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Hardcoded Events string

Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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There also seems to be a problem with the short-form months, which are not translated.

Could contain: Text, Business Card, Paper, Number, Symbol

The code looks like this:

<span class='cEvents__monthNav__month'>{$monthObj->format( 'M' )}</span>

A working code from the Upcoming Events widget looks like this:

<time datetime='{$event->nextOccurrence( $today, 'startDate' )->mysqlDatetime()}' class='ipsCalendarDate'>
<span class='ipsCalendarDate_month' data-controller="core.global.core.datetime" data-time="{$event->nextOccurrence( $today, 'startDate' )->format('c')}" data-format="%b">{$event->nextOccurrence( $today, 'startDate' )->monthNameShort}</span>


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