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Martin A.

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  1. Thanks
    Martin A. got a reaction from pequeno in Member Map   
    "&group=calendar" should work. Use the name that appears in the layer list in the map.
    I see what's going on. You're hitting the browser storage limit. In Chrome that is 10MB (you can test that here). It is able to save the first 10 cache files, but then the 11th and 12th would push it over the limit. The 13th only just fits. I'll have to explore some other options, or at least see if there's a way to compress the data before storing it.
    There you have it, @jair101. 5200 markers is the limit.
    @VR6Pete: Sure this isn't happening to you as well?
    I'll take a look at this again for one of the upcoming versions. Let me just fix the marker issue first.
  2. Like
    Martin A. got a reaction from jair101 in Member Map   
    Update: Found a way to compress the data. Got it down to 10% of the original size. Going to test it out a bit before releasing it.

  3. Like
    Martin A. got a reaction from Meddysong in Member Map   
    Update: Found a way to compress the data. Got it down to 10% of the original size. Going to test it out a bit before releasing it.

  4. Like
    Martin A. got a reaction from joaocb in Member Map   
    "&group=calendar" should work. Use the name that appears in the layer list in the map.
    I see what's going on. You're hitting the browser storage limit. In Chrome that is 10MB (you can test that here). It is able to save the first 10 cache files, but then the 11th and 12th would push it over the limit. The 13th only just fits. I'll have to explore some other options, or at least see if there's a way to compress the data before storing it.
    There you have it, @jair101. 5200 markers is the limit.
    @VR6Pete: Sure this isn't happening to you as well?
    I'll take a look at this again for one of the upcoming versions. Let me just fix the marker issue first.
  5. Like
    Martin A. got a reaction from jair101 in Member Map   
    I would say yes, to a certain point. The server can cope with it without a problem. At around 4000 markers is switches from rebuilding the disk cache on demand, to running them as a background queue (to prevent excessive memory usage). The clustering effect should give the end users a good experience no matter the performance of their computer.
    There's still a lot of data for the browser to process before the map is usable, but we're not talking more than a couple of seconds, a bit more if the data needs to be downloaded from the server (it caches the data in the browser).
    It's not publicly available, no. But contact me and I'm sure we can make a deal. As a general rule I try not to make custom builds or plugins, as there's too much to keep track of. 
    I would like to see this myself. Are the markers being updated often? With the amount of markers you have, the disk cache is rebuilt with a background queue, and if you're trying to access the map in the middle of that process you are going to miss some information.
    I can add this. It's sort of already there, as part of a custom request. Add "&group=<groupName1>,<groupName2>" to the URL to see how it functions. But I'll add it as a marker group setting as well.
    I've seen this request, but I don't see why this is a big risk? In the event of a database issue, losing vital content such as members, topics and posts is a bit more "priceless", isn't it? And there's no export tool for those. Do a regular database backup, and you'll be fine.
    I'm still open to the whole idea of exporting the markers, but don't treat it as a backup option. It is for instance not possible to import markers to the members group, due to it being a bit special compared to the other "custom" groups.
    The marker ownership would also be lost if you imported an export, as I can't attach the member ID to the export in case you were to import it to a different site. All markers would then end up in wrong hands, or "hands" that don't exist.
  6. Like
    Martin A. reacted to Kjell Iver Johansen in Member Map   
    It's an app.. not plugin..
  7. Thanks
    Martin A. got a reaction from AlexJ in Member Map   
    3.1.10 is released.
    Making it compatible with IPS 4.2 Adding the member's local time to the popup. This is based on their timezone setting, NOT their geographical position. Adding a "day and night" overlay, like Google Earth has. Fixing untranslatable text
  8. Like
    Martin A. got a reaction from ABGenc in Member Map   
    It works on 4.1 too. This is probably the last version for 4.1.
  9. Like
    Martin A. got a reaction from VR6Pete in Member Map   
    That's a 4.2 issue. I'm already aware of it, and it's fixed on my dev install.
  10. Thanks
    Martin A. got a reaction from ABGenc in Member Map   
    No, not the first release. That's just bug fixes and things that won't break 4.1 and 4.2 compatibility. I'm waiting with comments as that will make this a 4.2-only app.
  11. Thanks
    Martin A. got a reaction from Navigare in Member Map   
    I've just tested, and the only issue I've found so far was the profile map which was missing. That was an easy fix and it's backwards compatible with 4.1.
  12. Like
    Martin A. reacted to TylerJM in Member Map   
    I am looking for time zone information and world clock. Have you thought about showing timezone boundaries on the map and a time at the top of each time zone showing the current time in that zone? This would be very helpful for my global group.
  13. Like
    Martin A. got a reaction from Square Wheels in Member Map   
    I've just tested, and the only issue I've found so far was the profile map which was missing. That was an easy fix and it's backwards compatible with 4.1.
  14. Thanks
    Martin A. got a reaction from pequeno in Member Map   
    I've just tested, and the only issue I've found so far was the profile map which was missing. That was an easy fix and it's backwards compatible with 4.1.
  15. Like
    Martin A. got a reaction from sound in Member Map   
    I've just tested, and the only issue I've found so far was the profile map which was missing. That was an easy fix and it's backwards compatible with 4.1.
  16. Like
    Martin A. got a reaction from Kjell Iver Johansen in Member Map   
    I've just tested, and the only issue I've found so far was the profile map which was missing. That was an easy fix and it's backwards compatible with 4.1.
  17. Thanks
    Martin A. got a reaction from LiquidFractal in Member Map   
    Yes, I will update it, and hopefully get it ready before the stable release of 4.2.
  18. Thanks
    Martin A. got a reaction from Navigare in Member Map   
    Yes, I will update it, and hopefully get it ready before the stable release of 4.2.
  19. Thanks
    Martin A. got a reaction from pequeno in Member Map   
    Yes, I will update it, and hopefully get it ready before the stable release of 4.2.
  20. Like
    Martin A. got a reaction from pequeno in Member Map   
    @Navigare & @pequeno: I don't know. I haven't even installed it myself. My real work is taking up all my time at the moment.
  21. Like
    Martin A. got a reaction from pequeno in Member Map   
    That text is hardcoded in the javascript. I'll get that fixed in the next version. Thanks for letting me know. 
  22. Like
    Martin A. got a reaction from pequeno in Member Map   
    That is perfectly normal, the "perm_<appname>_perm__label" key is empty for almost all apps.
  23. Like
    Martin A. got a reaction from SRFA in Member Map   
    Member Map
    View File IPS 4.4 ONLY 
    For IPS 4.3, use version 3.5.7
    Member Map is an application that allows your users to put their (Exact or approx) location onto an interactive map. Member Map has a permission model so you can limit which groups can add to the map.

