified the event form (I can think of 3 right off the bat, but there are probably more). And I already have a pretty good idea how I'll handle that.
    Hope that helps a little? 
  16. Like
    teraßyte got a reaction from BomAle in IC5: UI Extensions, Part II   
    Unfortunately, that won't work:
    CSS is not an option because it would hide the fields for everyone, not just specific members/groups. In any case, they'd still be there in the output. Javascript would allow hiding the fields based on some extra JS variables in the output. Again, they'd still be there in the output. Since the fields are in the output, a person with some knowledge or a bot can still fill them in without trouble. Removing them completely, and not processing the values when the form is saved were requirements for the modification. (Don't ask me why it needs to be like that, but that was the request.)
    Being able to easily extend all forms and adding new fields to them is nice, but being unable to alter the other fields is a severe limitation.
  17. Like
    teraßyte got a reaction from AlexJ in IC5: Introduction to Listeners   
    The second plugin is something that should be included by default really, but, leaving that aside, my main issue is the first one I linked. I have plenty of similar (custom) modifications. That's the biggest problem, and your reply doesn't help at all, unfortunately. 😔
  18. Like
    teraßyte got a reaction from G17 Media in IC5: Introduction to Listeners   
    No issues there. He won't be able to upgrade 2/3 of them. Lots of time saved! 😂
    Seriously, I have several apps and plugins extending classes in the /system folder. That means they're all dead for v5. So far, I don't like the direction v5 is taking at all. No matter what awesome tools you may have in place, being unable to overload (almost) all classes like before is a huge issue.
    Well, that's it for me for now. I won't say anything further until there is more info about those "awesome tools" you mentioned. But I don't have much hope for them.
  19. Like
    teraßyte got a reaction from G17 Media in IC5: Introduction to Listeners   
    I was silent so far, hoping for some revolutionary idea, but I have to agree with Adriano: with these changes modding is dead.
    Listeners are basically the old Library hooks from 3.x, and we can no longer overload any other methods (unlike before). I won't be able to update 85%+ of my modifications with this system.
    @Matt As an example, I see no way to update these plugins for 5.x:
    Unless I'm missing something, or you have more coming to still allow them.
  20. Like
    teraßyte got a reaction from SJ77 in IC5: Introduction to Listeners   
    No issues there. He won't be able to upgrade 2/3 of them. Lots of time saved! 😂
    Seriously, I have several apps and plugins extending classes in the /system folder. That means they're all dead for v5. So far, I don't like the direction v5 is taking at all. No matter what awesome tools you may have in place, being unable to overload (almost) all classes like before is a huge issue.
    Well, that's it for me for now. I won't say anything further until there is more info about those "awesome tools" you mentioned. But I don't have much hope for them.
  21. Like
    teraßyte got a reaction from SJ77 in IC5: Introduction to Listeners   
    To log the download, I have an hook on \IPS\File. I see no way to access it with Listeners?
    Guess I can only wait and see what comes next for now... 🙄
  22. Like
    teraßyte got a reaction from SJ77 in IC5: Introduction to Listeners   
    The second plugin is something that should be included by default really, but, leaving that aside, my main issue is the first one I linked. I have plenty of similar (custom) modifications. That's the biggest problem, and your reply doesn't help at all, unfortunately. 😔
  23. Like
    teraßyte got a reaction from SJ77 in IC5: Introduction to Listeners   
    I was silent so far, hoping for some revolutionary idea, but I have to agree with Adriano: with these changes modding is dead.
    Listeners are basically the old Library hooks from 3.x, and we can no longer overload any other methods (unlike before). I won't be able to update 85%+ of my modifications with this system.
    @Matt As an example, I see no way to update these plugins for 5.x:
    Unless I'm missing something, or you have more coming to still allow them.
  24. Like
    teraßyte got a reaction from Maxxius in IC5: Introduction to Listeners   
    The second plugin is something that should be included by default really, but, leaving that aside, my main issue is the first one I linked. I have plenty of similar (custom) modifications. That's the biggest problem, and your reply doesn't help at all, unfortunately. 😔
  25. Like
    teraßyte got a reaction from Maxxius in IC5: Introduction to Listeners   
    I was silent so far, hoping for some revolutionary idea, but I have to agree with Adriano: with these changes modding is dead.
    Listeners are basically the old Library hooks from 3.x, and we can no longer overload any other methods (unlike before). I won't be able to update 85%+ of my modifications with this system.
    @Matt As an example, I see no way to update these plugins for 5.x:
    Unless I'm missing something, or you have more coming to still allow them.
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