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Posts posted by JohnDar

  1. I have the social logos at the bottom of the board. The X logo (black circle,white X) doesn't line up with the others. It's too high.

    Could contain: Logo, Hockey, Ice Hockey, Ice Hockey Puck, Rink, Skating, Sport

    Is this just me? It's the same on the IPS Support theme.

  2. In order to make things as easy as possible for you to test, I just created a dummy account in the 'members' group. Having done that and logged in as that member from the sign in page, I have discovered that the odd error message has been replaced with a much more acceptable, "The page you are trying to access is not available for your account".

    It looks like the "Before a ticket can be added, you must create at least one department in the AdminCP" message only appears when an admin logs in 'as' a member from the ACP.

    I (wrongly) assumed that when logging in as a different member via the ACP, that all Board behaviour would mirror that experienced by that member. In this instance, it isn't the case.

    We live and learn. 🙂

  3. I have one department in my Support configuration and that is for just sales. That's all I need.

    Prior to the recent update, it wasn't possible for members who had not purchased a product to contact me via the Support system.

    Now, the Support button seems to be available to everyone and I'm finding that members are using it to send in a broad range of queries (most of which are just questions best asked in the Forums) to attain personal, one-to-one help. Having 'Sales' as the name of the support department doesn't deter them. They just start by saying, "Sorry if this is the wrong place, but..."

    If I set the Sales support config to force visibility for purchased product support only, that excludes all other members, but the 'New Request' button is still visible and can still be pressed. When someone (without a purchase) presses the 'New Request' button, it produces an error message intended for the admins, "Before a ticket can be added, you must create at least one department in the AdminCP." That's not really something that should be shown to members.

    Is there a way to restrict access to the support system to just members who have active purchases? Failing that, can the error message be changed to something that members will understand, such as "There are no support departments currently available to you".

  4. I have a Gallery album which is open to all members, to view and comment (on both the album and the images). I recently posted a reply to a comment on the album. My reply contains a small PDF document, which I assumed everyone would be able to access and download in the same way that they would if it were attached to a post in a topic.

    However, when anyone (but me) tries to download the PDF attachment, they are presented with the following error:


    This attachment is not available. It may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it to this location.

    I have looked through the ACP but I can't find any permissions settings that relate to this. Am I missing something?

  5. On 8/24/2022 at 11:58 PM, Phillyman said:

    Should be donate or buy, what if you have a cheap $5 product, and they just hammer that all day long

    You could probably prevent this for purchases using Payments > Settings > Anti Fraud Rules.

    Maybe set the value for the lower priced items and then a rule that rejects after one blocked payment. Another option would be to block payments from Guests altogether.

  6. My issue is a little more sinister. The site was being used for 'card testing' by fraudsters. They were firing thousands of £1 payments from different credit card numbers through the Stripe integration (about 10 per second) using the Donation Goals system.

    This killed the site completely and I had to mitigate via the host's CP, blocking the offending IPs being used by the bots.

    They were doing this in order to discover which of the cards weren't blocked. Of the 48,000 odd transactions, only 31 were accepted but I still have 48,000 blocked transactions in my log.

    I have been advised by Stripe to refund the 31 good transactions to prevent any disputes, but that means I'm still out-of-pocket for the fees. Thank goodness most of them didn't get through.

    IMHO we desperately need something adding in as friction to prevent this. Either captcha or the means to exclude Guests from accessing the Donation Goals block and subsequent form fields.

    Even the ability to exclude Cards as a payment option for Donation Goals and any other public facing products/services would be a step forward.

  7. After being trouble free since the last updates, I just had a really odd error, out of the blue, that killed the Community Map. It seems to be related to the Calendar. I disabled the Calendar app and the Map started working again. Having re-enabled the Calendar everything seems OK. I'm running the latest versions of both the IPS software and the Community Map.

    Here's one of the many system log errors generated by the Map failure...