    As an administrator you have the ability to create custom groups where your community (when allowed) can place other markers in the map, for example if they would like to post the location of an upcoming meet, exhibits, shops, etc.
    For developers
    If you are a developer and you store location data in your app that you'd like to show on the map, you can now do so creating a membermap/Mapmarkers extension. Instruction on how to use it is included in the auto-generated file.
    Submitter Martin A. Submitted 03/18/2010 Category Member Extensions Compatibility 4.4  
  24. Like
    Martin A. got a reaction from pequeno in Member Map   
    Member Map
    View File IPS 4.4 ONLY 
    For IPS 4.3, use version 3.5.7
    Member Map is an application that allows your users to put their (Exact or approx) location onto an interactive map. Member Map has a permission model so you can limit which groups can add to the map.

    As an administrator you have the ability to create custom groups where your community (when allowed) can place other markers in the map, for example if they would like to post the location of an upcoming meet, exhibits, shops, etc.
    For developers
    If you are a developer and you store location data in your app that you'd like to show on the map, you can now do so creating a membermap/Mapmarkers extension. Instruction on how to use it is included in the auto-generated file.
    Submitter Martin A. Submitted 03/18/2010 Category Member Extensions Compatibility 4.4  
  25. Like
    Martin A. got a reaction from Simon Woods in Member Map   
    I have fixed this in 3.1.9. Only moderators that can actually delete content, or only Member Map markers, can delete other member's markers. And I've added a new member group setting for deleting own markers.
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