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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by teraßyte

  1. This is similar to the bug I posted before: The problem this time is in the template applications/core/dev/html/front/widgets/relatedContent.phtml on line 70: <a href='{$item->url( "getPrefComment" )}' {{if $item->canView()}}data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target='{$item->url()->setQueryString('preview', 1)}' data-ipsHover-timeout='1.5' {{endif}}> Need to add a check for $item->tableHoverUrl in that IF.
  2. I'm unable to reproduce this when I view a topic and the Similar Content block is added to the page. What are you doing to always reproduce it exactly? 🤨 EDIT: Nevermind, I see the problem now. It only happens if the widget is in horizontal mode. I was testing with the block in sidebar earlier.
  3. Sorry, I failed to notice your first reply. I'll try and have a look either today or tomorrow. 👍
  4. @PBarton Yes, because of the recent UI Polish the CSS changed. You can use this in 4.7.8+ instead: /* Hide subforums on grid view */ .cForumGrid__subforums { display: none; }
  5. Maybe they had some kind of 3rd party modification then. 🤨 Oh well, all good then. I'll deal with it myself.
  6. Yes, it's a default feature that kicks in every time a file is uploaded in the editor and displayed in the content.
  7. Okay, I see what you mean now @Stuart Silvester. But the check for viewtopic.php is the one still missing from the redirect code. I see only showthread.php and showpost.php.
  8. In \applications\convert\Application.php there is no check to redirect old vBulletin links. It only checks for Expression, Vanilla, Xenforo, and SMF: public function convertLegacyParameters() { $_qs = ''; if ( isset( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ) ) { $_qs = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } elseif ( isset( $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] ) ) { $_qs = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']; } elseif ( isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ) { $_qs = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } /* Expression Engine */ preg_match ( '#(viewforum|viewthread|viewreply|member)\/([0-9]+)#i', $_qs, $matches ); if( isset( $matches[1] ) AND $matches[1] ) { static::checkRedirects(); } /* Vanilla */ preg_match ( '#(discussion|profile)\/([0-9]+)\/#i', $_qs, $matches ); if( isset( $matches[1] ) AND $matches[1] ) { static::checkRedirects(); } /* Xenforo */ preg_match ( '#(forums|threads|members)\/(.*)\.([0-9]+)#i', $_qs, $matches ); if( isset( $matches[1] ) AND $matches[1] ) { static::checkRedirects(); } /* SMF */ if( \IPS\Request::i()->board OR \IPS\Request::i()->topic OR \IPS\Request::i()->action ) { static::checkRedirects(); } } These vBulletin links are not checked at all: forumdisplay.php viewtopic.php showthread.php member.php album.php picture.php
  9. That text usually appears on attached images or files when the JS is retrieving the downloads count and size.
  10. One or more of your plugins is not updated to work with PHP 8. Do the following: Disable all your plugins/applications. Switch to PHP 8 and confirm the site works. Re-enable your modifications 1 by 1 and find out which one is making the site crash. Switch back to PHP 7.4 to get your site working and check if a new version of the modification is available for 4.7. If not, contact the author of the plugin causing the issue to see what they say.
  11. As @Randy Calvert already mentioned in his reply above, it's not possible. IPS offers only the download for the latest version available. Unless you saved the ZIP file of the 4.6.3 files you won't be able to download it anymore.
  12. I agree with the suggestions above. I was using Lastpass too but I recently changed. Leaving aside all their recent security issues, their last UI update for the browser plugin is atrocious: autocomplete not working, safe showing accounts unrelated to the site URL, etc. It's a mess. 🤦‍♂️
  13. If you have only ~80 topics, and you don't mind your members having to re-register their accounts, it's indeed faster to start from scratch with a fresh install. You'll lose less time re-posting the topics yourself than going through the upgrade process twice. I've done my fair share of legacy upgrades from 2.x to 4.x, and for 80 topics it's not worth the hassle if there's no other data you care about on 2.x. 😅
  14. Steps to reproduce: Enable the advanced setting Enable template disk caching? Add some random text/content in a template, and verify it shows in the template you edited. Revert the template, and verify that the page still shows the content you added in #2. Clear the cache from the Support page, and verify the content you added is now gone from the template. Re-saving the template as-is, with no edits, and then reverting it again also works. The issue is with the REVERT button not updating the cached file (unlike the SAVE button).
  15. Wow, 2.3.5 is really old at this point. Direct upgrades from 2.x to 4.x aren't supported anymore, unfortunately. You'll need to upgrade to 3.x first, and then to 4.x. From their guide: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/advanced-options/server-management/install-and-upgrade-r259/#ipb3toips4
  16. You have to run those queries from SSH (command line). Don try to run them from phpMyAdmin, as they'll most likely timeout. If you're unsure how to do it, ask your hosting, as @Jim M mentioned above.
  17. I assume you already tried to run both queries, but it still shows that error in the screenshot?
  18. Btw, I haven't checked what happens in the gallery. You might want to check that area, too.
  19. Here are the steps to reproduce: Create a new file in the Downloads app (in a category that allows screenshots). Upload any random file in the first step (it doesn't matter). Upload the image from the ZIP file attached to this post as a screenshot. Enter a random title (it doesn't matter). Re-upload the image from step #3, but this time as an attachment in the Description editor. Submit the file. Once the file is submitted, compare the screenshot to the attachment in the description, and you'll see the images are rotated differently (and rotated wrongly in both cases, too). test_image_rotation_bug.zip P.S.: The test above was done with both GD and ImageMagick. Same result in both cases.
  20. If you didn't have the application installed before, there should be a button at the bottom of the applications page to install it. But you're saying it's showing as "locked". Did you have it installed at some point before? If that's the case you probably need to go to /admin/upgrade and run the upgrader.
  21. Have you made any changes before the error started? Going to your ACP page I'm seeing this error: syntax error, unexpected '->' (T_OBJECT_OPERATOR) This usually happens when the required PHP version is not met. Use this file to check:
  22. Was checking the changes between 4.7.7 and 4.7.8 and spotted a duplicate error code (even marked with a TODO actually 😋) in \applications\downloads\modules\front\downloads\pending.php on line 180: \IPS\Output::i()->error( 'file_version_pending_cannot_delete', '2D417/4', 403, '' ); //TODO error code The same error code is present in the moderate() function right above.
  23. @Daniel F This is indeed (partially) fixed in 4.7.8, but you only fixed the template passing the wrong class. There's no query included to update broken items already in the database, and the rebuild process will still throw an error on 4.7.8. EDIT: Nevermind. I see you made a code change similar to the one I posted in the first post to handle broken items. I guess that works too.
  24. Oh, okay. If the backup is a "full cPanel backup", your host needs to restore that. If the backups are individual files (SQL for the database and TAR for files) you can restore them yourself. However, based on your post, it doesn't seem you have done this before. If you ever need to restore the backup it would be best to simply contact your hosting and they should be able to assist.
  25. You're confusing the backup with the files of the new version. You can (and should) download a copy of the backup, but what you need to upload (#6) are the files of the new Invision Community version (downloaded from your IPS Client Area; #4). Re-uploading the backup files is NOT what step #6 is about.
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