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Alex K.

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  1. Like
    Alex K. got a reaction from Sebastien Penet in IPB 3.1.0 features   
    For whatever reason, I had a forum set to allow global viewing but had the category not viewable by guests, but I was still able to go to the forum if I typed in the URL. It seems this already exists, it's just not mentioned.
  2. Like
    Alex K. reacted to Wolfie in Suggestion: ACP option to disable IPB's automatic Link wrapping (showing more characters for the link)   
    Download and import this file into your settings area.

    The you can go to Settings > Forums > Topics, Posts and Polls
    And under "Making a Post", you'll find "Disable URL truncating?". Enjoy!
  3. Like
    Alex K. got a reaction from Collin1000 in Overtake vbulletin   
    You could put that notice in 150-point flashing red text on every other line of the page and some people still wouldn't read it.
  4. Like
    Alex K. reacted to Charles in Archive posts?   
    It is a planned feature for 3.1
  5. Like
    Alex K. reacted to Mark in About to clean up the Client Area?   
    It's just a number guys, don't let it get to you ;)
  6. Like
    Alex K. reacted to Chris R in IP.Subscription Coupon/Promotion Idea   
    Wasn't too sure where to post this...

    I have a few ideas that I think would be beneficial for IP.subscriptions though.

    Coupon Codes
    This would work like coupon codes you see at any major retailer. A code that would take a certain percentage off a package, or knock it down to a certain price. For simplicity sake, you could just enter a set amount the coupon code reduces the price to.

    Promotional Things
    Perhaps an option where someone could get a subscription free for 30 days, or a coupon code that does this?

    Here's the idea behind this idea.
    I was thinking about printing out some promotional info on my new site I'm working on to give out at events. These would have code(s) on them for free premium memberships or whatnot. I think it'd be a pain to have unique codes on each one, but it would be nice if something like this could work.
  7. Like
    Alex K. reacted to Charles in Dissapointed in the lack of refund policy   
    I know of not a single software company that offers refunds. Try buying a boxed software at a physical store. Once it's open you cannot take it back.
  8. Downvote
    Alex K. reacted to nes718 in Hosting vB Forums on IPS Hosting   
    I can host your friend's vB if you don't have too many users. Drop me a PM for details if interested.
  9. Downvote
    Alex K. reacted to Quead in IPBoard 3.0.4 PM Error   
    its expensive look

    Date: Fri, 06 Nov 2009 18:10:41 +0000
    Error Number: 1054
    Error: Unknown column 'mm.map_last_topic_reply' in 'order clause'
    IP Address: MY IP
    Page: /index.php?app=members&module=messaging
    Debug: array (
    1 =>
    array (
    'file' => '/home/wwwarthr/public_html/ips_kernel/classDb.php',
    'line' => 1010,
    'function' => 'query',
    'class' => 'db_driver_mysql',
    3 =>
    array (
    'file' => '/home/wwwarthr/public_html/admin/applications/members/modules_public/messaging/view.php',
    'line' => 762,
    'function' => 'getPersonalTopicsList',
    'class' => 'messengerFunctions',
    4 =>
    array (
    'file' => '/home/wwwarthr/public_html/admin/applications/members/modules_public/messaging/view.php',
    'line' => 143,
    'function' => '_showFolder',
    'class' => 'public_members_messaging_view',
    5 =>
    array (
    'file' => '/home/wwwarthr/public_html/admin/sources/base/ipsController.php',
    'line' => 291,
    'function' => 'doExecute',
    'class' => 'public_members_messaging_view',
    mySQL query error: SELECT mm.*,mt.*,msg.*,mem.members_display_name FROM ipb_message_topic_user_map mm LEFT JOIN ipb_message_topics mt ON ( mm.map_topic_id=mt.mt_id )
    LEFT JOIN ipb_message_posts msg ON ( msg.msg_id=mt.mt_last_msg_id )
    LEFT JOIN ipb_members mem ON ( mt.mt_to_member_id=mem.member_id ) WHERE mm.map_user_id=13 AND mm.map_user_active=1 AND mm.map_folder_id='myconvo' ORDER BY mm.map_last_topic_reply DESC LIMIT 0,50
  10. Like
    Alex K. reacted to CalendarOfUpdates in IPB 3.X - Old PM System   
    It that case they should use the "report button".
  11. Like
    Alex K. reacted to TGSAion in For those thinking of switching   
    After using this software for a bit, and having been pleased with its performance thus far I would like to share my thoughts with people looking for some answers. Hopefully some of my commentary will help potential buyers since it comes from a fellow vbulletin admin.