    Error: Call to undefined method DateTime::getDateInformation() (0)
    #0 /home2/projectd/public_html/applications/calendar/sources/Event/Event.php(363): IPS\calendar\_Event::_findOccurances(Object(IPS\calendar\Date), Object(IPS\calendar\Date), Object(IPS\communitymap\CalendarDateTime), Object(IPS\calendar\Date), Array)
    #1 /home2/projectd/public_html/applications/communitymap/extensions/communitymap/Mapmarkers/Calendar.php(224): IPS\calendar\_Event->findOccurrences(Object(IPS\communitymap\CalendarDateTime), Object(IPS\communitymap\CalendarDateTime))
    #2 /home2/projectd/public_html/applications/communitymap/sources/Map/Map.php(509): IPS\communitymap\extensions\communitymap\Mapmarkers\_Calendar->getLocations()
    #3 /home2/projectd/public_html/applications/communitymap/sources/Map/Map.php(354): IPS\communitymap\_Map->recacheJsonFile()
    #4 /home2/projectd/public_html/applications/communitymap/modules/front/communitymap/showmap.php(50): IPS\communitymap\_Map->checkForCache()
    #5 /home2/projectd/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(118): IPS\communitymap\modules\front\communitymap\_showmap->manage()
    #6 /home2/projectd/public_html/applications/communitymap/modules/front/communitymap/showmap.php(36): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #7 /home2/projectd/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\communitymap\modules\front\communitymap\_showmap->execute()
    #8 /home2/projectd/public_html/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #9 {main}



  8. My Forum is quite image heavy, with members posting photos of their prop building progress. Given that most images only need to be viewed by others at a small scale, I use thumbnails within posts. If anyone needs more detail, they can expand the thumbnail into lightbox, but generally, having thumbnails keeps everything tidy, preventing image heavy posts from taking up acres of space.

    However, there has been one thorn in my side for at least the last six years... the fact that if photos are attached but not manually placed (by the poster), they are positioned by default in a vertical column, which takes up space and looks really untidy...

    Could contain: Word, Page, Text, File

    I then have to edit the post and remove all the returns to get the thumbnails to display in a (more pleasing and) compact row...

    Could contain: Beverage, Drink, Text, Alcohol

    As you can see, rows take up much less space and are far easier on the eye.

    Would it be possible, at some point, to add in an option to choose how thumbnails run, within a post? This would save me hours of editing.

  9. I have just applied the latest update. It flagged two CSS files that were incompatible. Both were reverted before updating. However, once the update was applied, photo attachment thumbnails were missing. This indicated that there were other CSS files which needed attention and a check with the default theme confirmed this,(I couldn't see anything amiss in the templates).

    However, there was no way of determining where the issues might be. The only CSS file available for me to edit was custom.css. No others were showing up as modified. I had absolutely no way of checking for other modified CSS, with a view to reverting them.

    My only way out of this was to copy the default theme and then laboriously go through every tab, modifying the colours to match my customised theme. I then had to edit the resources and add in all my custom mods. I then had to add in the custom CSS from the broken theme.

    This worked and I'm back up and running, but it's two hours of my life that I won't get back. Previously this type of fix would have taken me about two minutes.

    Needless to say, I'm deeply unhappy with the removal of the edit feature and concerned about how some edits don't seem to have been picked up, leaving me with no way out other than a ground-up rebuild.

  10. For my part, I would be happy if all CSS were readable, as before, for reference even if not editable. The latest patch shows modified CSS and allows reverts of existing changes but unchanged CSS are still hidden and therefore, you can't use search.

    It was so useful being able to search for something (even something as simple as a colour) and then quickly locate the code, copy it and then paste a modded version into custom CSS.

  11. I have applied the patch and can now see the (allegedly) customised CSS. However, there is still no way to compare it with the standard version to see what might have changed. There is also no way to revert it.

    I could go in and hack about in Designer mode, but if everyone is faced with doing that, this change might be counter productive in terms of support volumes?

    I think my suggestion in the reply above might be the best solution for both yourselves and customers?

  12. Not recently, but I have now no way of comparing the two versions to see what's going on and no way of reverting if something is amiss. That's a bit of a setback and more of a 'downdate' than an update.

    I have always used the access to the standard CSS files to determine what code to modify (along with the syntax etc), before adding it to my custom CSS. I can't do that now, which is going to make any future additions to the custom CSS far more difficult for me to accomplish.


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