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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by teraßyte

  1. Ok. If clearing the cache changes nothing, check your browser's console. There should be some kind of Javascript error that is preventing CKEditor from loading, it should give more info on what's going on. EDIT Taking another look at your first screenshot, I see your site is not using HTTPS and that's probably the problem: Switch your site to use HTTPS, clear again the cache, and try again. If HTTPS doesn't work, checking your browser console as I mentioned above.
  2. Try clearing your site's cache in the Support page in ACP. Guide link: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/client-services/getting-support-r292/#marcssupporttool
  3. There must be a configuration issue with the server if it's not using PHP 8.0 properly for your site. You should contact your hosting about it. There is no way to force the upgrade to start until that is fixed.
  4. Based on the error in your second screenshot, you have the wrong PHP version. The latest 4.7.13 version required PHP 8.0+.
  5. Is this for a Cloud Community account? If yes, you can have a look at this guide:
  6. There are only 3 Dutch translations in the Marketplace: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/category/161-translations/ 2 of them are for 4.4, and the most recent one is updated for 4.7.3 (so it's 10 versions behind the current 4.7.13): Maybe you can try contacting the author to see if he has any plans to update it further.
  7. Based on that error, since it's trying to insert a post using a 0 ID, I guess AUTO_INCREMENT for the ibf_forums_posts table isn't properly set. 🤨
  8. What URL is triggering this error? The URL should be visible at the top of the page when you're viewing a System Log in ACP.
  9. That screenshot doesn't help much, unfortunately. Check your server error logs to find out what exactly that 500 error really is.
  10. Based on your first post, the path you should use in the first screenshot is /var/www/dg_forum, and /var/www/dg_forum/uploads for the second one (which you are already using; except the last slash). Maybe the folder permissions (CHMOD) are wrong?
  11. What happens if you try to save the template without making any changes to it? If there's no error, the code you added is broken somehow. If you still get an error, it might be mod_security as Marc mentioned above. It's a server module, you should ask your hosting about it.
  12. As Marc mentioned above, it's not possible with the current default options. The only way to do what you want would be a custom modification.
  13. You can use a similar rule to the one I posted in the other topic: body[data-pagelocation="front"][data-pageapp="cms"][data-pagecontroller="page"][data-pagemodule="pages"][data-pagename="PAGE_FILENAME"] #elSearchWrapper { display: none; } Replace PAGE_FILENAME as usual. I simply changed the navbar breadcrumb for the search ID element #elSearchWrapper.
  14. You can delete it, but only if you are using Invision Community 4.x. If you're still using the old IP.Board 3.x version it's a required file.
  15. It was a custom profile field. It's been removed from a fresh installation, but it can be easily added from ACP.
  16. What Invision Community & PHP versions are you using? Seems like the server is using the wrong PHP version. The file initdata.php is from IP.Board 3.x, the file in 4.x is called init.php.
  17. You need to create an HTML block (not Editor; image #2) in order to use IPS template logic, and then add the code in the Content tab/textarea: {advertisement="TinkAd1"} As template key (image #3) instead use something like ad_block_tinkad1. Everything else can remain as is.
  18. Here you go: body[data-pagelocation="front"][data-pageapp="cms"][data-pagecontroller="page"][data-pagemodule="pages"][data-pagename="PAGE_FILENAME"] #ipsLayout_contentWrapper { padding-top: 15px; } Just like before, replace PAGE_FILENAME and adjust the padding-top value by the amount you need.
  19. You should be able to hide those links with some CSS by targeting that specific page. Each page has a body element similar to this one (this is taken from this very page): <body class="ipsApp ipsApp_front ipsJS_has ipsClearfix" data-controller="core.front.core.app,cloud.front.realtime.viewingService" data-message="" data-pageapp="forums" data-pagelocation="front" data-pagemodule="forums" data-pagecontroller="topic" data-pageid="475515" > You can use a rule similar to this one: body[data-pagelocation="front"][data-pageapp="cms"][data-pagecontroller="page"][data-pagemodule="pages"][data-pagename="PAGE_FILENAME"] nav.ipsBreadcrumb.ipsBreadcrumb_top { display: none; } Just replace PAGE_FILENAME with your page's filename.
  20. Are your tasks running properly? Scheduled entries are published by a task that runs every 15 (?) minutes if I remember correctly.
  21. You can create a new (private) club for each course, and add the members to that club. The specific information you mention can be added to the club itself, and only its members will be able to see it. There is no need for all members to join all clubs (unite). The only problem I can see is re-creating the groups as clubs and manually moving all members into them. If you have a lot of members/groups (as seen in the screenshot above), a custom modification to automatically move the members might be a good idea.
  22. The old Provider directory is still broken (link above), but the new one seems to work just fine: https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers-directory/ I guess we can consider this "fixed".
  23. Yes, I still have it on my to-do list. Between covid, marketplace closure, and other things I haven't had the time for it yet. 😅
  24. Where are you inserting that image URL exactly? I don't recognize the form in the screenshot.
  25. Based on the error, it's a problem related to the ipspage plugin for CKEditor. 🤔 Try re-uploading the ZIP file from your client area to the server, and clear again the cache in ACP. If that still doesn't work maybe you could try resetting the editor's toolbar in ACP: EDIT One more thing, have you tried if the issue happens also with the default IPS theme?
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