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IPBoard 3.0.4 PM Error


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i have error with IPB 3.0.4 when i click on PM it say.

There appears to be an error with the database.

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help me please

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its expensive look

Date: Fri, 06 Nov 2009 18:10:41 +0000
Error Number: 1054
Error: Unknown column 'mm.map_last_topic_reply' in 'order clause'
IP Address: MY IP
Page: /index.php?app=members&module=messaging
Debug: array (
1 =>
array (
'file' => '/home/wwwarthr/public_html/ips_kernel/classDb.php',
'line' => 1010,
'function' => 'query',
'class' => 'db_driver_mysql',
3 =>
array (
'file' => '/home/wwwarthr/public_html/admin/applications/members/modules_public/messaging/view.php',
'line' => 762,
'function' => 'getPersonalTopicsList',
'class' => 'messengerFunctions',
4 =>
array (
'file' => '/home/wwwarthr/public_html/admin/applications/members/modules_public/messaging/view.php',
'line' => 143,
'function' => '_showFolder',
'class' => 'public_members_messaging_view',
5 =>
array (
'file' => '/home/wwwarthr/public_html/admin/sources/base/ipsController.php',
'line' => 291,
'function' => 'doExecute',
'class' => 'public_members_messaging_view',
mySQL query error: SELECT mm.*,mt.*,msg.*,mem.members_display_name FROM ipb_message_topic_user_map mm LEFT JOIN ipb_message_topics mt ON ( mm.map_topic_id=mt.mt_id )
LEFT JOIN ipb_message_posts msg ON ( msg.msg_id=mt.mt_last_msg_id )
LEFT JOIN ipb_members mem ON ( mt.mt_to_member_id=mem.member_id ) WHERE mm.map_user_id=13 AND mm.map_user_active=1 AND mm.map_folder_id='myconvo' ORDER BY mm.map_last_topic_reply DESC LIMIT 0,50

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