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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by DawPi

  1. It's not polite. But OK...
  2. You may add anything you want, really. One example you have on the screenshots. :)
  3. You could translate it easily in ACP. Just open lang tool management page in acp and change that to anything you want to. Should I do that for you?
  4. I ask once again. 😉 P.s. new version for 4.5. released. Waiting on approve.
  5. Added in new version. It's uploaded and waiting on approval. As said before, use my other mod instead. I doubt it will help. Rather overload support panel. I may do that as custom work for you, pm me for details.
  6. Done. New version released. Waiting on approve. See new, fresh screenshots:
  7. I'll concider your ideas in coming week. 🙂 Nope. You need to use my other mod.
  8. It's really interesting idea. I'll concider it. 🙂
  9. Absolutelly. Will be done. :)
  10. And then replace it by that exactly?
  11. DawPi


    So translate them, spend on it many (really!) hours and release them for free then. 🙂
  12. Thank you for that info. 🙂 What I can do? I could only advice you to use one of them - my mod or build in acronyms system.
  13. Not sure. I didn't bought that app.
  14. You mean something like this?
  15. You mean this in all methods? /** * Remove Converted Data * * @return void */ protected function emptyData() { \IPS\Session::i()->csrfCheck();
  16. It should be enough? /** * Run conversion */ class _convert extends \IPS\Dispatcher\Controller { /** * @brief Has been CSRF-protected */ public static $csrfProtected = TRUE;
  17. It's done. Pending for approval.
  18. Hello, of course if it doesn't work - it will be! As any other of mine mods. I'll check this today.
  19. For YOUR project. Not everyone. What's wrong with urls with ids?
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