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Do you know about this virus?

Go to solution Solved by Kirill Gromov,

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Interesting. A client reported the same trojan being present in one of my files, but none of my online scanners could find it.

Did Edge report the trojan or another scanner?

It seems that all kinds of tar files are false positive reported, see also


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7 hours ago, Daniel F said:

It seems that all kinds of tar files are false positive reported

In my case, only that file was labeled as contains a virus, all others tar files, from the same dev and from anothers ips 3party sites without that problem. 

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I can not update automatically or download the update file because of this Trojan inside.

I should do an update because of security reasons and then my defender is telling me in your update is a Trojan which I should ignore?

No way!


Please team check your update files for this incident. This is your job.


18 hours ago, Kirill Gromov said:

There is clearly some kind of error in the built-in antivirus.

Why clearly? Because it's on an update server?

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10 hours ago, Murmel said:

I can not update automatically or download the update file because of this Trojan inside.

I should do an update because of security reasons and then my defender is telling me in your update is a Trojan which I should ignore?

No way!


Please team check your update files for this incident. This is your job.


Why clearly? Because it's on an update server?

I feel you are misunderstanding here. There is no trojan within the package. Windows defender is falsely identifying it as something it isnt. We have no control in any way over windows defender. Its also not just coming up with our software, but a  number of other downloadable items, and some 3rd party authors have been seeing the same.

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