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Random post approval?

Go to solution Solved by Adriano Faria,

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Hi all,

Have a problem that appears to be random.

Members posts are requiring approval. I have inquired with each person as to their account status, what device or browser they are using. If the content is restricted. I can not find any correlation to lead me to the source of the problem.

I have read on the forum there is a new update for a post approval "reason" to be viewable. So we can understand why it is flagged.


My question is. Can I just unilaterally across all settings options TURN OFF any post needing approval. Really just need this to go away. It's becoming a big chore and is killing my membership growth. Members are frustrated.

Thanks so much.




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19 hours ago, Robert Angle said:

 AdminCP -> System -> Posting -> Links & Email Addresses

I think that may be it!

Found the setting. Took a screen shot of an example post that required approval and a shot of the area of the menu.

"If link is posted"

I changed the option to allow.

This issue has plagued me for a long while. Thank you very much.

Could contain: Mobile Phone, Electronics, Phone, Cell Phone, Text

Could contain: Text, Menu

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