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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. Community Support is more user to user help. The link Nathan posted is to the official IPS staffed forum category.
  2. A 403 error is a server issue. You’re not going to get much official support on that unfortunately. 403 means the server (or an intermediate firewall) denied access to the resource. You might want to look into your server or firewall logs to determine why. (The file might be owned by an incorrect user, might have incorrect permissions, or there is something like mod_security or a WAF blocking it.) The IPB software itself would not return that status code. So you need to figure out what is going on with your environment that is blocking access to the requested resource.
  3. First you need some sort of merchant account such as Stripe if you want to accept credit card or Apple Pay/Google Wallet. You would setup the Commerce app to define subscriptions, payment methods, etc Take a look at the following for configuring stripe as a payment method: And look at the following for info on subscriptions:
  4. Litespeed is not officially supported by IPS so you’re not going to have much help with this officially. However it does look like htaccess is supported in the web server. You might have to adapt a few parameters. An example for Wordpress is included below and mentions a few of the different parameters for Apache vs Litespeed. https://askavy.com/litespeed-wordpress-htaccess/
  5. DNS is typically separate from the hosting itself. You can purchase/manage a domain without hosting at all. (For example just having a domain for email or to have pointers to things like FTP or SSH.)
  6. DNS resolves to a server (meaning SOMETHING.DOMAIN.COM). It cannot route to a folder. (It's a path on a server, not the server itself). As a result, you would need a subdomain.
  7. I don't see any CSS being loaded on your site. In the ACP, visit the support page... YOURDOMAIN.COM/admin/?app=core&module=support&controller=support&_new=1 Click on "Clear System Cache". After that, refresh the page a few times and see if that clears it up.
  8. Isn’t that possible through the reaction system? For example a thumbs up/thumbs down reaction? You can even associate the reactions being positive, neutral or negative.
  9. Mark… it looks like a screenshot from his FTP client trying to change the permissions of the .htaccess file. If you notice the file path is a standard Linux system path instead of a Windows one. 🙂
  10. Have you made sure HTTPS is actually installed and working? (Can you load an image via HTTPS?) If so, after editing conf_global.php you need to make sure you rebuild the system cache in the ACP so that any cached references to HTTP get updated as well.
  11. There is not any sort of officially supported 3rd party support ticket systems. You would need to work with a third party developer to integrate whatever support system you decide is best for your community.
  12. ACP - Customization - Appearance - Themes Pick your theme and click Edit. There will be a tab for logos.
  13. This is either a server configuration with your PHP or you have a security tool like mod_security or a cloud WAF or something similar causing problems.
  14. If you have a license for the software and you still have an old copy, sure. With that said, the 3.X release tree is like 8 years old. It’s not supported and there are known security issues that were mitigated in later releases. In many cases the software will not run on modern servers as the software was not developed or tested against modern web servers. Finally while most web browsers will be backwards compatible, there might be issues in the UI related to that as well. Basically you’re locking yourself into a version of software that is not keeping up with servers or your users so you run the risk of being stuck with no support including difficulty upgrading to a supported version later.
  15. In many cases, orders are automatically approved. However if there is a case where it has to be manually approved, it can take longer on the weekends as there are fewer staff working. They should see it and take care of it most likely later this evening or early next morning.
  16. Are you running the latest beta or running in IN_DEV? I don’t see those options.
  17. Is this in the beta version? I’m not seeing a data layer option in the latest stable version (
  18. If they’re asking you to update the credentials on file, they mean they’re asking for info on how to access both your FTP and your board’s ACP. You can add that information securely by storing it in your account settings. Visit the client area at: https://invisioncommunity.com/clientarea/ Click on your purchase. There will be a link to update your information. Save the info requested there so IPS staff can login to your site and see what is going on.
  19. In regards to what? In the OSI model, it’s the data link layer in helping establishing a connection between two networks. In development, it might be the set of code that is back end stuff that helps makes decisions versus the code that generates the front end UI experience.
  20. No. IPB does not have any sort of DRM controls around content. There is not any sort of watermarking for electronic files. You would need to do that outside of IPB or have it done as some sort of third party modification.
  21. You should just need to edit your conf_global.php file and then rebuild the system cache in the ACP support area. As you noted… you’ll also need to update your license, but that will not break your site in any way. It will just mean you can’t use marketplace or use the spam service while it’s pending.
  22. This seems to be a similar issue so noting it here…I noticed if multiple images are added to a content item that it causes the discovery page to go wide. It actually shows all thumbnails which obviously won’t fit on a mobile display. Nevermibd. I see this is addressed but not rolled out yet per
  23. Topic views don’t update in real time. They’re updated via the task system. Are your tasks actually running? When I saw this happen before, the board was set to run tasks as a cron but the cron job was not setup properly.
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