    Just to elaborate a bit before beginning, I've been a vbulletin user for a little over 3 years now on a relatively small forum with a consistent group of posters. It isn't a 'big board' by any means, but over time I've probably used most the features that vbulletin offers. This puts me at an advantage with that software bundle over IP.Board, so if I give kudos to a feature that is 'missing', but isn't actually missing and a user error of ignorance on my part, please chime in and correct me fully.

    I know you can't really be objective on some things, and for those instances I've tried to separate them from the facts by italicizing them. Also, this is not at all a comprehensive analysis of the two softwares. Just a collection of points that stood out to me. Hopefully this kind of thing is allowed if done in a non-hostile/polite to other product way, if not then nuke away or move to the appropriate area, if there is one.

    Things in Invision's Favor:

    This is based on the 3.0 series of board, after my use of the IP.Suite product that comes with IP.Board/Blog/Gallery

    Private Messaging
  12. Like
    Alex K. reacted to BSchwarz in Best Move I Ever Made   
    I was a long time vbulletin user. Watched and participated in the discussions on EZBoard when John first started to develop vbulletin and was the first install on a large active site converting from UBB. I was the first to test the converter, John sent me many variations until it was right, and use it to convert the site I owned at the time. I never really thought I would ever use any other software. A couple months ago I decided having all my eggs in one basket wasn't a good idea. Many of the things that were going on with IB looked eerily similar to what was happening with UBB years ago. I bought my first IPB license for a new site. Since then IB decided that long time, loyal customers like me had no place with them and basically kicked us to the curb. I have since bought 2 more forum licenses and one suite license and converted 2 of my sites. I have 5 sites left. More licenses will be bought over the course of the next month or so I will convert the rest of my communities.

    I am thoroughly impressed the software and the support. It says a lot when the owner, Matt, offers help via twitter. It used to be that way with John. It helps to build loyalty and trust. The software itself runs far better than vbulletin. I will be here for a long time and want to say thanks for opening my eyes. If I didn't buy my first license I would never have seen how powerful IPB is.
  13. Like
    Alex K. got a reaction from C. Waffles in Overtake vbulletin   
    You could put that notice in 150-point flashing red text on every other line of the page and some people still wouldn't read it.
  14. Like
    Alex K. reacted to DawPi in Messenger not working   
    What was wrong? Maybe another user want to use your knowledge with this error. :)
  15. Like
    Alex K. got a reaction from wepfijweoifj in Overtake vbulletin   
    You could put that notice in 150-point flashing red text on every other line of the page and some people still wouldn't read it.
  16. Like
    Alex K. got a reaction from Michael.J in Overtake vbulletin   
    You could put that notice in 150-point flashing red text on every other line of the page and some people still wouldn't read it.
  17. Like
    Alex K. reacted to Nityananda in VBULLETIN USERS WORRIED ABOUT SKINNING   
    OK guys,
    I am currently running a vbulletin forum with a professional design set. My first and foremost worry about moving over to invision was the design of my forum. My thought behind this is that it is going to be a big enough move over to invision as it stands without the fact that the forum will look completely different.

    NOW, bare in mind I only purchased invision less than 24 hours ago. I have almost managed to duplicate the look of my forum with only a very very basic knowledge of CSS and some knowledge of photoshop. How have I done this? I would seriously urge you to have a good read through the topic on this forum http://www.smartestcomputing.us.com/index.php?showtopic=37422

    This tutorial, I would print out and have at the side of you throughout your transition. Its simple, and it works...... Dont worry about your skinning guys. IMO its easier than vbulletin 3.8 and at the end of the day, you would have to learn 4.0 anyways.
  18. Like
    Alex K. reacted to Nityananda in I have now switched from VBulletin   
    Well sort of ... I have bought invision LOL ..

