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Problem with logg to marketplace (CF whitelist)

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Hi, i was added needed link to whitelist but doesnt work it. I off cloudflare and still is a problem with log in to marketplace. 
Please can someone help me with that? 🙂

If u are polish will be lovely! 


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Edited by SAMAEL
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Your web host is blocking the request to the URL mentioned in your screenshot.

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14 minutes ago, SAMAEL said:

Can you provide exact url you see this response for?

For URL: https://m4a1.pl/index.php?app=core&module=system&controller=marketplace it returns NO_MEMBER, not 403 forbidden

Yes, that is the URL. It's a POST request and contains other data. Your server is blocking the request we are sending and responding with a 403 instead. Your web host should be able to help you with determining why the request is being blocked.

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Okey, thanks for help. 
I have got answer from my web hosting - my problem was: Please try again. Traffic from recent DDoS attacks has been actively filtered.

Topic is to close, THX! ❤️ 

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