    I want to leave feedback in here in the same way as I would on the vbulletin licenced user area... Truthfully

    For anyone who is currently a vbulletin licence holder and has been reading over there, you know what it has been like. I have purchased my software here, they have had email issues, high telephone volumes, site being swamped with questions etc etc ...... So here is my purchase:

    Step 1: I had a query regarding pricing, and therefore emailed the sales team here at invision. A few hours later I recieved an email from their exchange saying that it was undeliverable. Now my first thought was "here we go again, they all the same"


    Step 2: I decided to send a pm to charles on here, who is busy as hell with questions LOL .... However me being impatient decided to call the telephone sales line too.

    Step 3: Called the sales support in the US, from the UK. As the sales line was extremely busy, I was passed to an operator almost immediately who took my telephone number and said someone would call me back (yep, a callback in the uk from the us ... Impressed)

    Step 4: Bare in mind I have had no responce from Charles. I recieve my telephone call back within 10 mins.... And who was on the other end of the line... Charles!!!!! ... My query was sorted, emails sent to me, and I had purchased everything as I required within 5-10 mins.

    That my friends, is why I have switched........ Because it makes a change not to be ranting at someone who doesnt listen.. Instead I'm asking questions of people who do care about their customers.
  19. Like
    Alex K. reacted to RenegadeFamily in Update Status   
    I would suggest removing the thanks page that you see after you update you status using the statuses hook and just have the hook use an AJAX refresh with your new status.

    I find it annoying to update my status then have to view the thanks page.
    I think that using AJAX could make this nicer.
  20. Like
    Alex K. reacted to Rhett in vBulletin Owners: Handy FAQs   
    You guys are great..... I just spoke with Charles this morning and was very impressed, being a current vb user.... I'm sold on what I see here.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know the rest of you and thank you for all this information while we transition to our new home.

  21. Like
    Alex K. reacted to ChrisTx in vBulletin Refugees   
    I think the loss of many of the vBulletin plugins is a very valid concern for many communities, but just keep in mind that when vBulletin 4.0 is released you're not guaranteed that those products will be updated for the new version anyway.

    If you're going to continue running vB 3.8 then you may want to wait a while before making a new purchase and then weigh vB 4 versus the competition. For me, the vB announcement was a good motivator to get me to look at IPB again and I was impressed enough to purchase the IP suite today.
  22. Like
    Alex K. reacted to Mark in Awful Support Service   
    Looking at your most recent tickets:

    608369: We waited for you to accept our disclaimer, which you eventually refused to do and closed the ticket yourself.
    606915: We responded about 4 hours after the ticket creation.
    604629: We responded about 40 minutes after the ticket creation.
    603845: We initially responded about 15 minutes after the ticket creation, and then you replied on a Saturday, and even then we got back to you about 8 hours later.

    In fact, I can't see any tickets that have been open anywhere near 48 hours. I see one that is open now, but that was also only created yesterday.

    Am I missing something? If you can provide the ticket IDs for the cases your referring to where you've had to wait, we can see what's going on.
  23. Like
    Alex K. got a reaction from BaRoN30s in Pruning Database.?   
    You may want to consider a different host. If they cap your database at that size, this problem will keep coming up periodically no matter what happens.

    Yes, deleting old posts will lower the size, but that's pretty much it. You shouldn't have to do that in most cases.
  24. Like
    Alex K. got a reaction from Green Cat in IPB3.0.3 => IPB3.0.4 (Cannot upgrade)   
    To get into the peer-to-peer forums, you need to either have an active support contract or be listed as an alternate contact of someone who does. We can't give support here, you'll have to use the peer-to-peer forums.

    If the owner of the license doesn't have an active support contract, you aren't allowed to get upgrades, and shouldn't be asking about them.
  25. Downvote
    Alex K. got a reaction from Jacob Marshall in IPB3.0.3 => IPB3.0.4 (Cannot upgrade)   
    To get into the peer-to-peer forums, you need to either have an active support contract or be listed as an alternate contact of someone who does. We can't give support here, you'll have to use the peer-to-peer forums.

    If the owner of the license doesn't have an active support contract, you aren't allowed to get upgrades, and shouldn't be asking about them.
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